Survey String Manager



The Survey String Manager form provides numerous tools for the user to edit points and Survey Stringwork, to exactly represent the intent of their survey.

Survey Strings are created by connecting COGO Points based on their point Descriptions (a Code identifying the type of point and a 'Survey String' number form a unique combination for connecting with Survey Stringwork).  Initially, linework is connected in ascending point number - this can be modified in the Survey String Manager form as required.  
Note: when Survey Strings are reorded they connect to points in a different point number sequence - COGO Point numbers are not changed.

The Survey Line Settings lists the Codes that should be connected with linework. 

Survey String Manager - Display

A view of the Survey String Manager is shown, below.

The main components of the Survey String Manager form is as follows:

  1. Ribbon Area (Top)

    • Users can start commands from here and configure the display of data in the form.  The ribbon is split into different panels covering core commands, String (Survey String) edits and Point edits

  2. Graphical Display Area (mid)

    • Displays all COGO Points for the selected Point Group (left) and Survey Stringwork connecting the points

    • Navigation

      • Hold down the middle mouse button to pan

      • Roll the middle mouse button to zoom

      • Click to zoom extents

      • Click to zoom to a window.  Left click and drag to create the zoom window

      • Left click to select a COGO Point or Survey String for editing (color will change to orange).  Right click to display edit controls for the selected object.

    • Left click on any COGO Point to highlight the point for editing (color will change to orange).  Right click to enable a command menu for applying edits

      See further below under Point Edits.

    • Left click on any Survey String to highlight the line for editing (color will change to orange).
      When a Survey String is selected, a Start and End badge will display to identify the direction of the Survey String.  Pressing [esc] or re-selecting the Survey String will stop these badges from displaying for the selected Survey String.
      Right click to enable a command menu for applying edits

      See further below under Survey String Edits.

    • COGO Point text information can be changed - size and display of code, elevation and number can be turned on/off

    • String color comes from the selected Survey String Table (String Set Table).  Left clicking on a line will make it display orange (highlighted).  String display can be switched on/off and line thickness changed.

    • When a Point or String edit is started and requires user input, a 'command prompt' will display in the graphics area surrounded by a frame

  3. String navigation panel (left)

    • Here users can select the Point Group containing the points to display and also the String Set Table (Survey String Table) controlling how the points are connected with Survey Strings.  The point group and Survey String Table can be edited from here

    • Displays a list of all the Strings (Survey Strings).  Left click on a String to select it for isolation (hiding other strings) or for right click editing

    • Survey Strings that intersect (self intersect or intersect other Survey Strings) will highlight light blue.  When a String is selected and has intersections, a marker will display at each intersection point on the string

      • Intersections with a different Survey String

      • Self intersections (intersects with itself)

    • The Show Single String button at the bottom is a toggle to isolate the selected Survey String or show all Survey Strings.

  4. String Point Connection list (right)

    • When a String is selected, the Points list on the right displays all the COGO Point connections (by point number)

    • Up/Down arrows at the bottom enables manual adjustments to the connection order of the Survey Strings for a Code

    • Set Start Point Number at the bottom enables the starting point number to be changed, with the other point numbers incrementing along the string
      Note: Duplicate Point Numbers are allowed.

  5. Information Display area (bottom)

    • When a String is selected, see the number of points, lengths and intersections of the survey lines (self intersecting or with other Survey Strings)

    • See the coordinates of the nearest COGO Point or the Survey String, as the mouse is moved in the graphical display

This form is resizable.  As edits are made they can be transferred immediately back to the drawing (by clicking Refresh or ticking on Live Output in the Home tab).

Use the Refresh button to synchronize information (back to the drawing) where required.

Note: If changes are made to COGO Points in the drawing, it is recommended to close the Survey Lines Manager form and restart it.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

Left Side Panel

Manage the point group, Survey String table and strings


   Point Group


    Point Group Picklist

Select the Point Group to display and use for Survey Stringwork creation

     Edit Point Group

Click to open the Point Group form

   String Set Table (Survey String Table)


    Survey Line Table Picklist

Select the Survey String Table to apply to the COGO Points and generate Survey Stringwork

     Edit Survey String Table

Click to open the Survey String Settings form


Lists all the created Survey Strings, listed by Point Code connection

    Tick On/Off

Show/Hide the Survey String in the Survey Manager form.
Note: this does not exclude the string from being drawn or used as a breakline


Name of the Survey String (matching the name of the Point Description - Code and Survey String Number).
Click on the string to highlight for editing
Click on the string to display string intersections in the graphical display window
Right click after selecting to display the Survey Sting Edit Menu.
Note: When a string is selected and all strings are displayed, the zoom will be to the start of the Survey String.

  Show Single String

Click the button to toggle between showing all Survey Strings and showing only the highlighted Survey String.
Note: When a single Survey String is being displayed, the default zoom will be to show that entire Survey String.

Right Side Panel

Lists the Points used by the selected Survey String


    List of Point Numbers

Survey Lines are connected in the COGO Point number order shown. The list will update as edits are made to the order of points for connecting Survey Strings.

    Up arrow

Select a Point Number and click this button to move it up in the list.  This will change the order of drawing the Survey Stringwork

    Down arrow

Select a Point Number and click this button to move it down in the list.  This will change the order of drawing the Survey Stringwork

    Set Start Point Number

Click to display the following form:

Enter starting Point Number

Type in a new start point number.


Apply the changed start point number
Cancel Close without applying

COGO Points with the same Description will be edited to have the start number selected, incrementing by 1 for each point along the Survey String.

Graphical Display Area

Right click Menus


    String Edit Menu (Survey String Edit Menu)

The following displays after selecting a Survey String in the graphical display window (or from the Strings list in the left panel) and pressing the right mouse button:

Note: Commands are also displayed on the String Edit Ribbon tab and are detailed below.

Commands available by right click only

    Rename Survey String

Presents a form to rename the currently selected String.  All affected COGO points will be renamed to match.

    Point Edit Menu

The following displays after selecting a COGO Point in the graphical display window and pressing the right mouse button:

Note: These commands are also displayed on the Point Edit Ribbon tab, and are detailed below.






Home Tab

Includes core controls for managing the display and general operations


If 'Live Output' is unticked, click this button to send changes back to the drawing file

    Live Output

If ticked on, changes are saved back to the drawing as survey edits are made.

    Update Surface

If ticked on, surface rebuilds as edits are made to COGO Points or Survey Strings

    Build Surface

If Update Surface unticked, this command will update the surface to reflech changes made to COGO Points or Survey Strings


Establishes display and performance settings for the Survey Line Manager.  The following form will display:



   Performance Mode Count

Sets the number of points in the drawing to trigger display performance mode.  Performance mode changes anti aliasing and quality of label redisplay.

   Select Color

Sets the color used to display selected objects in the Survey String Manager and 2D Viewer windows.



   Arc to Chord Rate

Type in a value for the offset distance between a true arc between points and the chords around that arc.  Chords are created to support surface triangulations.
Point Label Display  

   Label Zoom Elevation

type in a value for the zoom elevation to trigger display of the point labels.
0 will permenantly enable the trigger and always display point labels
Larger integer values will allow more zooming in before the point labels display

   Label Font Size

Type in a value (in pixels) to display the point label text

   Show Point Number

Tick on to display the Point Number as part of the point labeling in the Survey String Manager form

   Show Point Code

Tick on to display the Point Code as part of the point labeling in the Survey String Manager form

   Show Point Elevation

Tick on to display the Point Elevation as part of the point labeling in the Survey String Manager form

   Font Color

Pick a font color for the point labels

   Use Layer Color

Tick on to adopt the layer color for the points created in the drawing

   Back Color

Optional background color to apply behind each point label - this i represented by a rectangle behind the text

   Back Transparency

Type in a value between 0 (opaque) and 100 (fully transparent) to display the Back Color

   Show Marker

Tick on to display a marker for each Point

   Marker Size

Type in an integer value for the size of the marker

   Marker Coolour

Set a coluour to use for display of the point marker.

Set as Default

Edits made in this form are for the current drawing. Click on this button to assign these settings to all future jobs.
Reset Resets this form to adopt the Default settings for all inputs.


Create the Survey Strings


Manages point display controls

    Point Number

Toggle display on/off


Toggle display on/off


Toggle display on/off


Manage string display

    Show Strings

Toggle string display on/off.  Colors as per the Survey Strings Table applied.


Select to display Thin, Standard or Thick


Manager surface display in the form

    Show Contours

Toggle to show/hide contours.  Contour colors as per Surface Manager

    Show Triangles

Toggle to show/hide trianges.  Triangle color as per Surface Manager


List of Utility commands.

  Add Aerial Image

Adds a background image in the Survey Strings Manager form, using an image (.png, .jpg, .bmp) inserted in the drawing (correctly scaled and positioned).

After running the command, click in the drawing and then click on the image.

The image will be displayed in the background

AI Solver

Use Starting Point Number

Have the AI solver start reordering the point, beginning the the lowest point number found along the Survey String

Pick Starting Location

Click and then select in the display a starting position.  Reordering will occur beginning from the point closest to this selected start location

   Survey Lines list

List of self intersecting survey lines

    Tick Option

Tick on to include this Survey String in an AI reorder


List of Survey Strings that self intersect


Intelligently reorder all selected self intersecting Survey Strings
Close Close the form

  Split by Parameter

A message box will display "Are you sure you want to split Survey Strings when the symbols '..' is found?  The .. is the Parameter Symbol (from the Parameters form) repeated twice.

This command is useful for surveyors who do not wish to increment Survey Line numbers in the field (Points will the same Code and Survey String number will join together with a single Survey Line).

In the field the surveyor creates a point with a Code and adds the double parameter (eg: CL..), then creates points using just the Code.  When it is desired to stop and start a new Survey String, the surveyor only need to create a point description with the Code and the double parameter.

This command converts each point with a Code and double parameter (eg: ..) into a unique Survey String number, and edits the following points to have the same Code and Survey String number.

  Delete All Segments (by length)

Type in a distance value to delete all Survey String segments that exceed this length for all points in the Point Group.  Point String number is changed on the points following each deleted segment.

Split Distance

Type in a distance for the maximum segment length.  The longest segment length will be noted.

Segment Count List

List of segments in the survey string, sorted by length ranges.

  Segment Count

Number of segments less than the listed 'Segment Length <' and greater than the segment length in the previous entry.

  Segment Length <

Type in segment length values to set a segment length range

Split Survey String

Click to delete string segments exceeding the length specified.  The String number of points after each delete segment will be incremented by one, or to the next unique string number.
Close Close the form

  Auto Number

This renumbers all COGO Points that are connected with Survey Strings.  Numbering increments by 1 for each point, from a user defined Starting Point.  Point numbering is continuous (not duplicated per Survey String).
A confirmation form first displays to confirm the intention to renumber all points, then the following form displays:

Enter starting Point Number

Type in a new start point number.


Apply the changed start point number
Cancel Close without applying

Replace Codes

Code Set

Pick the Code Set applying to the currently highlighted points. 
Code Set Conversion Pick a Code Set Conversion file to apply.


Click to open the Code Convert Settings form, where users create Code Set Conversion files to enable swapping of Codes.


Apply the conversion of the Codes for the selected points.

Replace Codes Editor

Opens the Code Convert Settings form, where users create Code Set Conversion files to enable swapping of Codes.


Opens the Linework Parameters form.

   Crossing Breaklines

Click to display crossing Breaklines in the view.  The following form will display:

   Breaklines list

List of crossing breaklines

    String 1

First string that crosses another, described by Point Code name

    String 2

Second string that crosses another, described by Point Code name


Coordinates where the breaklines cross each other.  Click to zoom to the crossing point.
Note: Crossing breaklines will display with the following badges:
  • Intersections with a different Survey String

  • Self intersections (intersects with itself)


Refresh the breaklines list, after editing Survey Strings
Close Close the form

Note: Survey Stringwork may not be a breakline and cross.  This will highlight crossing Survey Strings behaving as surface breaklines

  Edit Codes

Allows editing of multiple point codes, including search filtering.  The following form will display:

Point List Filter

Filtering options for the point list

   Filter by

Enter a filter value
   Filter category Picklist enabling bulk filtering based on First Code, First Parameter, Second Code, Second Parameter or All.
   Pick from CAD  Graphically select points to include in the point list for editing

Point Code list

List of filtered point codes.  Highlighted points can be edited.  Field inputs are as follows
   Number Point number
   First Code First code of point
   String Number Lists the string number for the point
   Parameter Parameter applied to the first code
   Second Code Second code of point
   String Number Lists the string number for the point
   Parameter Parameter applied to the second code
   Third Code Third code of point
   String Number Lists the string number for the point
   Parameter Parameter applied to the Third code
   Fourth Code Fourth code of point
   String Number Lists the string number for the point
   Parameter Parameter applied to the Fourth code

Replace Options

Input replacement to apply to the highlighted points
   Replace Selected Input the value to replace for the selected points
   Apply to picklist Picklist to select which part of the point Code to replace (first code, first parameter, second code, second parameter, etc)
    Apply Once pressed, all highlighted points in the Point Code List will be edited and value replaced
Compute Re-apply Survey Strings and update based on the applied changes in the Point Code List
Refresh Redraws the output and updates the Point Code list
Auto Zoom Tick on to auto zoom to highlighted points in the Point Code List

  Delete All Survey Strings

A confirmation form will display.  Clicking OK will delete all Survey Strings for the selected Point Group.  Clicking Cancel will exit without deletion.

Note: If Create Survey Strings is applied to recreate the Survey Strings, previous edits will be remembered.

String Edit Tab

Includes String Edit commands (also available by selecting a string and right clicking).  Tab displays when a Survey String is selected.

   Order Panel


     Point Number

At the command line prompt, select a point (any point).
Survey Strings for the selected Point Code will be connected in ascending point number order for the selected Point Description (unique Code and Survey Line Number.  eg: CL5)

     Distance to Next

At the command line prompt, select a point.
Survey Strings for the selected Point Code will be connected to the next nearest point (starting from the point selected) and continue to be connected by finding the next nearest point to that point, until it has gone through all points.
It is highly recommended to select an end point so the Survey Strings progress in the same direction from that point.
Note: Point Numbers are not changed in this process.  The Survey Stringwork instead connects to different COGO Point numbers (not necessarily sequential)

     Manual Select

At the command prompt, select the points in the desired order of connection.
Every point with the same Code needs to be selected.  As points are selected, the linework will redraw to show the connections based on the new point connection order.
Note: Point Numbers are not changed in this process.  The Survey Stringwork instead connects to different COGO Point numbers (not necessarily sequential)

     AI Solver

The AI solver will intelligently reconnect the selected Survey String in order to prevent self-intersects.
At the command prompt, select a COGO Point to start the solver


This will reverse the point order (direction) for the selected linework.

     Embed Code

This command will split a String and place a new String between the selected COGO point and the next point in the list.
The original Code and String number is maintained up to the selected COGO Point.
After selecting a split point the following form is displayed:

Type in a new Code (String number not required).

Dual/Multi Coding will be applied to both the split point and the next point on the original string.
The New Code will be assigned a unique String number
The next point on the original string, and all subsequent points on that string, will be assigned a unique String number to replace the original String number..

   Edit Panel


   Delete Segment

This command will delete a segment from connected Survey Strings through a common point code.
At the command prompt, select the line segment to remove.
The next point/s after the removed segment will have a new Survey Line Number (the Code will remain, however the Survey String number will be incremented).  eg: If the original point description was CL1, then all points after the deleted segment will be changed to CL2 (or the next unused Survey String number, if CL2 is already in use)

   Split by Distance

This command will delete segments from connected Survey Strings, where the distance between points exceeds a user input value.
The following form is displayed:

Split Distance

Type in the distance.  Any segments of the survey line exceeding this value will be removed and the subsequent points, and Survey String, renmubered.

 Segement Count

Informational display of number of segments that are shorter than the specified value

    Segment Count

Reports the number of segments in the Survey String with a length less than the Segment Length < value

    Segment Length <

Type in the segment length, per line, as desired.

Split Survey String

Selected Survey String is split up, with the segment/s removed that exceed the Split Distance specified.
Close Close the form

The Survey String is split up, wherever the distance between points is exceeded.  After each split, the Point Description is changed by incrementing the Survey String number appended to the Code.

    Split Survey Strings

Allows a Survey String to be split at a selected point.  After clicking on a Point, subsequent point descriptions will be changed to include a unique Survey String Number (using the same Code as the original). 

The selected Point will be dual coded to include the previous and subsequent Survey String number.

Useful when applying Template Parameters to Points.

   Join Strings

Allows two separate Survey Strings to be joined together.  At the prompt, select the String to join.  All points on the selected String will be changed to match the Code and String number of the original String, and the survey string recalculated to pass from the end of the first string to the end of the other.

Follow the prompt by selecting the other Survey String to connect to.

   Join Survey Strings (Create)

Appends two selected COGO Point Descriptions with a second Code (with Survey String Number), resulting in the creation of a new Survey Line between.  This is known as Dual Coding.  The second Code is separated from the first by a space.

At the prompt, select the Cogo Point to connect to.  The following form will display:


Type in the Code to append to the COGO Point at the end of the selected Survey String, and the selected COGO Point. 


Apply dual coding.


Will undo any user reordering of the Survey Strings and reconnect the lines by the order of import of the points (usually point number).

   Survey Line Intersects

Click to turn on the display of intersects for all strings in the display window


Opens the String Properties form:


Lists the details for the selected Survey String

Arc to Chord

Change the default arc to chord spacing, applied when an Arc linework parameter is applied to the Survey String

Tangent Sample Rate

Type a number to apply additional surface triangulation between connected COGO Points along the Survey String.  Each segment of the Survey String will be divided into equal lengths to most closely achieve this value.

Apply Tangent Sampling

Tick on to apply the Tangent Sample Rate.


Apply the String Properties.

Point Edit Tab

Includes Point Edit commands (also available by selecting a point and right clicking)

   Edit Code

Opens a form to change the point code.

Note: Right clicking will expose the Code Parameters that can be appended to the Code.  Templates can be expanded to list individual parameters that will append offset survey linework (and breaklines) from a Template.

First Code Type in the full description of the first code (Code and Survey Line Number)
Note: Right click to auto assign Parameter/s to the point. 
Second Code Type in the full description of the second code (Code and Survey Line Number), where dual coding is desired.
Note: Right click to auto assign Parameter/s to the point
Third Code Type in the full description of the third code (Code and Survey Line Number), where dual coding is desired.
Note: Right click to auto assign Parameter/s to the point
Fourth Code Type in the full description of the fourth code (Code and Survey Line Number), where dual coding is desired.
Note: Right click to auto assign Parameter/s to the point


Apply the changes

   Edit Point Number

Opens a form to change the point number:

Point Number Type in a changed point number.


Apply the change.

   Match Code

Follow the command prompts.  Select a source COGO Point and then a second COGO Point.
The Code (and Survey String Number) will be copied from the first point and applied to the second point
Note: applied Linework Parameters will not be copied across

   Swap Point Numbers

Follow the command prompts.  Click a source COGO Point and then a second COGO Point.
The Point Numbers will be swapped with each other.

   Append Code

Select a COGO Point to apply muli coding to (append the Code from another COGO point).
At the command prompt select a COGO point to join to.  The Code of the COGO Point selected will be appended to the current Code (multi coding the original point selected)

   Arc Parameter

Select a COGO Point to apply.
Applies arcs to the linework, working from the selected point forwards.  An Arc Parameter is added to the Point Description.  A 3 point arc will be created from this point using the next two points, then curves will be added to be tangential to the previous point and passing through the next point.
See Linework Parameters for more information on managing Parameters.

   Arc 2pt Parameter

Select a COGO Point to apply.
Applies arcs to the linework, working from the selected point forwards.  An Arc Parameter is added to the Point Description.  3 point arcs will be created from this point as the Survey Strings progress.
See Linework Parameters for more information on managing Parameters.

   Line Parameter

Select a COGO Point to apply.
Forces the Survey Stringwork to draw as straight lines, working from the selected point forwards.  A Line Parameter is added to the Point Description.
This is useful for stopping the Arc Parameter behaviour on the linework.

   Rectangle Parameter

Select a COGO Point to apply.
Instructs the Survey Stringwork to draw a rectangle, using 3 COGO Points and from this creating a closed rectangular shape.  A Rectangle Parameter is added to the Point Description.
This parameter can be applied to any of the three COGO Points.

   Close String

Select a COGO Point to apply.
Instructs the Survey Stringwork to close back upon itself (back to the start of the linework).  A Close String Parameter is added to the Point Description


Select a Template to apply to the Code.
Templates represent shapes for section features, such as curbs, where pickup of all breaklines for the shape isn't required.  Templates can be created with the Template Editor.
Users can create multiple parameter entries, to describe different Templates to be applied, via the Linework Parameters form.

   Surface Exclude

Select a COGO Point to apply.
The selected COGO Point will be excluded from the surface triangulation and will be ignored (skipped) for drawing of the Survey Stringwork. A Surface Exclude Parameter is added to the Point Description

   Remove Parameter

Select a COGO Point to apply.
Removes any parameters applied to the point Description and restore survey linework to processing as it did prior to the parameter being assigned