Copy Objects

Ribbon: Model Viewer > Objects Tab > Edit Panel > Copy


Objects imported into Model Viewer, such as cars or trees can be copied to create new objects. The Copy command allows users to create a duplicate of selected objects.

Ribbon Tab and Navigation

This command forms part of the following tab:

Information on navigation in the Model Viewer 3D environment is available when reviewing the Model Viewer command help.


When an object is first imported into Model Viewer, it becomes known by the software as a 'parent' object. When an object is copied, it is created as a reference of the parent object and set as type 'copy' by the software. This means that if the parent object is deleted, all copies of this object will also be removed from Model Viewer. Copied objects were setup this way to ensure that performance of the model is not greatly affected when multiple objects from the same source exist in Model Viewer.

There are two methods to copy an object, which are outlined below:

1. Via the Labels tab, the user runs the Select command to select an object graphically in Model Viewer. The Copy command can then be selected via the Labels Tab to create a duplicate of the object.
2. Via the Labels tab, the user runs the Select command to select an object graphically in Model Viewer. The user can then hold 'CTRL+C' on the keyboard to create a duplicate of the object.