Report and Plot Items

The software creates and stores a collection of calculations and figures.  Many of these items are able to be included in report and long section outputs.

A list of the reportable/plot-able items, including an explanation of each, is below:

Unique ID Item Explanation/Use
(B05) "(Bypass) Bypass Received From Pit (B05)" Bypass flow in
(B06) "(Bypass) Flow Received From Pit (B06)" Pit number sending the bypass flow in
(B04) "(Bypass) Flow to Bypass Pit (B04)" Listing of flow to the different bypass pits
(B03) "(Bypass) Pit to Bypass To (B03)" Listing of pits that receive bypass
(B02) "(Bypass) Pit Total Bypass From Pit (B02)" This is all the bypass from the pit
(B01) "(Bypass) Pit Total Bypass to Pit (B01)" This is all the bypass that is directed to the pit
(C03) "Catchment Combined Area (C03)" Combined area specified for the catchment/sub-catchment (Combined area is where just a C factor is specified for data.  No Impervious or Pervious area can be worked out separately)
(C09) "Catchment Comment (C09)" Comment
(C08) "Catchment Fraction Impervious (C08)" Computed from total area and impervious area
(C01) "Catchment Impervious Area (C01)" Impervious area specified for catchment/sub-catchment
(C05) "Catchment Overland Flow Length (C05)" User Specified Value
(C07) "Catchment Overland Flow Roughness (C07)" User Specified Value
(C06) "Catchment Overland Flow Slope % (C06)" User Specified Value
(C04) "Catchment Overland Flow Time No Gutter (C04)" Overland flow time.  DOES NOT include the gutter flow time.  Made available to check overland flow time calculation
(C02) "Catchment Pervious Area (C02)" Pervious area specified for the catchment/sub-catchment
(M01) "Datum Level (M01)" Plotting only.  This item is added automatically if you use the Datum Option on the plotting form.  Move it up/down to have the Datum where you want it
(M02) "Frequency (M02)" Frequency for plot/report
(G03) "Gutter Flow Time (G03)" Computed from gutter length, assuming a velocity of 1.5 m/sec
(G01) "Gutter Length (G01)" User Specified Value
(G02) "Gutter Slope % (G02)" User Specified Value
(H01) "HGL at Downstream Pit (H01)" HGL at downstream end of the pipe.
(H02) "HGL at Pipe Intersect (H02)" HGL IF the HGL line would intersect with the pipe obvert somewhere between DS and US
(H05) "HGL at Upstream Pit (H05)" H04 plus the pit loss
(H03) "HGL Distance to Pipe Intersect (H03)" Distance from DS if the HGL intersects with the pipe
(H04) "HGL Pipe HGL at Pit (H04)" HGL calculated from DS HGL + friction loss at the US pit
(@11) "Pipe Adjusted Flow (@11)" Total Specified inflow (pit + upstream)
(@38) "Pipe Calcs Combined Area at Pit (@38)" Combined Area Pipe Calculations (just Pit)
(@37) "Pipe Calcs IMPervious Area at Pit (@37)" Impervious Area Pipe Calculations (just Pit)
(@36) "Pipe Calcs Pervious Area at Pit (@36)" Pervious Area Pipe Calculations (just Pit)
(@25) "Pipe Calcs Pit Loss (@25)" Pit Loss
(@41) "Pipe Calcs Total Combined Area at Pit (@41)" Combined Area Pipe Calculations (pit plus upstream)
(@40) "Pipe Calcs Total IMPervious Area at Pit (@40)" Impervious Area Pipe Calculations (pit plus upstream)
(@39) "Pipe Calcs Total Pervious Area at Pit (@39)" Pervious Area Pipe Calculations (pit plus upstream)
(@02) "Pipe Class (@02)" Pipe Class
(@31) "Pipe Comment (@31)" Comment
(@10) "Pipe Computed Flow (@10)" Pipe Flow from hydrology
(@34) "Pipe CW Roughness (@34)" Pipe roughness
(@18) "Pipe Design Tc (@18)" Pipe design tc
(@01) "Pipe Diameter (@01)" Actual pipe diameter
(@12) "Pipe Flow (@12)" Design Flow
(@19) "Pipe Flow Time (@19)" Pipe Flow Time
(@27) "Pipe Friction Loss (@27)" Friction Loss
(@26) "Pipe Friction Slope (@26)" Friction slope
(@23) "Pipe HGL Capacity (@23)" Pipe capacity using the friction slope parallel to the pipe
(@45) "Pipe HGL DS/US Pipe (@45)" Plotting HGL Levels H01 (DS) H04 (US)
(@46) "Pipe HGL DS/US Pit (@46)" Plotting HGL Levels H01 (DS) H05 (US)
(@03) "Pipe ID (@03)" As set on the pipe tables
(@07) "Pipe Inverts (@07)" Computed Inverts (in plotting, at both ends)
(@09) "Pipe Labels (@09)" Pipe Label
(@32) "Pipe Length (@32)" Pit centre to pit centre length
(@24) "Pipe Manning Capacity (@24)" Capacity using Manning formula
(@21) "Pipe Manning Part Depth (@21)" Partial depth in pipe (if pipe would flow full, reports the diameter)
(@22) "Pipe Manning Part Velocity (@22)" Velocity at part flow
(@33) "Pipe Mannings n (@33)" Mannings n
(@08) "Pipe Obverts (@08)" Computed Obverts (in plotting, at both ends)
(@17) "Pipe Rainfall mm/hr (@17)" Pipe design rainfall
(@04) "Pipe Slope % (@04)" Pipe slope %
(@06) "Pipe Slope % or 1: (@06)" Pipe slope - switches from % to 1: when % exceeds 10%
(@05) "Pipe Slope 1: (@05)" Pipe slope 1:
(@35) "Pipe Specified Inflow (@35)" Inflow to pipe specified at a pit
(@14) "Pipe Total Upstream Area (@14)" Total Upstream Area
(@15) "Pipe Total Upstream Effective Area (@15)" Total Upstream Effective Area
(@44) "Pipe Upstream Area Combined (@44)" Combined Area Pipe Calculations (just upstream)
(@42) "Pipe Upstream Area Impervious (@42)" Impervious Area Pipe Calculations (just upstream)
(@43) "Pipe Upstream Area Pervious (@43)" Pervious Area Pipe Calculations (just upstream)
(@20) "Pipe Upstream Critical Pit (@20)" Critical pit US
(@13) "Pipe Upstream Pit (@13)" Upstream Pit
(@16) "Pipe Upstream Tc (@16)" tc from upstream
(@30) "Pipe Velocity (@30)" Velocity from Q/A, where A is @29
(@28) "Pipe Velocity Head (@28)" Velocity Head
(@29) "Pipe XSect Area (@29)" Cross section area of pipe
(P02) "Pit C Factor (P02)" C factor used for pit and sub-catchment area (sub catchment details print on additional lines for catchment reports)
(P01) "Pit C Factor Method (P01)" Either Calculated or Specified, depending on the user settings when creating the sub catchment
(P54) "Pit Chainages (P54)" Chainages (from DS). In plotting, at both ends
(P29) "Pit Comment (P29)" Any text
(P06) "Pit Computed Flow (P06)" Flow computed using Q = CIA
(P08) "Pit Computed Flow with Bypass and Specified Inflows (P08)" Flow from all sources (catchment, bypass and specified inflows)
(P38) "Pit Depth to Invert from Design Surface (P38)" Depth as indicated
(P39) "Pit Depth to Invert from Existing Surface (P39)" Depth as indicated
(P40) "Pit Depth to Invert from Road Code (P40)" Depth as indicated
(P37) "Pit Depth to Invert from Top of Pit (P37)" Depth as indicated
(P42) "Pit Depth to Obvert from Design Surface (P42)" Depth as indicated
(P43) "Pit Depth to Obvert from Existing Surface (P43)" Depth as indicated
(P44) "Pit Depth to Obvert from Road Code (P44)" Depth as indicated
(P41) "Pit Depth to Obvert from Top of Pit (P41)" Depth as indicated
(P35) "Pit Design Surface Level (P35)" Level from design surface
(P33) "Pit Design Water Level (P33)" Design Water Level for pit, as computed using Edit Pit Settings
(P04) "Pit Effective Area (P04)" Area used to compute flow (flow = effective area * rainfall)
(P10) "Pit Excess Bypass (P10)" Bypass that is not accounted for in the bypass specification (Will only occur if no % figures are specified for bypass at the pit)
(P36) "Pit Existing Surface Level (P36)" Level from existing surface
(P18) "Pit Family (P18)" As selected
(P09) "Pit Flows Including Bypass (P09)" Flow from catchment and bypass
(P16) "Pit Gutter Flow Depth (P16)" Depth calculated using road/gutter shape at the pit
(P17) "Pit Gutter Flow Width (P17)" Width calculated using the road/gutter shape at the pit
(P28) "Pit Gutter Impervious Area (P28)" Impervious area flowing to the gutter
(P27) "Pit Gutter Pervious Area (P27)" Pervious area flowing to the gutter
(P58) "Pit Height (P58)" Pit Top Level - Pit Sump Level
(P69) "Pit Hydraulic Loss Factor (P69)" Computed using Hare's formula and Missouri.  May be overridden by user
(P26) "Pit Impervious Area Flow to Pipe (P26)" Flow from impervious area directly to the pipe
(P25) "Pit Impervious Area to Pipe (P25)" Impervious area that flows directly to the pipe
(P24) "Pit Impervious Destination (P24)" Either gutter or pipe, depending on settings for the catchment (Used where flow is direct to the pipe)
(P11) "Pit Inlet Inflow (P11)" Inflow computed from Pit Inlet Capacity
(P67) "Pit Inlet Pipe Class (P67)" Inlet pipe Class  May be more than 1 in a report
(P64) "Pit Inlet Pipe ID (P64)" Inlet pipe label (ID)  May be more than 1 in a report
(P68) "Pit Inlet Pipe Identifier (P68)" Inlet pipe identifier (as set in pipe tables)  May be more than 1 in a report
(P65) "Pit Inlet Pipe Invert (P65)" Inlet pipe Invert  May be more than 1 in a report
(P66) "Pit Inlet Pipe Obvert (P66)" Inlet pipe Obvert  May be more than 1 in a report
(P55) "Pit Labels (P55)" Label set for the pits (at both ends)
(P57) "Pit Length (P57)" Length of pit (set by user on pit properties)
(P19) "Pit Name (P19)" As selected
(P53) "Pit Nearest Road Chainage (P53)" Nearest chainage
(P52) "Pit Nearest Road Level (P52)" Level on road (will be blank if the pit does not fall inside the road corridor)
(P50) "Pit Nearest Road Name (P50)" Nearest road is computed from offset of pit (x,y) to roads.  Only use this is pits generally follow roads
(P51) "Pit Nearest Road Offset (P51)" Offset used
(P20) "Pit Number (P20)" Either automatic number or text created by style for pit numbering in a network
(P62) "Pit Outlet Pipe Class (P62)" Outlet Class
(P59) "Pit Outlet Pipe ID (P59)" Outlet pipe label (ID)
(P63) "Pit Outlet Pipe Identifier (P63)" Outlet Identifier (as set in pipe tables)
(P60) "Pit Outlet Pipe Invert (P60)" Outlet Invert
(P61) "Pit Outlet Pipe Obvert (P61)" Outlet Obvert
(P23) "Pit Pervious Area Flow to Pipe (P23)" Flow from pervious area directly to the pipe
(P22) "Pit Pervious Area to Pipe (P22)" Pervious area that flows directly to the pipe
(P21) "Pit Pervious Destination (P21)" Either gutter or pipe, depending on settings for the catchment (Used where flow is direct to the pipe)
(P14) "Pit Rainfall Intensity (P14)" Rainfall computed from tc using current location
(P49) "Pit Road Chainage (P49)" Chainage on road
(P46) "Pit Road Code (P46)" Code on road
(P70)  "Pit Road Grade %" Road longitudinal grade when pit attached to a road
(P48) "Pit Road Level (P48)" Level on road at pit location. Note: Check this number carefully!  The top of the pit can be quite different!
(P45) "Pit Road Name (P45)" Road name when pit attached to a road
(P47) "Pit Road Offset (P47)" Offset on road
(P15) "Pit Sag or On Grade (P15)" Pit type selected by user
(P07) "Pit Specified Inflows (P07)" Flow specified at the pit for pit calculations
(P13) "Pit Sub Area Rainfall Intensity (to check Tc) (P13)" Rainfall for each sub area.  Used to check flow times (it is needed in the formula for flow time)
(P34) "Pit Sump Level (P34)" Sump level, as computed using Edit Pit Settings
(P05) "Pit Tc (with Gutter) (P05)" Time of concentration, using the C04 items and adding any gutter flow time
(P12) "Pit Time of Concentration (P12)" tc used for pit calculation (maximum value of P05 for each sub area)
(P32) "Pit Top of Pit Level (P32)" Top pit level, as computed using  Edit Pit Settings
(P03) "Pit Total Area (P03)" Total Area (pervious and impervious and combined)
(P56) "Pit Width (P56)" Width of pit (set by user on pit properties)
(P30) "Pit X Coordinate (P30)" Easting position of the pit
(P31) "Pit Y Coordinate (P31)" Northing position of the pit
(R09) "Report Pipe DS Design Level (R09)" Existing Design Level DS
(R07) "Report Pipe DS Exist Level (R07)" Existing Surface Level DS
(R05) "Report Pipe DS Invert (R05)" DS Invert
(R03) "Report Pipe DS Obvert (R03)" DS Obvert
(R10) "Report Pipe US Design Level (R10)" Existing Design Level US
(R08) "Report Pipe US Exist Level (R08)" Existing Surface Level US
(R06) "Report Pipe US Invert (R06)" US Invert
(R04) "Report Pipe US Obvert (R04)" US Obvert
(R02) "Report Pit Labels DS US (R02)" Use this when reporting the Upstream Direction
(R01) "Report Pit Labels US DS (R01)" Use this when reporting from in the Downstream Direction
(T01) "Total Catchment Flow (Including to Pipe) (T01)" Total catchment flow, calculated on the total effective area, ignoring the destinations
(T03) "Total Catchment Flow to Gutter (T03)" Flow to the gutter (this is the figure that is used for the pit inflow calculations and bypass)
(T02) "Total Catchment Flow to Pipe (T02)" Flow to the pipe
(T04) "Total Specified Inflow (T04)" Total Specified Inflow