Global Network Settings
Icon: ![]()
Menu: CSD Pipes > Settings > Global Network Settings Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Settings Panel > Settings Drop-down > Global Network Settings
This command is used to set and adjust a Global Network Settings file. A Global Network Settings file is used as the initial configuration for new projects, however once a project has been started the settings for that project are controlled from the Active Network Settings command.
Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:
Select required settings file GLOBAL Select a Global Network Settings (.pipeDef) file to edit. All global pipeDef files stored in the CSD Common Folder are shown. Users are able to create multiple Global Network Settings files as required. OK Apply and edit selected file. Editing the Global Network Settings is the same as editing the Active Network Settings except that the file is located in the CSD Common Folder and a Save As option is also available, see below.
Please refer the Active Network Settings for more information about configuring various aspects of this command.
Save As
Save As Save the current Global Network Settings as a new file. OK Save the changes to the current Global Network Settings file and exit the form. Cancel Exit the form without saving any changes.