Viewer Settings

Ribbon: Model Viewer > Home Tab > Settings Panel > Viewer Settings


Settings for Model Viewer can be managed by the user via the Viewer Settings command. These settings include customisation of the Model Viewer interface and assignment of default styles for when Model Viewer is first used on a project.


Information on navigation in the Model Viewer 3D environment is available when reviewing the Model Viewer command help.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

Display Tab



Users can customise the Model Viewer background by defining colours or an image from file.

  Default  Sets the Model Viewer background to utilise the default style
  Specify Colour  Allows the user to specify a top colour and a bottom colour to create a gradient for the background
  Image  Users can specify an image loaded from file for the background.


Allows user to toggle on/off some of the display tools in Model Viewer

  Show Toolbar  Users can toggle on/off the Model Viewer toolbar. This toolbar includes commands to zoom and pan around the model.
  Show View Cube  Users can toggle on/off the Model Viewer view cube. The view cube is a handy tool allowing the user to quickly navigate to different views in the model
  Show Coordinate Icon  Users can toggle on/off the Model Viewer coordinate icon. The coordinate icon is shown at the bottom-right corner of Model Viewer and displays the x,y, and z axis.



  OpenGL Use OpenGL graphics renderer to display
  Direct 3D Use Direct3D (Microsoft) graphics renderer to display


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Defaults Tab


Surface Styles

When a Model Viewer is first used on a project, the Toggle Display form will show. The default styles set in this form can be specified by the user here.

  Default Primary Allows the user to specify the default style for the Primary Surface. All available design styles are listed here.
  Default Base Allows the user to specify the default style for the Base Surface. All material groups are listed here.


Allows user to customise the default display options for when Model Viewer is first displayed.

  Visual Style Users can specify the default visual style.
  Exaggeration Users can specify the default exaggeration value.
  Auto Update Users can toggle on/off the auto update option.

Road Name Labels

Specify whether labels showing the road names will appear in Model Viewer on first load

 Style Specify the default label style for road name labels.

Design Data Labels

Specify whether labels showing the design data for main road will appear in Model Viewer on first load

 Style Specify the default label style for design data labels.


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Drive Defaults Tab




  Speed Sets the default speed value when the Drive command is used
  Eye Height Sets the default eye height value when the Drive command is used
  Eye Offset Sets the default eye offset value when the Drive command is used
  Target Height Sets the default target height value when the Drive command is used
  Target Offset Sets the default target offset value when the Drive command is used
  Target Distance Sets the default target distance value when the Drive command is used
  Reverse Direction Sets whether the Drive command will default to driving from the reverse end of the alignment
  Show Target Sets whether a yellow sphere is displayed at the target height and target offset when the Drive command is used


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Tooltips Tab


Show Tooltips

Toggle on/off the display of tooltips in Model Viewer. All very large projects with plenty of road objects, users can increase performance of the tooltip by toggling off some of the items listed below.

  Primary Surface Elevation Toggle on/off the display of the primary surface elevation set in the toggle display command.
  Base Surface Elevation Toggle on/off the display of the base surface elevation set in the toggle display command.
  Additional Surfaces Elevation Toggle on/off the display of elevations for additional surfaces set in the toggle display command.
  Chainage and Offset Toggles on/off the display of chainage & offset information for the nearest road object.
  Design Crossfall  Toggles on/off the display of code crossfall information for the nearest road object.
  Hover Time  Sets the hover time of the mouse before the tooltip is displayed.


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API Keys Tab


Use Google Elevation API Key

The satellite from surface command uses the Google Elevations API to attain elevation data. By default, there is a limit of 10,000 points per surface when using this command. However, by specifying your own Google Elevations API key, you can turn off this point limit. A Google Elevations API key can be attained here.

  Key Specify your Google Elevations API Key to turn off the point limit of 10,000 points per surface.

Google Maps Key

If you have a Google Maps Key, then you can specify it for when accessing aerial imagery in Model Viewer. This is required for users who exceed for than 25,000 map loads per 24 hours.

  Key Specify your Google Maps API Key.

NearMap Credentials

When importing aerial imagery into Model Viewer, users have the option to reference NearMap data if they have a valid account. In order to reference NearMap data, it will be required to specify your username and password information.

  Username Specify your NearMap account username.
  Password  Specify your NearMap account password.


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