Sewer House Connections Report

Menu: CSD Pipes > Reports > Sewer House Connections
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Reports Panel > Sewer House Connections Reports


This command is used to create a report listing the house connections associated with sewer pipes across all sewer networks.

This is a single report listing


Upon selecting the command the report a file called "HouseConnections.txt" is created and will open in Notepad.

If it does not appear, it can be viewed by selecting it from the Windows taskbar.

A sample report follows:


The report contains a list of the house connection details, as well as the pipes included in each sewer network.

House Connections for Sewer Network... This lists the house connection details for the named sewer network.
  House Network Name of house connection.
  House Settings This is the settings file applied for the controls governing the house connection levels (house connection design settings are controlled from the Active Network Settings.  Users are able to edit the house connection levels via the Vertical Grading Editor.
  House Lot No As defined for the house connection.
  House Area As defined for the house connection.
  Distance to DS Distance from house connection point to the next downstream pipe.
  Invert Level Invert level of the house connection at the connection with the sewer network pipe.
  (DS Pit Chainage) Chainage (equivalent to length in this case) of the House Connection at the point of connection with the Sewer pipe.
  (Connection Chainage) Chainage of the Sewer Pipe Network at the house connection intersection point.
  Sewer Invert at Chainage Sewer invert level at the sewer house connection point.
  Depth to Sewer Invt Depth (in metres) of the Sewer at the connection point.
  Depth to House Invt Depth (in metres) of the House Connection at the connection point.
  Drop to Sewer Drop (in metres) from the House Connection Invert to the Sewer Invert.
  Total Drop Total Drop (in metres) for the House Connection line.
Pipe Network Details Lists the sewer pipes for each sewer network.  Users can reconcile the Chainage values to confirm which pipe each house connection intersects with:
  Pipe Network Lists the pipe number and network.
  DS Chain Lists the downstream chainage of the pipe.
  US Chain Lists the upstream chainage of the pipe.
  DS Invt Lists the downstream invert of the pipe.
  US Invt Lists the upstream invert of the pipe.
  Diameter Lists the pipe class and diameter.