String Code Labels
Menu: Via Label Plan Ribbon: Via Label Plan
The String Code Labels command provides functionality to add plan labels to multiple strings at once, assuming labels are required along particular codes of the string/s and at particular chainage/s.
Below is an example output:
String Code Labels Plot Outputs - Controls
When using Multi Plot, users need to establish the codes to include in the labelling (the Code Group ) and where along the String/s to apply the labels (the Station/Chainage Group). A default Label Style is required, in case it is not assigned as part of the Code Group. Visual sketch of the controls is below:
These are created via the Label Plan command. If new, users will need to firstly name the group. The followng form displays:
After clicking OK the following form is displayed:
Plot (Label Set) Name
Name of the currently selected label set (not editable).
Labels Tab
Default Settings
These default Label Styles apply to the Strings that are set to be labelled, except where specific overrides have been applied to the individual string/s. Code Group (Codes to Plot)
Pick list of Code Groups to apply by default
Edit Code Group
This opens the String Code Label Settings command for establishing which Codes to label and, optionally, the Label Style to apply.
Label Style
Pick list of Label Styles to apply by default, if not specified in the Code Group.
Edit Label Style
This opens the Label Styles command for establishing the Label Style to apply, if not specified per string or as part of the Code Group.
Edit Chainage (Station) Group
This opens the Section Manager command for establishing lists of chainages/stations. The highlighted string, or otherwise first string, in the list will be used for editing the section list.
This list is usefulString Plot Settings
Displays a list of all Strings. Users can tick on to label select strings, as well as set the Code Group, Section List and Label Style to apply
Select Tick on to include that String in the labelling output Design String List of Strings Type Type of String Code Group Pick a Code Group to apply, if not applying the Default Settings Chainage/Station Group Pick a named Chainage/Station list to apply. The Standard list will be applied if nothing is selected before clicking Add Labels Label Style Pick a Label Style to apply, if not applying the Default Settings Label Style On/Off Selection by Object Type
Provides on/off toggle of the Select column, based on the type of String Pick List Pick list of the String type ![]()
Turn on strings of type as set in the pick list ![]()
Turn off strings of type as set in the pick list Sorts the String Plot Settings list using the column of the cell selected in the list. Select to reset all grip edited labels to default positions, as well as restoring any labels deleted from the label group.
Click to add all Labels in the drawing as per the String Plot Settings
Zoom String
Zooms to the selected string in the list.
Scaling Tab
This tab manages the scaling of the labels within the drawing
Scale Option
Pick the following options Always use drawing scale The label sizes are defined by the user annotation scale set in the drawing (CANNOSCALE) Keep first drawing scale The drawing scale at the time of the Labels creation will be permanently stored & used regardless of future drawing scale changes. User scale User can define the drawing scale of the labels using the box below Scale (1:x)
Select a list scale from the list or type a custom scale Close Close the form Cancel Cancel actions on the form and close. Pan
Pan in the drawing. Press any key or left click the mouse button to return to the form.