Import from Watercom DRAINS

Menu: Pipes > Data Exchange > Import from Watercom Drains
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Data Exchange Panel > Import from Watercom DRAINS


This command is used to Import information back to CSD Pipes after calculations have been performed in Watercom Drains© for the purposes of creating long sections, cross sections and reports via CSD Pipes.

For the import process to be successful it is required that the user has:

The import must occur on the same project form which the CSD Pipes data was exported.

Special Note: Additional Structures and Pipes created in DRAINS can be included as structures and pipes in Civil Site Design (they are not included automatically in the network - use Create/Update Network to incorporate them into the current network)

Exchange Process with Watercom Drains

Highlighted in Red is the process described in this command.

New Structures and Pipes Created in DRAINS

Pipes and structures created in DRAINS can be added to Civil Site Design.  This REQUIRES the user to have FIRST exported a pipe network from Civil Site Design to DRAINS using the Export to Watercom DRAINS command.

The x,y coordinates from DRAINS will be used to create the structures.  All elevations for the structures and pipes will be adopted from the defined Surface/s in Civil Site Design (the surface data inputted in DRAINS will be lost, possibly with exception of the hydraulic design level). 

Users will only be prompted to include structures.  Pipes that connect to structures at both ends will also be included automatically.

Overflow routes will not be transferred - users will need to assign a Structure Bypass (which can be used to recreate an Overflow Route for DRAINS). 

Note: Structures that do not have pipes connecting to them may not import correctly (and may cause errors).  It is strongly recommended that any pipes and structures from DRAINS are connected (each structure services at least 1 pipe, and each pipe is connected to a structure at both ends). 

Exchange Settings

The settings as established during the export process (Export to Watercom DRAINS command) are used to establish the mapping of structures from DRAINS to Civil Site Design.

Users can start the Export to Watercom DRAINS process, edit the structure and pipe exchange controls (saving for each) and then Cancel the export.  Alternately, if required users can edit the pipe and structure exchange settings via text files using the Edit Conversion Tables command.

Export Items that are a 'Silent' Exchange

The following parameters are not created by Civil Site Design in the export to DRAINS, however if the parameters are found in the DRAINS transfer (.xml) file then they will be carried across into the export file:


Upon selecting this command, the designer must select the drainage network for import/update from Watercom Drains©.  This can be achieved by either selecting the network in the drawing or from a list.  Click here for more details on selecting a network.

Following selection of a Drainage network the following form is displayed:

Select CSD Storm Frequency to apply DRAINS results to Use the pick list to set a storm frequency to apply DRAINS results to.  At the time of plotting and reports, the DRAINS results can be used for this storm frequency
OK Import the DRAINS data.  Pipe and structure data will be adjusted to match DRAINS.
Warning messages may display if there were issues with any matching of pipes or structures, or if new pipes or structures were added.
If new Structures are detected during import (created in DRAINS and not in Civil Site Design), the software will display the following form for user selection:


 List View

Displays all new Structures (not part of the network at the time of export to DRAINS) and allows inclusion (or ignoring) of each
  Drains Name Name of the structure assigned in DRAINS
  X Easting (x) coordinate as created in DRAINS
  Y Northing (y) coordinate as created in DRAINS
  Matching Use the pick list to decide whether to include the new structure:
- New: This will ADD the structure into Civil Site Design as a new structure.  Users will need to then include the structure/s into desired network/s and set structure names
- Ignore: This will not include the new DRAINS structure in Civil Site Design
   Pick Allows for selection of the structure
Auto Zoom Tick on to zoom to the location of new structures based on the x,y coordinate from Drains
Window Size Set a zoom window size
Pan Allows the user to zoom and pan in the drawing (form will temporarily close).  Left or right mouse click or keyboard button press will stop this activity and return to the form
OK Add the new Structures (and connected pipes) as per the settings
Cancel Do not add any new structures or pipes from DRAINS.