Renumber/Rename Pipes

Menu: CSD Pipes > Edit > Renumber/Rename Pipes
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Edit Panel > Renumber/Rename Pipes


This command will renumber/rename the pipes within a defined Pipe Network.

If this command is used before using Network Labelling Settings, no effect will be seen on the drawing.

Note:  This command will only work if a Pipe Network has been defined.


Upon selecting this command, at the Command prompt the user will be asked to "Locate Pipe to Label".

When a pipe is selected, the pipe will be highlighted and the following form is displayed:

Zoom/Pan Provides a way to zoom or pan around in the drawing.  Use Mouse Wheel to Zoom/Pan. Press Enter/Esc to Finish.
Zoom to Pipe Will zoom to the selected pipe, so that it fits within the screen.
OK Select OK to continue.
Pick Again Provides the option to select a different pipe, if the highlighted pipe is incorrect.

After OK has been clicked, a form, similar to one shown below, is displayed:

Use Pit Labels Select this option and the pipe number will label pipe based on the information set in Network Labelling Settings.
Specify Label If a specific Pipe Label is required, select this option and place the label in the box provided.
Use System Pipe Numbering Select this option and the pipe label will adopt the pipe number when it was created.
Comment Allows a comment (or other useful information) to be added to each pipe.
OK Select OK to continue.
Cancel Exit the form without changing any data

 The command will continue allowing more pits to be renumber/renamed until Esc/Enter is pressed.