Planar Check

Ribbon: Model Viewer > Sight Distance Tab > Planar Check


The planar check expands on the idea of point-to-point sight distance, by instead allowing the user to set a rectangle to 'view' at the minimum sight distance, and to provide feedback on the percentage visibility to this rectangular area.

This command relies upon the user having completed Sight Distance check/s - the eye position, target position (x,y and surface) and sight distance are used to calculate the visibility.

Results are viewed in the Model Viewer window.  Users can toggle to a particular chainage to view the visibility results at that location.

Ribbon Tab and Navigation

The Materials Group forms part of the following tab:

Note: Click on Sight Distance in the Analysis tab to open the Sight Distance tab.



Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:


Sight Table

Establishes the driver, target positions and distance between


Use the dropdown to select a sight distance table
Target Display

Establish the size of the target


Height of rectangle


Width of rectangle


Colour of rectangle


Analyse the planar sight distance results

  Perform Check

Will check sight distance for each cross section sampled in the Sight Distance Table

  Export HTML

Creates a .xml report that opens in the default internet browser.


Output of calculations

   Section Report

% visibility achieved per section

    Show visibility less than

Tick on to limit the report to only those sections with visibility less than the value specified (bewteen 1 and 100)

    Create Table

Create a Table in the drawing of the results.  Pick a location in the drawing to position the table.

    Create .csv

Create a .csv file of the results.  Users are prompted for a save location and name for the file

    [List of results]

Each section is analysed and the results listed here.  Click on a row to display that view in Model Viewer.

   Ranges Report

Summary report of the results

    Create Table

Create a Table in the drawing of the results. Pick a location in the drawing to position the table.

    Create .csv

Create a .csv file of the results.  Users are prompted for a save location and name for the file

    [List of results]

The results are grouped by the % visibility range, the number of sections within that range and the % of the total that represents


Close the form