Point Cloud Setup

Ribbon: Model Viewer > Point Clouds Tab > Point Cloud Panel >


ASCII and .LAS files can be imported into Model Viewer using the Point Cloud Setup command. A Point Cloud allows for the fast display of millions of 3d points within Model Viewer. Users can use the Point Cloud to review their model against surveyed LIDAR data or use the Point Cloud to generate a Civil Site Design Surface.

Using the Select and Delete commands, users can quickly remove points from the Point Cloud graphically.

Note: If using the LAS format it is recommended to simplify (if building a surface), unless the size of the cloud is known - it is desirable to build a surface of less than 1 million points for speed.  For ASCII file import, users can set a point limit and also a skip value, which is used to filter points imported.  

Toggle Display Control   

Point Cloud Setup is a tab in the Toggle Display.  The Point Cloud tab will be covered fully here and the Toggle Display command will refer to this.

Surface Creation  

In the point cloud settings, users can opt to build a CSD Surface (TIN) from the point cloud:

Filter using Surface

In Model Viewer, it may be desired to show a point cloud as well as a CSD surface (such as a feature surveyed surface or a surface created from design strings).  Often, users will not want to see both the point cloud and the surface, where they overlap.  The 'Filter using Surface' option will hide all point cloud points where the selected surface area is:

When a surface is created the software automatically applies a Cloth Simulation Filter technique to automate the removal of vertical features such as buildings.  Example below, with the black dots being the point cloud pickup and the black triangulation being the surface output:

Information on navigation in the Model Viewer 3D environment is available when reviewing the Model Viewer command help.


Upon selecting the command the Toggle Display form will open to the Point Cloud tab:

File Format


    LAS File Tab

Allows for import of .LAS Files

Data Sources

Lists all .LAS files selected for import
Add File(s) Opens a Windows Explorer style window for selection of .LAS file/s
Remove File Removes a selected .LAS file from the list of files for import

    ASCII File Tab

Allows for import of .LAS Files


Specify the format of the ASCII Point File using the drop-down boxes numbered 1-10. If required, columns and be skipped using the 'Skip' value.

    Delimited By Set whether the ASCII Point File is delimited by a comma or a space
    On Error If an error occurs during import, set whether the user is alerted and the process is stopped or whether to continue import


Set whether the point cloud is displayed using colors (as specified in the file format) or plain (black and white)



   Point Limit

The maximum amount of points imported into Model Viewer.

   Skip Every

Allows users to filter the Point Cloud. If a value of 10 is set, then only 1 in every 10 points is imported.

Data Sources


  Add Files

Specify the ASCII Point Files to be imported (multiple files can be selected)

  Remove File

Remove files from the Data Sources list


Import Point Cloud

Import the Point Cloud into Model Viewer. Depending on the size of the data, this may take a few minutes.
Note: Click on the the Settings button to manage the point cloud data and display, before running this.

Unload Point Cloud

Unload the Point Cloud from Model Viewer.

Settings The Settings manages how the Point Cloud data is visualised, simplified and how it is used with respect to CSD Surfaces


Choose how the point cloud is coloured


Uses the colors assigned to points in the file

   Image from Drawing

Allows users to pick an image (.png, ,jpg or .bmp) from the drawing to provide colors to the points


Plain black assigned to points


For .LAS files, this will use the Classification assigned


Colors are based on the intensity (density) of point pickup


Tick on to enable simplification of the points

  Voxel size

Type in a positive value.  Large values will result in more simplification of triangles.

Create Surface Tick on to build a Civil Site Design surface from the point cloud


Type in a name for the surface

   Extract Ground Data

If this option is ticked, then the software will perform a calculation using the Ground data settings, to extract ground data from the point cloud.
If this option is unticked, the software will create a surface using all points in the point cloud.
   Ground Data Settings Tick on to apply intelligent filtering of the point cloud data to remove non-ground points and smoothing.  This applies a Cloth Simulation Filtering algorithm.  Options below facilitate tweaking of the settings.


Picklist for the Type of data to filter from the point cloud.  Specifying a type will help the software extract appropriate ground data. Users will specify the type of data they're using. If in doubt, pick Complex area which assumes there is a bit of everything happening (trees, building, steep terrain etc)


The value in metres (or feet) used to determine how 'course' the terrain is.  Higher values will reduce computation time and reduce surface size.  Change this value if working with very large areas, if the surface creation process is extremely slow


The Cloth Simulation Filtering processes runs multiple iterations through the data to remove non-ground points and smooth for infill areas.  Increasing this value will enhance optimisation of the cloud for ground data and increase processing time.  Increase this value if the surface is small or the results need refinement.

Filter using Surface

Tick on to hide point cloud points where a specified surface exists


Select the surface to use as a hide boundary in the point cloud


Move the point cloud output


X direction move


Y direction move


z direction move


Apply these settings when building the point cloud