Tag Objects
Menu: Roads > Cross Section Outputs > Tag Objects Ribbon: Roads Tab > Plan Production Panel > Cross Sections Dropdown > Tag Objects
This command allows users to 'tag' objects in the drawing for display on the Cross Section Plots. Tagged objects can consist of any collection of lines, arcs, polylines, circles or ellipses and are named by the designer. These 'tag' names can be included in the Cross Section Plots output.
This command provides great flexibility in establishing offset sampling, block assignment and labelling/annotation of any features from the drawing, where they cross the sections.
Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:
Select this option to select and tag a single object in the drawing.
On selection the user will be prompted to select any of the following object types on screen: Lines, arcs, polylines, circles or ellipses.
On successful selection, the user is prompted with the following form:
Existing Tag This displays the existing name of the tagged object if previously tagged New Tag The user can enter a new tag name or overwrite the existing tag name Display Control
Select this option to highlight the tagged objects on screen
Select this option to display the tag name next to the tagged object
Select this option to remove the highlights from tagged objects on screen
Select this option to remove the display of the tag names next to the tagged object Select this option to close the form and save changes