Alignment Labels

Menu:   Via Label Plan
Ribbon:   Via Label Plan


Alignment Labels will produce a variety of intelligent labels along an alignment, usually to document distance along the alignment and optionally the alignment geometry.  This type of label requires the user to do two things:

  1. Establish what alignment geometry should be labelled (eg: start, end, tangent-curve, curve-spiral, etc) and what Label Style should apply for each case.  The styles created can be used for other projects and stored within the global settings for inclusion in new projects. Label Styles are managed via the Label Styles command.

  2. Select a Named Section List with the chainages to use - in the Section List each chainage included comes from a source (such as the start/end of alignment, tangent-curve, curve-spiral, etc).  The relevant sources of chainages are then used to label along the alignment

The marker of an alignment label cannot be moved, except by editing the alignment geometry. 

Grip Editing


  Marker Grip

Moving the marker grip will reposition the entire label and update the Label content if referencing an alignment (and/or surface). Use the Sychronise Labels command to update label contents where necessary.

  Text Grips

Moving the text grips will reposition the Label text only.

  Line Grips Users can grip edit any lines added to the Label Style.  After any grip edit of the line, the direction is set (does not change angle when moved around).  Only the Reset Labels option can reset this back to being dynamic to the alignment direction.

Updating Labels

Labels values will update after moving the alingment and clicking on the Synchronise button.


These are created via the Label Plan command.  If new, users will need to firstly name the group.  The followng form displays:




Plot  Name

Name of the currently selected label set (not editable).

Labels Tab


Default Settings

These default Label Styles apply to the different vertical geometry points for all Strings set to plot labels, unless Label Styles are specifically assigned to the individual strings.

  Geometry List

Pick list of geometry and label styles to apply.

   Edit Geometry List

Item Select the alignment geometry to label
Label Style Select the label style to apply


Apply and exit
Cancel Exit without applying changes


Create a new geometry list

  Edit Chainage Group

Edit the Named Section List (Section Manager) for the currently selected string in String Plot Settings.

  Label Style Editor

Edit Label Styles

String Plot Settings

Displays a list of all Strings.  Users can tick on to label select strings, as well as set particular label styles to apply to different vertical geometry, overriding the defaults.

  Select  Tick on to include that Alignment in the labelling output
  Alignment Name List of alignments
  Type Type of alignment
  Geometry List Pick geometry list
  Named Section List Pick the seciton list to apply.
  Override Override options

On/Off Selection by Object Type

Provides on/off toggle of the Select column, based on the type of String
  Pick List  Pick list of the alignment typeS
    Turn on alignments of type as set in the pick list
    Turn off alignments of type as set in the pick list
Sorts the String Plot Settings list using the column of the cell selected in the list.
Select to reset all grip edited labels to default positions, as well as restoring any labels deleted from the label group.

Click to add all Labels in the drawing as per the Plot Settings

Zoom Alignment

Zooms to the selected string in the list.

Scaling Tab

This tab manages the scaling of the labels within the drawing



  Scale Option

Pick the following options
    Always use drawing scale The label sizes are defined by the user annotation scale set in the drawing (CANNOSCALE)
    Keep first drawing scale The drawing scale at the time of the Labels creation will be permanently stored & used regardless of future drawing scale changes.
     User scale User can define the drawing scale of the labels using the box below

  Scale (1:x)

Select a list scale from the list or type a custom scale


List each option indenting 2 spaces.


Apply and exit.


Exit the form without deleting any data.

Add any notes about the output controls and any special conditions.