Linework Parameters



Users can add 'Code Parameters' to the point description to edit how Strings are drawn between the COGO Points.

By default, String linework is created between Points as straight lines, using the Point 'Code' and Survey String 'number' (eg: CL1, with CL being the 'code' and 1 being the 'Survey String number').

Adding text at the end of the Code (and optionally String number) of the point (separated by a user defined delimeter) can change straight line connections between points. This is useful for many purposes:

The suffix text is customisable.  The user picks the 'delimiter' to apply, as well as the character/s to trigger a change in the linework generation.

If the delimeter (symbol) was a full stop, and the letter F identified the linework to start arcs, then a point picking up a road centreline might have a description like below:


The CL portion would be considerd the CODE portion of the description (detailing what the point represents

The 1 would be the Survey String (String) number (the Survey Strings routine finds unique Codes with Survey String numbers, and joins each code with the same string number.

The .F portion would be the linework parameter, directing the software to apply 3 point arcs from this point onwards.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:


This is the delimeter separating the code and Survey String number from the parameter.
Type in a character (such as a full stop)

Parameter Code

User defined characters to append at the end of the point description, to change the linework behaviour


Linework drawn from this point will create arcs using the next two points (a 3 point arc) and continue to repeat 3 point arcs until a 'Line' parameter is applied


Linework drawn from this point will be straight lines between points. Used to stop arc linework

  Surface Exclude

When applied to a point, both the linework and the surface will exlcude the point.  Linework will be drawn as if the point didn't exist, and the point wil be removed from the surface tirangulation.


Creates a rectangle from 3 points


Not yet applied.
Creates a box from 2 points.  This parameter requires a number to be included after the 'Box' parameter, to describe the width of the box linework.  Positive values will draw a box by offsetting left of the Survey String.  Negative values will offset to the right.

  Close String

Ensures that a line is drawn from the last point in the connected linework, back to the start of the linework.

  Don't String

Not yet applied.
Stops Survey String creation for the Survey String that would otherwise connect the selected Civil Points. 

Template Assignment

Users can establish unique parameters and have Templates attached to the Survey String, to create offset Survey Strings describing standard shapes. 

   [Template Assignment List]



Type in a Parameter to apply after the Parameter Symbol


Select a Template to apply to the String when the Code (parameter) is included in the Point Description

   Add Code

Add a new Parameter (Code) in the Template Assignment List

   Delete Code(s)

Delete selected (highlighted) lines in the Template Assignment List.


Apply these settings and close.
Note: Click on the X at the top right of the window to close without applying any changes.