Section Manager

Menu:   Roads > Labels > Section Manager
General > Labels > Section Manager
Ribbon:   Roads Tab > Plan Production Panel > Labels Dropdown > Section Manager
General Tab > Labels Panel > Settings Dropdown > Section Manager


The Section Manager provides tools to establish a named list of sections (chainages/stations) to include in outputs.  The 'named' section list can be referred to by the designer at the time of generating outputs, such as for the Cross Section Plots, Multi String, Profile Views and Section Views commands.

Each 'named' list is defined by the user - it can be set up with general default controls over horizontal and vertical geometry, or it can be specifically related to sections sampled for a particular string. 

The Section Manager provides additional functionality over the Selected Sections command because the user can establish any number of 'user defined' lists of sections to ouptut - the user can then refer to one of the named user lists to manage the chainages/stations to be used for plotting.

Note: Lists are copied to each string - when a List is edited, it is edited specifically for that String.  Named lists are uniquely assigned to a String.  Changing the inputs to a Named list for one road/string will NOT be transferred to another road/string.  New lists created are applied to the selected string ONLY.

Use the Global Section Manager command to create section lists that will be available on new projects.


Upon selecting the command the user is required to pick an alignment. Once selected, the following form is displayed.  Edits to named section lists are applied to that string only:


Section List pick list  Select a created named list from the dropdown.  This can then be applied to the selected string.

   Add New

Select to add a new Section List. On selection, a form is displayed to name the list.  Type in a name, then OK to create or Cancel to exit.


Saves the selected Section list.  This is required when picking different section lists when the form is open.  The Section List is saved upon pressing OK. 

Group Selection

Select a group of items in the list using [ctrl]+[select] or [shift]+[select] and use these buttons to toggle the selected sampling on or off for inclusion.

List of Sections

This lists all the Chainage/Sections applied to the String, the source of the section, and a tick box to include or exclude the section.

  Chainage (Station)

List of chainages/stations that have been sampled


Lists the data source for the section.  Multiple sources are shown with a | between sources.
  Selected Any section can be ticked on/off for inclusion in the list.  This acts as a user controllable filter of the sections to be used in outputs.

Section Control Tabs

Tabbed selection list to manage the sections being applied.
Set the range to include and standard spacings for horizontal tangents, arcs and spirals
Extents: Start Leave at zero for the geometry start of the string 
to end Leave at zero for the end of the string
Tangent Spacing Type in a value for spacings along horizontal tangents
Arc Spacing Type in a value for spacings through arcs
Use Table Option to use a table to control the arc spacings.  If ticked on, Arc Spacing field is disabled, and the start and end of each curve will be included in the sections included.
Arc Table Multiple control options for spacings through arcs
  Length < Set a length of curve for the particular spacing to apply
   Use Pick list:
Equal Segments - type in a number of equal length segments to split the curve and create sections
Distance - type a distance between sections through arcs
   Distance/# Equal Segments Type in a value
 Spiral Spacing Value through spirals
  String > Horizontal 
Start Start of alignment  
End end of alignment  
Tangent-Curve Intersect of arcs and tangents  
Tangent-Spiral Tangent to spiral  
Spiral-Curve  Spiral to curve  
Curve-Spiral Curve to spiral  
Spiral-Tangent Spiral to tangent  
Intersection Point (no arc) Horizontal intersection point, where no curve is included  
Curve-Curve Compound curve  
Secant Secant  
 String > Vertical
Start of Vertical Curve Start of vertical curve
Vertical IP Point of vertical intersection
End of Vertical Curve End of vertical curve 
Vertical Curve Spacings Set up how spacings are calculated through vertical curves
  Intermediate Spacings Regular interval spacings to apply along the length of the string.  Type zero to omit.  Will be inactive if VC Spacing Table ticked on
  Use VC Spacing Table Tick on to use a table to manage spacings through vertical curves.  If ticked on, a list will display to enable control through the vertical curve
  Vertical Curve Table Control spacings through vertical curves.
    Length < Set a length of vertical curve for the particular spacing to apply
     Use Pick list:
Equal Segments - type in a number of equal length segments to split the curve and create sections
Distance - type a distance between sections through arcs
     Distance/# Equal Segments Type in a value
Delete Horizontal Geometry points inside VC If horizontal geometry points are inside a vertical curve, omit them. 
Add superelevation points:
Forwards Approaching the curve - measured in the direction of the alignment  
  Start Super Superelevation about to start   
  Outside Flat One side has zero crossfall   
  Equal Both sides are at the same crossfall  
  Full development Superelevation fully developed.
Reverse Departing the curve - measured in the direction of the alignment  
   Full development Superelevation full developed.
 Outside Flat One side has zero crossfall 
 End Super Superelevation end
 Equal Both sides are at the same crossfall
   String > Section Sampling
String Sampling - Use Points Adds sampling from points, added via the Create/Edit Roads form.  
String Sampling- Use Layers Adds sampling from Layers, added via the Create/Edit Roads form.  
String Sampling - Use Other Strings Adds sampling from other string section sampling, added via the Create/Edit Roads form.  
   String > Design
Intersection Chainages (Stations) Adds sampling for Road Intersections  
Kerb (Curb) Start/End Locations Adds sampling where the kerb (curb) start/end points intersect perpendicular to the Road  
Knuckle Start/End Locations Adds sampling where the knuckle start/end points intersect perpendicular to the Road  
Cul-de-sac Start/End Locations Adds sampling where the cul-de-sac start/end points intersect perpendicular to the Road  
Added via Design Data Form Adds sampling from chainages (stations) inserted using the Design Data form.  
  Extras User input of exact chaianges/stations to add.
Start Chainage/Station type in a start chainage  
End Chainage/Station Type in an end chainage, for sampling over a range  
Spacing Type in a spacing to apply between the start and end.   
  Mesh Applies extra sampling for formation of a terrain model:
Start Chainage/Station Start range   
End Chainage/Station End range  
Spacing Interval for sampling  
  Model Applies extra sampling for formation of a terrain model:
Apply arch to chord factor Increase sampling through horizontal curves.  Value extracted from the Active Drawing Settings  
Apply minimum tangent spacing Increase sampling along tangents.  Value extracted from the Active Drawing Settings
Update List Refresh the list of sampling based on any changes made
OK Save and exit
Cancel Exit without applying changes