Intersection Manager



This command provides user access to all intersections for both cross road and tee type intersections.  The Intersection Manager allows users to manage kerb returns across all intersections as well as add and edit individual kerb returns at each intersection.

The Intersection Manager is available from multiple commands: Auto Kerb Returns, Auto Roads and Project Assist.

When run, this command lists every intersection, defined by road alignment crossings and road intersects.

When the command is run indepenently (not from inside another command) users can freely navigate in the drawing with this form open.

The Intersection Manager provides three levels of edits:

The Intersection Manager lets users choose whether to include curb returns at each intersection, whether to include/omit batters, whether to do all-crowned or primary intersections, kerb return radius and other controls.

This command supersedes the Nominate Side Road command.

Crossing Road Alignments vs Road Intersection Type

When alignments cross over each other and they are created as Roads, the softare defaults the intersection type as a Crossing Road Type.  Crossing Roads generate four kerb returns covering each approach to the intersection.

However, it may be desirable to set the Intersection type as a Tee type intersection.  This is useful for presentation output where it is required to show the long section extending beyond the centreline of the main road.

In a Tee type intersection, the Side Road is assumed to start or stop at the intersection and form a 'Tee'.  The Intersection Manager allows any any intersection to be set as a Tee type intersection.

For a crossing alignment intersection being created as a Road intersection, the Intersection Manager supports three options that trim the Side Road:

Maintain Cross Road
Remove side road approach to intersection
(remove end returns)
Remove side road departure from intersection
(remove start returns)

This control may be applied on a per intersection basis.

Note: Intersection Manager will not accept an intersection being converted to a Tee if the start of the alignment has a distance of less than 2 times the kerb return radius from the main road centreline intersection.

Side Road Definition at crossing Roads

The 'Start' of a Side Road is defined by the side road departing from (moving away from) the intersection.  In a Tee intersection scenario, this would be the Start of the side road

The 'End' of a side Road is defined by the side road approaching (morving toward) the intersection.  In a Tee intersection scenario, this would be the End fo the side road.

Intersection Naming Convention

The naming convention is [ⱶ]/[+] <Main Road> - Ch:<Main Road Chainage> | <Side Road>

Tee intersections are listed with prefix [ⱶ] and cross roads are listed with prefix [+]


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:


Menu Controls

These command controls apply to all intersections

  Options > Create/Update Intersections

Creates all kerb returns at all intersections, using the settings applied at each kerb return.

  Options > Remove Main Road Edges

Click to set all intersections as 'all-crowned' intersections.  When selected, all kerb returns will be set to remove the main (primary) road edges through the intersection.

  Options > Keep Main Road Edges

Click to set all intersections a 'primary road' intersections.  When selected, all kerb returns will be set to include the main (primary) road edges through the intersection.

  Options > Delete All Returns  

Deletes all kerb returns at all intersections.

  Options > Reset All Intersections

Deletes and recreates all intersections using the defaults as per the Active Drawing Settings.

  Crossing Intersections > Apply Automatic 'T'

Users can set a distance of alignment 'overhang' to autoamtically set these as Tee type intersections.  After setting a value and clicking OK, all cross road alignments where the alignment extents past the intersection by a distance less than the value specified will be converted to Tee type intersections.
The Side Road will always be truncated to form the Tee.


Maximum distance

Type in a distance to convert cross road intersections into Tee intersections (if the alignment overhang is shorter than the value specified)


Apply the Tee intesection controls


Exit without applying

  Options > Toggle OFF 'T' Converted intersections

Resets all crossing road strings to be treated as Cross Road intersections

  Batters/Daylights > Set Omit all Batters

Sets all intersections to not include a batter for each kerb return. 
Note: this does not delete batters for kerb returns already created.  It sets the default status to omit batters for kerb returns not yet created

  Batters/Daylights > Set Include Batters

Sets all intersections to include a batter for each kerb return (default behaviour). 
Note: this does not add batters for kerb returns already created.  It sets the default status to include (add) batters for kerb returns not yet created

  Create/Update All Intersections

Click to create (or update) all intersections and all kerb returns using the user settings in the Intersection Manager form.

Intersection Panel

Lists all intersections in the project

  [List of Intersections]

Intersections are listed here.  Click on an intersection to edit.

Create/Update All Intersections

Creates all intersections and kerb returns as per the Crossing Intersection settings for each intersection.

Intersection button

Click to pick an intersection from the drawing to edit
Return button Click to pick a kerb return from the drawing to edit

  Crossing Intersection Panel

Create, edit and manage individual cross sections from this panel

  Main Road:

Lists the main road for the intersection.  For Tee intersections, this cannot be altered.

  Side Road:

Lists the side road for the intersection.  For Tee intersections, this cannot be altered.

  Switch Main/Side Road

Click to switch the main and side roads in the intersection.  For Tee intersections, this cannot be altered.

    'T' Intersection Panel

For crossing roads, users can set the intersection to be converted to a Tee type intersection


Set the Type of intersection to form at the crossing:
- None: maintain a full cross road intersection
- Remove Start Returns.  Removes the 'Start' kerb returns to form a tee
- Remove End Returns.  Removes the 'End' kerb returns to form a tee

      Apply Type

Click to apply the change in intersection Type
For Tee intersections, this cannot be altered.

    Intersection Controls

Sets the kerb returns and intersection controls for the selected intersection

      Create > Create/Update Kerb Returns

Creates all kerb returns for the selected intersection as per the kerb return settings for that intersection

      Edit > Override Default Radius

Click to set a single radius to apply to all kerb returns for the intersection

      Edit > Override Connection Controls

Click to set the Connection Code to apply to all kerb returns for the intersection.  This sets the Code that the kerb returns match to vertically and horizontally
       Edit > Override Templates Click to set the Template to apply to all kerb returns for the intersection.
       Edit > Set Returns to Remove Main Road Edge Click to set all kerb returns for the intersection as All-Crowned (main road edge removed).
       Edit > Set Returns to Keep Main Road Edge Click to set all kerb returns for the intersction as Primary Crowned (main road ege maintained through the intersction)
       Edit > Toggle ON Create Returns  Click to set all kerb returns to be created in the intersection.
       Edit > Toggle OFF Create Returns Click to see no kerb returns to be created in the intersection.
       Delete > Delete Return Deletes the currently selected Kerb Return.
       Delete > Delete All Returns Deletes all kerb returns created for this intersection.

      [Kerb Return Controls]

Lists each kerb return for editing
         [Individual Kerb Returns] Each kerb return is listed in a tab.  Kerb rerturn tabs include: End Left, End Right, Start Left, Start Right
         Create Toggle on to have the kerb return created when the Apply or Create/Update Intersection commands are run
         Name Non-editable field describing the default kerb return name
         Template Picklist to select the Template to apply at the kerb return
         Connection Code Picklist of Codes from the Roads to use as the horizontal and vertical connection of the kerb return
         Default Radius Type in the Radius to apply for this kerb returns.
         Remove Main Road Edges  Toggle on to convert this intersection quadrant into an All-Crowned type intersection
         Apply Click to apply the settings to the kerb return.
         Edit Kerb Return Click to open the Create/Edit Kerb Return form for additional geometry controls for the kerb return.
   Ignore Intersection Tick on for the intersection to be ignored.  This will vertically disconnect the Main and Side Roads to facilitate grade separated design
   Zoom Tick on to zoom to an intersection when selected.
   Zoom value Type in a zoom value .
   Zoom to Click to reset zoom to the current intersection.
 OK Save all intersection changes and exit.
Cancel Cancel intersection changes and exit.