General Settings


This is a core setting and must be added once to establish the general plotting controls.

Users establish the plot direction (upstream or downstream), the structure layer and the structure width to be displayed.

This also provides an override control for vertical and horizontal band lines for checking line work options.

Upon selecting the the command the following form is displayed:


  Plot Direction From the drop down list select either Downstream or Upstream.
If Downstream is selected, the pipes will be drawn with the nominated outflow structure on the left and pipes drawn to the right.
If Upstream is selected, the pipes will be drawn working from the structure furthest from the outflow structure and pipes drawn to the right toward the outflow structure.
  Layer for Structures From the drop down list select the required layer to display the repeated structures.  Use the Layer Settings command to edit the layers available.
  Structure Line Width (mm) In the box provided enter the plotted width of structures in millimetres.  This will be applied to all structures, except structures in the NULL structure family.
  Use this width for Plotting Applies only to Sewer Manholes.  If ticked on, the Structure Line Width is used for plotting all Sewer structures.
  Start Line Chainages from Zero Tick this option on to start each line/branch of the network being plotted at Chainage 0.
Band Line Override
  Draw All Lines Check this box to override and draw all vertical and horizontal band lines, regardless of the settings in either of the Structure or Pipe Items band control.  This can be useful as a check.
OK Apply the settings controls and exit.
Cancel Exit the form without making any changes.