Import from Watercom Drains

Menu: CSD Pipes > Data Exchange > Import from Watercom Drains
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Data Exchange Panel > Import from Watercom Drains


This command is used to Import information back to CSD Pipes after calculations have been performed in Watercom Drains© for the purposes of creating long sections, cross sections and reports via CSD Pipes.

For the import process to be successful it is required that the user has:

The import must occur on the same project form which the CSD Pipes data was exported.

Pre-Requisites - Data


Upon selecting this command, the designer must select the drainage network for import/update from Watercom Drains©.  This can be achieved by either selecting the network in the drawing or from a list.  Click here for more details on selecting a network.

Following selection of a Drainage network the following form is displayed:

OK Continue with the transfer back to CSD Pipes
X Click on the X top right to abandon the export

Upon clicking OK the following form will display:

Select Frequency to import Pick list selection of the storm frequency analysed in WaterCom Drains© to export into CSD Pipes
OK Transfer the network for the selected Frequency into CSD Pipes
Cancel Do not complete the transfer

Upon clicking OK the pipes and pits will be updated to reflect the design adjustments made in WaterCom Drains©.

Note:  The Edit WaterCom Drains Pit Conversion Table and Edit WaterCom Drains Pipe Conversion Table must be configured to map the pipes/pits assigned in WaterCom Drains© to available pipes/pits in CSD Pipes for successful updating of the pipes/pits in CSD Pipes.