Redraw Networks

Menu: CSD Pipes > Redraw Networks
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Network Panel > Redraw Networks


The software stores the pipes, pits and networks created in a project.

These objects are represented in AutoCAD as lines, text and blocks, but are not dynamically linked to the data.

As part of the design and drafting process, users could accidently move, delete or otherwise edit these lines, blocks and text.  

Whilst this does not in anyway affect the data stored by the software, when required, this command refreshes the display of information in the drawing to match the data in the software data store.

Upon running this command, any AutoCAD objects created by the software to represent the pipe data will be deleted and reinstated in the drawing.

Labelling that has been added by using Label Network, will remain, provided it has not been placed on the same layer used by pipes or pits, however it will not be updated if any design changes have been made since the labels were created.