Highlight Network

Menu: CSD Pipes > Highlight Network
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Network Panel > Highlight Network


This command is used to locate a defined pipe network in the model.  The selected network will be highlighted and the model space zoomed and/or panned to show the entire pipe network.

The highlight will be draw as yellow polylines on the layer CSD_Show_Network using the Pipe Highlight Width as defined in the Active Network Settings

Note:  The layer name and colour are set by the software and can not be changed.


Upon selecting this command, the designer must select a network to highlight.  This can be achieved by either selecting the network in the drawing or from a list.  Click here for more details on selecting a network. 

After selecting a network the following form is displayed:


Yes Any objects on layer CSD_Show_Network will be deleted.
No The highlight objects will be added to layer CSD_Show_Network.

Note:  The highlight objects can be removed from the drawing using the Delete Layer (LayDel) command available in AutoCAD products.