Surface 2 Point Slope Labels

Menu:   Via Label Plan
Ribbon:   Via Label Plan


Surface 2 Point Slope Labels will produce a variety of intelligent labels directly onto a surface. The tool is designed to allow the user to randomly place customisable labels over a surface manually, and optionally use a secondary surface to demonstrate elevation differences.

The user can produce a series of label styles in the drawing each with its own predefined style. The styles created can be used for other projects and stored within the global settings for inclusion in new projects. Label Styles are managed via the Label Styles command for 2 Point Slope Labels.

Grip Editing

Moving the marker grip will reposition the entire label and update the Label content if referencing a surface. Use the Sychronise Labels command to update label contents where necessary.

Moving the text grips will reposition the Label text only.

Users can create a Label Style which will generate leaders from the marker to the Label text if the text grip is dragged a specified distance.



Updating Labels

Labels values will update using the following methods:
  • If the label is moved to a new position using object grips by selecting the Marker object (this must be the first Line object created in the Label Style).
  • If the label is moved using the Movel Label command in the Labels form
  • When working with labels, it is recommended to run the Sychronise command whenever any other edit is made, such as:
    • The source object (eg: surface) is edited which requires a recalculation/update of the text information
    • The Label Style applied to the label in the drawing is edited
    • Other moves are applied (eg: move, scale or rotate commands) and the label details are not updated (you must move the label Marker for text components of the label to udpate)
    • The Drawing Annotation scale is changed - this is relevant for all labels that are set to read the Drawing Scale
    • If it appears that any label/s are not describing the correct information


These are created via the Label Plan command.  If new, users will need to firstly name the group.  The followng form displays:


Label Set Name

Name of the currently selected label set (not editable).

Delete the current Label Set Name with option to delete all associated label objects in drawing

Labels Tab

This tab manages the parameters for the labels



Surface Labels

Functionality to assign Label Styles and add labels to the drawing

  Label Style

Select a list and click OK to edit the label group.

   Edit Label Style

This opens the Label Styles command for 2 Point Slope Labels

  Reference Surface 1

Select the surface on which to apply the labels
Add Labels

On selection, the user is prompted to select points on screen for the labels

Label Listing

Displays a list of all labels applied to the drawing using the current Label Set Name

Lists the label number (in order of creation in drawing)
Lists the easting of the start of the label marker (line)
Lists the northing of the start of the label marker (line)
Lists the easting of the end of the label marker (line)
Lists the northing of the end of the label marker (line)
If any Text object in the Label Style includes a Text 1 item (a text field) this field will populate the text object in the drawing
If any Text object in the Label Style includes a Text 2 item (a text field) this field will populate the text object in the drawing
Lists the style chosen for the label - pull down to choose an alternative style

Scaling Tab

This tab manages the scaling of the labels within the drawing



  Scale Option

Pick the following options
  Always use drawing scale The label sizes are defined by the user annotation scale set in the drawing (CANNOSCALE)
     Keep first drawing scale The drawing scale at the time of the Labels creation will be permanently stored & used regardless of future drawing scale changes.
User scale User can define the drawing scale of the labels using the box below

  Scale (1:x)

Select a list scale from the list or type a custom scale.  Metric scales will be presented for Civil Site Design, and imperial scales for Civil Site Design Imperial.

Output / Editing

These functions enable the user to edit & refine the labels in the drawing


Select to update the display of all labels in the drawing

Select a label from the list to move within drawing. User will be prompted to pick a new label position on screen.  This moves the Start point of the line component of the label.

Select a label from the list to move within drawing. User will be prompted to pick a new label position on screen.  This moves the End point of the line component of the label.

Select a single label from the list and delete from the drawing

Select to reset grip edited labels to default positions. This will also restore any Labels that have been accidentally erased from the drawing.
Check Deletes Select to manage labels that have been deleted using AutoCAD Delete in the drawing.  These are listed in the list of labels and are highlighted with a coloured background.  They can be restored or permanently deleted from the label list.
Upon selecting the button the following form will display:


  Do Nothing

This will leave the status quo

  Delete grid table entries

This will permanently remove the label.


This will fully restore the label and it will be displayed in the drawing
Use the number field to select how manage labels to restore from the list of deleted labels


Apply and exit


Exit without change
Exit the 2 Point Slope Labels command
Click to zoom the drawing to the label highlighted in the label list
Ticking this box will zoom the screen to a selected label in the list
Click to select a label in the drawing and highlight it for edit in the label list
Pan in the drawing.  Press [Enter] or [Esc] or mouse button to return to this form.