Select Sections to Plot
Menu: Roads > Settings > Select Sections to Plot
Ribbon: Roads Tab > Plan Production Panel > Selected Sections
During the design process, it is likely that more cross sections will need to be sampled than are required to plot or set out.
Use the Select Sections command to decide which sampled cross sections to use for:
- Setout
- Plotting
- Cross sections
- Long sections
- Surface modelling
- Volumes
This command is also available at the time of initiating a
Long Section plot or
Cross Section plot or
Setout of the data in the drawings
This command enables the designer to control which sections of the Road (or Road Object) design is included in the different Outputs.
After starting the command, select an alignment from the drawing or press [Enter] to select from a list.
After selecting an alignment, the following form is displayed:
Top Form This reports the Chainage and Type of section. Users toggle ON to include it in Left Setout, Right Setout, Cross Sections, Long Sections, Model or Volumes. Chainage Indicates the location of the sampled chainage. Section Type Lists the source of the chainage (where they come from):
- Standard: These are derived from the
Create/Edit Roads and
Resample Road Cross Sections commands and list the standard section spacings along Tangents, Curves and Spirals as well as the horizontal geometry points.
- Extra Sampling : These are derived from the
Create/Edit Roads and
Resample Road Cross Sections commands and are a result of inputs in the Add Extra Sampling command button (allowing user added sections and section spacing changes over a selected chainage range).
- From Drawing: These are derived from the
Create/Edit Roads and
Resample Road Cross Sections commands and are a result of inputs in the Use Layer command button (allowing creation of sample sections based on lines/arcs found in the drawing).
- Super: These are a result of the
Compute and Apply Superelevation command - this command adds extra sampled sections to account for the superelevation points.
- Kerbs: These are a result of creating Kerb Returns at the intersection - the software records and adds extra sections for the start/end of kerb returns on the Road alignment.
- Before/After TP: These are a result of creating Kerb Returns at the intersection - the software automatically adds extra sampling on the Road to improve the grade information into and out of the kerb returns.
- Data: These are derived from data added via the
Design Data Form - users are able to add data where they want in the Design Data Form to control aspects of the cross section, and can have the start/end chainages of this data added to the list of sampled sections.
Left Setout Part of the Setout command
Right Setout Part of the Setout command
Cross Sections Part of the Plot Cross Sections command
Long Sections Part of the Plot Long Sections command
Model Part of the Surface Modelling routines ( Auto Model or
Auto Datum Model)
Volumes Part of the Volume Report tools
Note: Clicking on a row will highlight it in the Drawing (a green line will display at the selected Chainage). Group Selection Tools This command button enables group selection and control of the Outputs based on Section Type. Click on the command button to open the form:
Select Sampled Sections for Output Create a list of Types of sections and Output controls for turning on/off in the list. Sample Section Type Tick on from the list of Types the required types of sections. Apply Selection to Tick on the different Output controls. Select All Ticks on all items in the particular grouping Clear All Unticks all items in the particular grouping Chainage Range Sets the chainage range to apply group selection tools. Leave BLANK to apply for the full extents of the Road object. Start Type in a start chainage (leave blank for All) End Type in an end chainage (leave blank for All) Actions Provides the ability to turn ON/OFF the selected types of sections and outputs in the Select Sections to Output area. Turn On Selection Turn on all selected outputs for the selected types Turn Off Selection Turn off all selected outputs for the selected types Undo
Undo the changes to the selections in the form OK Apply and exit. Reset List to Current Chainages Click here to remove extra chainages that may have been included over time. Adding sampled sections in the Design Data Form and then removing them will not automatically clear them from the Selected Sections list. Automatic Additional Sampled Sections This form enables inclusion of the Vertical Curve geometry points in the Outputs, as well as increasing the spacing of data through the vertical curves. VC High Low Tick ON for the selected Outputs to include the calculated high and low points. VC Start/End Tick ON for the selected Outputs to include the calculated start/end of vertical curves. VC Mesh Spacing Type in a Spacing value and tick ON the selected Outputs to include extra sections between the Vertical Curve Start/End points at regular Spacings. Zoom and Pan
Allows the user to zoom and free pan in the drawing. Press [esc] to return to the form. Zoom to Selected Section
Centre the drawing at the highlighted chainage in the list Apply and Exit Apply changes and exit the form. Cancel Exit the form without applying changes. Special Notes: The on/off toggle options for the different Types is initially read from the
Active Drawing Settings - Cross Section Usage tab. The changes made to the Selected Sections is stored with the particular Road upon applying the changes and exiting the form.