Configuration Files



The software uses some configuration files to undertake certain tasks.  From the default location for these configuration files is as follows:

Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CADApps\ARD\Common\Common-10

Windows Vista and Windows 7:

C:\Program Data\CSS\ARD\Common\Common-10

Users are able to network the settings location or change the ARD Settings path.  The command Set Settings Path in the General Ribbon Tab facilitates changing the Settings folder location.



System Configuration Files

Names Use
*.DEF These are 'Global Settings' files and store the settings used for each new job.  The main Global Settings file is critical to the operation of the software.  The settings control, amongst other things: the surface to sample, default auto curb radius, connection point code for curb returns, Civil 3D display settings for alignments and profiles, surface styles and surface build conditions.

Local settings are stored locally with respect to the source drawing

*.BMCOL Color template file for Models - controls the color assigned to model linework when editing in the Model Builder.
*.drvplt Driveway long section plot style.
*.dwg These files are used by the software in the following commands:
  • Plot Profile Views
  • Plot Cross Sections
  • Plot Slope Pattern
  • Edit Titleblock Settings (from General Ribbon tab)
*.lpl7 Each Profile View Plot Style is stored with this file extension.  Create them as part of the Plot Profile Views command
*.profileplt Each Profile View Plot Style is stored with this file extension.  Create them as part of the Profile Views command
*.SDF These are the saved Surface styles.  Create them as part of the Create/Edit Surface command.
*.setoutstyle Stores default stakeout parameters when user selects Multi Object Setout
*.shRot This is a text file describing the method of rotation of the shoulder label, relative to the pavement rotation.  Used in the Compute and Apply Superelevation command
*.sup Stores the Legacy superelevation tables.  Refer to the Create/Edit Super Table command for more details
*.setoutstyle Stores default stakeout parameters when user selects Multi Object Setout
*.xsectplt Each (new) Cross Section Plot Style is stored with this file extension.  Create them as part of the Cross Section Plots and Section Views command
*.xxp7 Each Cross Section Plot Style is stored with this file extension.  Create them as part of the Plot Cross Section command
ARD-AustRoads-Speed.txt Australian superelevation 'template' - only applicable if Country is set to Australia or New Zealand or Romania.  Used in the Compute and Apply Superelevation command.  This is a 'standard' file that should not be deleted from the Settings (it can, however, be edited)
ARD-*-Speed.txt Selectable file for applying superelevation controls in the Compute and Apply Superelevation command
CommonTemplates.tpl This is a single file that stores the public Templates you create. 
complex.bats  Stores the catalog of Multi-Section Batter Templates used by the system.
DriveShape.txt Contains the shape templates that can be applied to driveway vertical gradings at the connection point with the road cross section and/or the end design point (normally property boundary).  Best accessed using the command Driveway Shape Template
EditorHeads.edi This file stores the list of commands visible in the Design Data Form


Blocks used as marker locations when the Enquiry Tool is used
Fonts.txt Stores a list of all the font styles available for use by the software for outputs
globalProfileLayers.lay Stores the list of default layers available to be applied to the Plot Profile Views
globalRoadLayers.lay Stores the list of default layers to use for drawing linework of models.  Users set the Codes that will be used on Strings and set color and linetype.  This file is used to populate the layer settings in a new project.
globalXsectLayers.lay Stores the list of default layers available to be applied to the Plot Cross Sections
LayerStyles.lst Stores the Layer Name Modifiers applied to layers - see the Active Drawing Settings for details
MSH*.txt Sets the layers assigned to the different 3D faces as part of the Display Surface Model as 3D Faces command
MXLookup.txt Used when importing GENIO files.  Edit in Notepad or equivalent.
NewDefaultSettings.txt When old jobs are opened, the items in this file are read in to populate new fields (that do not have data assigned) in the Active Drawing Settings form
RoadTypes.txt Sets the colors and layer suffixes that are used in the drawing at the time of doing the Plot Plan of Road.
Titles.txt Stores a list of the Title Blocks that can be applied during the Plot Profile Views or Plot Cross Sections command
vehicleshape.txt Contains the vehicle clearance templates.  Best accessed using the command Vehicle Clearance Template
VGEColours-Default.xml Stores colors assigned to different display items in the Vertical Grading Editor
VGEMarker.dwg Tracker used in the drawing tracking the mouse location in the Vertical Grading Editor.  Replace block to suit.
XSECTACTIVE.dwg This block is used to show the location of the current cross section window being edited.
xSectLabels.lbl Stores a list of all the Dimension Label styles that can be applied during the Plot Cross Sections command.

Create and edit them via the Create/Edit Cross Section Labels command

help.txt Links the help buttons on the forms to the particular locations in the Help Systems.
ARDInitialise.INI This file establishes the default (global) .DEF file as well as the paths to the licensing system.  It is recommended that USERS DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE without first carefully reviewing the contents and understanding the impact of making changes.   Note: When users select 'Set Settings Path' this results in many of the paths in this file to be changed.