Profile Views

Menu:   Roads > Profile Views > Profile Views
Ribbon:   Roads Tab > Plan Production Panel > Profile Views Split View > Profile Views


This command creates USA style profile views, with or without bands at the bottom of the view frame. 

The inputs for display of the grid, profiles, bands and annotation is managed via a Treeview list of inputs, categorized by control: Settings, Bands and Annotations - this makes searching, adding and editing entries in profile view form easy. All items can be edited with a double click, whilst more mouse functionality has been incorporated with edit, delete & copy being available on the right click.

Entry items have been categorized for ease of use, making it easier to find and add items to the profile views.

1.    All settings are found at the top of the form - control grid spacing for the view, exaggeration, title, datum and output sheet names.

 2.    All profiles and bands are available from the new pulldown at the bottom of the form. Adding a Band controls whether to display the profile, the band at the bottom and the heading.

 3.    Annotations are typically associated with the design profile and are added here.  Annotations include labeling of the design profile, adding a Viewport to the output and adding user selected station/elevation labels to the view.

Add in a Plan Viewport to show a viewport above or below the profile view.
Station/Elevation labels can be added to the view by the user.

The Hyperlinks below can be used to jump to the relevant group of interest.


Upon starting the command a new layout tab is created named Plotting Preview, and a preview of the output profile view sheets is displayed in that layout.  The views in that layout are updated as the profile view plot output is edited.  Each sheet can subsequently be output to individual layouts, or each sheet can be output to individual files.

General Process

  1. On starting the Profile View command the Designer is requested to "Select Alignment or Press Enter to Select from a List:".  So either select a string (represented by an alignment or polyine) in the drawing or if you press [Enter] a list box is displayed for selection of a String to plot.  Select a string and click OK, or Cancel to exit.  A Selection panel enables filtering of the list to particular types of Strings.
  2. Following selection of a String the Profile View form will display.  Details are below.

Dynamics During Editing

When the Profile View window is displayed, any edits made to the vertical grading of the string, or other edits that trigger a rebuild of the model, will result in an immediate update of the profile views presented in the Section Preview layout tab.

Annotations can be grip edited using standard CAD commands (grip edit selection, move, rotate) and will maintain repositioned locations (subject to how the label style was defined).


Right click functionality has be added to provide access to a number of tools. Double clicking has also been added to provide quick access item edits.



Profile Viewing - General

The Profile Viewer provides a great deal of flexibility in displaying cross section data. The Profile Viewer process can create a series of Layout tabs within the current drawing. Alternatively the process can create a series of separate drawing files which can be plotted or used as a external reference file (XREF).

Using the Plot Controls 

Plot Position Controls  
Zoom to Station Pick a Station to Zoom to in the drawing.
Move in Model Space Click to move the Profile View position.
A temporary line will display from the current insertion point (bottom left of the profile view) to the new position.  Left click to select a new position for the Profile View in the drawing.

Profile View Setup - click on a hyperlink below to jump to that section of controls


Load/Save Plot Style This allows the user to save the current plotting setup as style that can be later loaded for use on other jobs.
Save a copy (style set) of the current output settings.  Note: All plot style settings are saved in the 'common' folder where configuration files are stored - click here for more information regarding storage of configuration files.
Load a saved plot style set from the Save Style command.
Geometry List Apply a named list to manage the labels on the Design Profile Labels added (you can override this via the Profile Label Settings).
  Geometry List
Use the pick list to select a geometry list - if a list is selected, the labels that are presented will be controlled by the named list, unless set by individual bands or other settings.
The form is shown, below:

For information on creating and editing Geometry lists, see the Section Manager command.
  Edit List  Select the icon to edit the selected Geometry list.
By default, profiles will extend for the full extents of each sheet (as defined by the Title Block).  This command lets users set the sheets of profiles by station ranges (which can be overlapping) and specifying datums per sheet.  Each line in the list will generate a new Sheet (output as a file or to a layout).
 Start Pick a start station
  End Pick an end station
  Datum Type in a datum to apply.
Sort Sorts the rows by start station
Delete Row Deletes the highlighted row
OK Apply and exit
Cancel Exit without change.
Update Preview Status  

Any updates made to the Profile Viewer form will not update the preview state of the profile views. Selecting Update Display will update the preview.
Plotting Options  
Plot Profiles Click here to update the profile views or, if not already created in the drawing, to select a position to place the profile views
Close Exit without editing the output.


Data has been grouped into settings, profile/band and annotation controls.  All options are listed below in the relevant groups.  Use the Hyperlinks below to jump to the relevant group of interest.



Settings Controls


Settings - this form provides defaults for display and is overridden when a Band is added.  Band text is controlled by Label Styles, rather than these text inputs.
  Heading Layer Set a default layer for displaying Headings for bands
  Heading Text Style Set a text style
   Heading Text Height Set a text height
  Text Layer Set a default layer for displaying Text for bands
  Text Style Set a text style
  Text Height Set a text height
  Decimals Decimals for test display
  Line Layer Set layer for vertical lines in the bands
  OK Apply and exit
   Cancel Exit without applying changes
Scales - This form sets up the horizontal and vertical scales for the profile view as well as title block to use and sheet sizes for automatic pagination.  Note: pagination controls can be set via the 'Station Ranges' band.
  Horiz Scale 1: Set the scale using the picklist
  Vertical Scale 1: Set the scale using the picklist
  Title Block Pick a title block to apply -  this will only be applied if Profile Viewports are being created via the Viewports band.  The Title Block size and plot extents is established by the Title Block Settings command.
  Explode Explode the title block on insert
  Title Block Layer Set the layer for the title block
  Default Profile Width Sets the sheet width
  Height Sets the sheet height
  Row Clearance Sets the spacing between rows of profile views
  Column Spacing Sets the spacing between columns of profile views
  Left Margin Offset the first profile view from the title block
  Right Margin Offset from the right edge of the title block
  Bottom Margin Offset from the bottom of the title block
  Top Margin Offset from teh top of the title block
  Default Band Height Set a default height for any Bands added to the top/bottom of the Profile View
Extra Settings > Grid Settings - Establish the grid information to display for the Profile View
  Stations Tab - manages the horizontal axes labels and grid
   Major Grid Details
  Interval Set the major grid interval
  Line Layer layer for the grid lines
  Tick size length of tick lines that extend outwards from the edge of the view frame
  Tick Layer layer for tick lines
  Text Height  height of text
  Decimals Number of decimals to display
  Text Layer layer to draw the text on at each grid
  Rotation Text rotation - use pick list
  Text style select a text style
  x offset x offset from insertion point.  Inputs are separated for Bottom (below view) and Top (above view)
  y offset y offset from insertion point.   Inputs are separated for Bottom (below view) and Top (above view)
  Justify Set the text justification.   Inputs are separated for Bottom (below view) and Top (above view)
Minor Grid Details
  Interval Set the minor grid interval
  Line Layer layer for the grid lines
  Tick size length of tick lines that extend outwards from the edge of the view frame
  Tick Layer layer for tick lines
  Text Height  height of text
  Decimals Number of decimals to display
  Text Layer layer to draw the text on at each grid
  Rotation Text rotation - use pick list
  Text style select a text style
  x offset x offset from insertion point.  Inputs are separated for Bottom (below view) and Top (above view)
  y offset y offset from insertion point.   Inputs are separated for Bottom (below view) and Top (above view)
  Justify Set the text justification.   Inputs are separated for Bottom (below view) and Top (above view)
Grid Text Position Pick where to display the text (top, bottom, as well as whether to locate at view or outside of bands
Start Rounding Applies a Rounding to setting the Start of each Profile View, where multiple views are required for the string.  Rounding is to the Grid (major or minor)
End Rounding Applies a Rounding to setting the End of each Profile View, where multiple views are required for the string.
Rounding is to the Grid (major or minor)
Elevations Tab - manages the vertical axes labels and grid
Major Grid Details
  Interval Set the major grid interval
  Line Layer layer for the grid lines
  Tick size length of tick lines that extend outwards from the edge of the view frame
  Tick Layer layer for tick lines
  Text Height  height of text
  Decimals Number of decimals to display
  Text Layer layer to draw the text on at each grid
  Rotation Text rotation - use pick list
  Text style select a text style
  x offset x offset from insertion point.  Inputs are separated for Left and Right of the view frame
  y offset y offset from insertion point.   Inputs are separated for Left and Right of the view frame
  Justify Set the text justification.   Inputs are separated for Left and Right of the view frame
Minor Grid Details
  Interval Set the minor grid interval
  Line Layer layer for the grid lines
  Tick size length of tick lines that extend outwards from the edge of the view frame
  Tick Layer layer for tick lines
  Text Height  height of text
  Decimals Number of decimals to display
  Text Layer layer to draw the text on at each grid
  Rotation Text rotation - use pick list
  Text style select a text style
  x offset x offset from insertion point.  Inputs are separated for Left and Right of the view frame
  y offset y offset from insertion point.   Inputs are separated for Left and Right of the view frame
  Justify Set the text justification.   Inputs are separated for Left and Right of the view frame
Low rounding Trim the bottom (datum) to the nearest major or minor grid
High rounding Trim the top of the frame to the nearest major or minor grid
Grid Clipping
   Horizontal The horizontal lines can be clipped to the existing or highest profile.  Optionally omit the grid display in padded regions
   Vertical The vertical lines can be clipped to the existing or highest profile.  Optionally omit the grid display in padded regions
 Grid Padding Add a padding value
    Above Highest Elevation enter a value
    Below lowest elevation enter a value
   To left enter a value
   To right enter a value
 Grid Border Adds and offset between the grid and the border of the profile view
    Above Highest Elevation enter a value
    Below lowest elevation enter a value
   To left enter a value
   To right enter a value




Add Standard Profiles

The Standard Profiles set the display of the Design, Existing and other surface profiles in the Profile View, as well as enabling user control over the station ranges for individual sheets (overriding the controls in the Scales form.

Note: Labels can be added to the DESIGN profile by adding Profile Labels entry (see below under Annotation/Settings).

Station Ranges User control over the station ranges for creating Profile Views for a string and the top/bottom elevation controls
Each line represents a profile view for the string, separated by the Station Start and End.  For each Line (Profile View) users must set the Datum (bottom of the grid) as well as the top of the grid. Users can overlap stations between profile views, with total control over the start and end stations.

It is possible to automatically split the profile views for a string by specifying a distance per profile view.  Users still need to set the grid top and bottom elevations.

[Table of Profile Views] The table sets out (line by line) the profile views to create, with station ranges and elevation ranges per Profile View.
  Source If automatically created by specifying station range per profile view, Auto will display in this column and update when 'Add Standard Ranges to Table' button is pressed.  Blank the entry to set it to manual control.
  Start Station and Pick Type in a start station for the profile view or click on the Pick button in the next column.
  End Station and Pick Type in an end station for the profile view or click on the Pick button in the next column.
  Low Grid Type in the elevation for the bottom of the grid
  Height Method Set the method for specifying the top of the grid.  Options are:
- Elevation: user types in the elevation for the top of the view
- # of Major Grid: this is the number of major grids to display above the top of the topmost profile displayed
- # of Minor Grid: this is the number of minor grids to display above the top of the topmost profile displayed
- Feet: Type in the number of feet.  This will be added to the Low Grid elevation to set the top of the profile view
- Inches: Type in the number of inches (this is the sheet size for plotting).  This is added to the Low Grid elevation to set the top of the profile view.
  Plot Ht The input value is subject to the Height Method, to set the top of the Profile View
  Active Tick to make the profile view active and plottable
  ID Added by the software when Auto sheet creation is applied
 Add Standard Ranges to Table Click this button to automatically split into multiple profile views, with Start/End Stations as per the value specified next to this button.  This add lines in the list view above, with Source set to Auto,
Delete Delete the highlighted line (profie view) in the list
Delete Inactive Delete any items in the list that are not set Active
Delete All Clear out all set Profile Views int he list.

Design Profile Draw the Design profile in the Profile View
Surface Picklist to select a surface - this will be pre-set to Design for this entry
Display Profile Line Tick on to display the profile line in the Profile View
   Layer Set the layer to draw the profile
Label Profile Tick on to label the profile
Note: For the Design Profile, labels are displayed by adding a Profile Labels entry to the output list (see below)
Inactive Tick to disable display of this Profile

Existing Profile  
Surface Picklist to select a surface - this will be pre-set to Existing for this entry
Display Profile Line Tick on to display the profile line in the Profile View
   Layer Set the layer to draw the profile
   Vertical Shift Type in a value to mvoe the profile view up/down from the calculate position
Label Profile Tick on to label the profile
   Station List Use the picklist to select a Geometry List to apply.  This sets the geometry (stations) used to add label information on the profile
Use the pick button to the right to create/edit geometry lists for the string.
  Label Style Pick a Label Style to use for display of the text information at the selected stations as per the Geometry List
Use the pick button to the right to edit create/edit Label Styles.
Inactive Tick to disable display of this Profile

Select Surface This lets the user add any Surface as a Profile in the profile view.
Surface Picklist to select a surface
Display Profile Line Tick on to display the profile line in the Profile View
   Layer Set the layer to draw the profile
   Vertical Shift Type in a value to mvoe the profile view up/down from the calculate position
Label Profile Tick on to label the profile
   Station List Use the picklist to select a Geometry List to apply.  This sets the geometry (stations) used to add label information on the profile
Use the pick button to the right to create/edit geometry lists for the string.
  Label Style Pick a Label Style to use for display of the text information at the selected stations as per the Geometry List
Use the pick button to the right to edit create/edit Label Styles.
Inactive Tick to disable display of this Profile



Other Profiles/Pipes

The Profiles/Pipes facilitates other display items on the profile view such as: profiles for Codes on the design cross sections, display of pipes, addition of user defined labels and a band showing the station information.

Offset Profile Display the Profile for a Code from the design cross sections
Code Pick the design Code (cross section code) to draw the profile line for that Code.
Display Profile Line Tick on to display the profile line in the Profile View
   Layer Set the layer to draw the profile
Label Profile Tick on to label the profile
Note: For the Design Profile, labels are displayed by adding a Profile Labels entry to the output list (see below)
Inactive Tick to disable display of this Profile

Pipe Profiles Project the pipes onto the profile view
Pipe Group Select the group of pipes to display.  This is set using the Select Pipes to Plot command
Structure Layer Pick a layer to draw the structures on
Pipe Layer Pick a layer to draw the pipes on
Show Internal Lines Draw the invert and obvert pipe lines
Show external lines Draw the top and bottom pipe lines
Add End Vertical Line Draw the end lines of the pipes
Pipe Text Style Pick a Label Style to apply for the pipe text
Pipe Text Location Sets the insertion point of the pipe text
Edit Pipe Styles Opens the Label Style editor to set the pipe label styles to use
Structure Style Pick a Label Style to apply for the structure text
Final Structure A different Label Style can be applied to the end structure
Edit Structure Styles Opens the Lable Style editor to set the structure label styles to use

Random Stations Lets the user place labels onto the profile view at any selected location on the view.
[Table of Inputs] Lists the inserted labels
  Station Station position for the label
   Elev Elevation position for the label
   Text 1 Optional Text input.  The Label Style can be set to use this property field.
   Text 2 Optional Text input.  The Label Style can be set to use this property field.
   Text 3 Optional Text input.  The Label Style can be set to use this property field.
  Style Pick the label style to use to describe the position
Pick Graphically pick locations for adding Station/Elevation labels.  Once a position is selected, a line will display to indicate the position and the following form will display to confirm details:
Station Set a station position for the label
Elevation (Elevation) Set an elevation position for the label
Style Use the pick list to select a Label Style to apply.  The Style Editor button is required to create and edit Label Styles for these types of labels
Text (field 1) Optional text field which can be included in the label.  As part of the Label Style, users can add a Text 1 field as part of the text - that field is replaced with the text typed in here.  Use _ as a prefix of suffix to act as a space.
Text (field 2) Optional text field which can be included in the label.  As part of the Label Style, users can add a Text 2 field as part of the text - that field is replaced with the text typed in here.  Use _ as a prefix of suffix to act as a space.
Text (field 3) Optional text field which can be included in the label.  As part of the Label Style, users can add a Text 3 field as part of the text - that field is replaced with the text typed in here.  Use _ as a prefix of suffix to act as a space.
OK Add label
Cancel Exit without adding

Press [Esc] to stop adding labels and return to the main form.
Add Add a new entry in the list of labels and type in all fields.
Move Label Enables graphical move in the drawing for the selected label in the list.
Delete Label Delete the selected labels
Zoom to Label Zoom in the drawing to the selected label
Auto Zoom Tick on to auto zoom to the label as it is selected in the list.  The Window value sets the size of space around the zoom point
Pick label from drawing Allows pick of a label in the drawing, to set that label current in the label list
Zoom/Pan drawing Allows zoom and pan in the drawing.  Left click or [esc] to return to this form
Style Editor Opens up the Label Style editor for the selected label.
This also facilitates creation of new Label Styles to use for station/elevation labels.
Update Updates the drawing after changes are made in the form.
OK Add profile
Cancel Exit without change

Stations Band Adds a Band at the bottom of the Profile View grid to describe the station information.

This form has two Tabs.  Once controls the text information to display and where, and the other sets the linework to draw for the band itself.
Main Settings Tab  
  Station List Pick the Geometry list to set the stations where band labels are required.  Use the pick button to the right to create/edit section lists.
  Label Style Sets the way text is displayed (Label Style) for the elevation/station information in the band.  Use the pick button to the right to create/edit Label Styles
   Band Height Type in the height of the band
    Heading Line1 Optionally a Heading can be added to the band (displayed left of the grid)
    Heading Line 2 Optionally a Heading can be added to the band.  This is an optional second line in the heading
    Justification Field not used
    Width Sets the width of the Heading
    Text Style Not used
    Text Style Not used
    Text height Not used
    Text Layer Not used
    Label Style Pick a Label Style for the display of the Heading Text.  The Label Style usually would include the Properties of Heading1 and Heading2, to be populated from the above inputs.  Insertion point of the heading label is to the bottom left corner of the band.
Band Display Control  

By default, the Band will show the frame for the text and the heading.  This tab lets users specify what lines to draw for the band.
 Override band border line display Tick on to control the display of the band borders
Gap Optional gap betwen the heading and the text.  This is offset left of the left side of the Profile View grid.
Band Line Display Tick on/off the aspects of the band to display.


Annotation Items

Profile Annotation Styles

This controls the annotation/labels on the Design Profile.  Separate Label Styles can be applied to each aspect of the geometry - Vertical Curve start/end, grade breaks, tangent grade, high/low points, horizontal curve start/end, horizontal direction change, etc.

Users select what Geometry to include - this is reference back to the Section List - the Section List allows users to select what type of geometry to include, as well as select individual stations to include.  This provides comprehensive user control over the inclusion of different types of geometry (such as horizontal curve geometry and PVI's) as well as incremental spacing labels along vertical and horizontal curves.

With the exception of Vertical Curve and Tangent Grade labels, users can select the type of Geometry to include using the Item pick list, then select the style to apply. 

Geometry List Users can select a Section List to apply to the annotation on the Profile.  This enables separate geometry to be labeled on the profile and on the band/s.
Leave blank to use the Section List as set on the main form.
Edit Section List Edit the selected Section List.
Plot Element/Style List Users set the geometry types that can be included, then select a Label Style to apply.
Actual Stations labelled will be based on the Section List asigned.
   Item Select a Geometry Item that can be displayed.  Other than Start VC and End VC, the item will only display if ticked on to display in the Section List.
Typical geometry items may include: Vertical PVI (PVI), Start, End, Tangent-Curve, Curve-Tangent, etc.
   Style Displays the Label Style applied to the selected Item.  This is not editable - use the Edit button to the right to change the assigned Style.
Vertical profile geometry Label Styles include different parameters to Horizontal geometry label styles.

Special Note: For Start VC and End VC geometry, it is REQUIRED that a Line item be included in the Label Style and that the Line item contain 4 points (3 lines).  The software will then track cranking of the lines start/end to allow a wider Vertical Details area for small length vertical curves
   Edit use this button to select the Label Style to apply to the Item.
Edit Selected Label Style When a Style cell is selected in the Plot Element/Style List, this will open the Label Styles for profile or horizontal geometry label styles
Vertical Curve Label Controls Manages how the vertical curve labels and tangent grade labels are displayed
    The vertical curves consist of a number of components:

1. The Start of Curve (1) is managed by adding StartVC to the list of Items and assigning a Style
2. The End of Curve (2) is managed by adding EndVC to the list of items and assigning a Style
3. The Vertical Details Style (3).  A Style is applied, which must consist of a Line item and may include arrows start/end.  The software will automatically set the extents of the Line item to match the vertical lines of the start and end of curve labels.
4. The Vertical Dimension Extension (4) going above the horizontal vertical details for the start and end of the curve
5. The Distance above Profile for VC Details (minimum height from the Vertical Details to the profile).

Note: After creation, users can move the Vertical Curve Details line up and down, and stretch the VC Start and VC End vertical lines left and right.
    VC Details Style (3) (Normally) Horizontal line spanning between the VC Start and VC End vertical lines.  Recommended to include a Line component in the Label style, with one segment and blocks (for arrows) at start and end.  x values should be applied but will not be applied - x positions will be set by the VC Start and VC End lines.  y position of the line is set by the Minimum distance Design to Details Horizontal Line value.
Refer image above.
  Distance above Profile for VC Details (5) Sets the minimum distance for the location of the VC details above the profile line.
Refer image above.
  Vertical Dimension Extension (4) By default, the horizontal line for the Vertical Curve details is set to match the top of the Start VC and End VC lines.  This moves the line down (up) from the line ends.
Refer image above.
  Do not show VIP labels inside Vertical Curve If ticked on, vertical curve PVI's will be omitted - only grade breaks not supported with a vertical curve will be shown.
  Back-toback Vertical Curve Label Style Interface between back-to-back vertical curves (no tangent between)
Symbol Override Vertical Curve Truncated to Profile Extents
   Left Side VC Truncation Often vertical curves are truncated at the start of a sheet - an alternate block can be assigned to indicate this.
   Right Side VC Truncation Often vertical curves are truncated at the end of a sheet - an alternate block can be assigned to indicate this.
Profile Tangent Label Controls  
 +ve Grade Style uphill grade along tangents
  -ve Grade Style downhill grade along tangents
OK Save and exit
Cancel Exit without saving

   Bottom What to show at the bottom of each sheet (in the Title block as per the Scales form).  Display the Plan or Profile, or nothing.
   Bottom What to show at the top of each sheet (in the Title block as per the Scales form).  Display the Plan or Profile, or nothing.
Layout Settings  
   Plan Viewport Settings Sets the viewport extents, beyond the exact extents of the Profile View
    Left Distance in feet to widen the viewport left of the Profile View
    Right Distance in feet to widen the viewport right of the Profile View
   Compute Locations Sets the viewport extents, beyond the exact extents of the Profile View
    Stacked Choose this option to stack bottom and top items one above the other
    Top and Bottom Choose this option to position top from top of the sheet and bottom from bottom of the sheet
Use current location if existing Keeps previous output positions
Bottom Offset This sets the offset of the Bottom item from the bottom of the sheet
Top Offset If Compute Locations set to Top and Bottom, this sets the offset of the Top item from the top of the sheet
Gap If Computed Locations set to Stacked, this value is used to separate teh Bottom Item and Top Item
Left Offset Offset from left of sheet for the views
 Layout Naming User control for naming the layouts that are created
  [List of Items]  
     Item Pic an attribute to display text
     Optional Text User text to add between items of text
   Decimals for Stations Decimal places for display of Stations
  [Radio buttons]  
    Always used specified name Will rename layouts every time sheets are produced
    Use specified name Only for creating the layout  
OK Add profile
Cancel Exit without change