Volume Report (Legacy)


Note: This command is now superseded by the Section Volumes command.



Integral to all design processes is the need to create material reports to be used for cost estimates and design comparisons.

The software can create a range of Volume reports of your designs. The reports can be exported to a CSV and displayed on screen as AutoCAD tables.


On starting the command the Designer is asked to nominate the required road by selecting it from the screen, or from a list. 

After selecting a string on screen, the form below is displayed:

String Selection
The left panel of the form lists all of the available strings in the drawing which can be reported for volumes. Click on any string to report:
Sectional Data    
Sectional Data The user can choose how to report & output the data for volumes.  This top frame heading also lists the String that is being reported and whether intersection trim controls have been applied to the volumes.
   Start Station Enter a station to begin the volume report calculations. If left blank, then CSD will default to the first station.
   End Station Enter a station to end the volume report calculations. If left blank, then CSD will default to the last station.
Settings & Output These functions enable the user to control the output of the Volume Reports Form & AutoCAD Tables
Calculation Settings
Left / Right Side Use Label Select this option and use the pick list to select a code for the Left / Right side.  
Use Alignment Select this option and use the pick list to select an alignment for the Left / Right side.  
Pick Cubic Metres / Feet or Cubic Yards
Click on the Show Units button for units to display on each heading (for area and volume)
Trim Intersections. If ticked on, the volumes are adjusted as follows:
  • Implications for intersections:
    • Main Road strings are trimmed back to the LEB/REB codes, from curb return string to curb return string across the intersection zone (no volumes are calculated outside of these codes along the main road)
    • Side Road strings are trimmed back to the centreline, from curb return string to the intersection left and right side (no volumes calculated at all)
    • Curb return strings that have a RDUM code (or LDUM code for users opting to drive on the right hand side of the road) will note that the RDUM/LDUM code extends out to the LEB/REB code of the main road and to the CL of the side road, for the full extents of the curb return. 
  • Implications for cul-de-sacs
    • Main Road strings are trimmed back to the centreline (CL code) on the left from where the left side cul-de-sac alignment starts/ends and on the right side from where the right side cul-de-sac alignment ends/starts
    • Cul-de-sac strings that have a RDUM code (or LDUM code for user option to drive on the right hand side of the road) will note tha tthe RDUM/LDUM code extents out to the CL of the Main Road string.
When appllied, the volume of each code pair in the cross section (eg: C.L. to LEB) is calculated by finding the centre of the section and then calculating the distance between, measured from centre-to-centre.  This can have a profound impact on volumes through curves, where the outside sections are more widely spaced (the further away from the CL) and the inside sections are more closely spaced (the further away from the C.L.
Allows assigning an alternative surface for volumes.  It is assumed that this surface extends for the ENTIRE string extents and covers the full width of ALL sections along the string.  Unexpected results will occur if this is not the case.
If specified, volumes are calculated between this surface and the bottom of the pavement layers of the design.
  Save Settings.  Select to save current changes
  Close. Exit to the Volume Reports
Report Settings
  This form is used to choose what items are displayed in the Volume Reports form & control the AutoCAD Table Style report output. The user can customise each Report Type depending on requirements.

Each tab can be controlled as follows:
  Section by Section
Table Title: Double click the cell to name the AutoCAD table to be outputted to screen
Table Style: Select an existing AutoCAD table style from the list
Table Font: Select a font from the list
Controls what items are displayed in the Volume Reports Form & AutoCAD table:
Visible Name Display Name Decimal Places Width
Tick to make item Visible Predefined reporting item Double click to edit Double click to edit
(Default value = 2)
Double click to edit
(Default value = 60)
Cut Prefix User can type a prefix value to indicate 'cut' on the Report Form ie.
Fill Prefix User can type a prefix value to indicate 'Fill' on the Report Form
  Subgrade by Section
Table Title: Double click the cell to name the AutoCAD table to be outputted to screen
Table Style: Select an existing AutoCAD table style from the list
Table Font: Select a font from the list

Controls what items are displayed in the Volume Reports Form & AutoCAD table:
Visible Name Display Name Decimal Places Width
Tick to make item Visible Predefined reporting item Double click to edit Double click to edit
(Default value = 2)
Double click to edit
(Default value = 60)
  Material Totals
Table Title: User can name the AutoCAD table to be outputted to screen
Table Style: Select an existing AutoCAD table style from the list
  Table Font: Select a font from the list
  Volume Totals
Table Title: User can name the AutoCAD table to be outputted to screen
Table Style: Select an existing AutoCAD table style from the list
  Table Font: Select a font from the list
AutoCAD Table
  This command will output an AutoCAD table into the drawing.
If a table has already been created for the current Alignment & Report Type, the existing table will automatically be updated when selecting this option.
If there is no table in the drawing for the current Alignment & Report Type, the user will be prompted on screen.
The user will be prompted on screen to position the top left corner of the table and left click to finish and return the form:
Output Table to CSV
On selecting this option, the user will be prompted on screen to save the CSV file.
Report Type The user can choose from three different types of volume calculation output
  Section by Section
  In this report the user can output cumulative volumes base on the current Sampled Sections. Note: Default reporting columns shown - additional reporting columns can be added using the Report Settings.
  Station at which the volume calculation is taken.
Additional chainages can be added using the Add Extra Sections
  Cut area between chainages (sq.m)
  Cut Volume between chainages (cu.m)
  Fill Area between chainages (sq.m)
  Fill Volume between chainages (cu.m) 
  Pavement Volume (cu.m) 
  Cumulative Total (Total Area cu.m between start station and current) 
The user can choose to report the single Road or All Roads (based on the Totalmodel)
User can choose to output the Total Volume data to an AutoCAD table    
User can choose to output the Total Volume data to a CSV file    
Stripping The stripping volume is calculated by applying a depth of material removal between the left and right extents of the design cross sections (normally batter to batter). The strip is value determined from Stripping in the Design Data Form  
Pavement Total Volume of Pavement Material  
Total Cut Total Cut material  
Total Fill Total Fill material  
Net Volume Net Volume calculation  
  Subgrade by Section
  In this report the user can output volumes between design codes. Note: Default reporting columns shown - additional reporting columns can be added using the Report Settings.

Start Station at which the volume calculation is taken.
Additional chainages can be added using the Add Extra Sections
  End Station at which the volume calculation is taken.
Additional chainages can be added using the Add Extra Sections
  The Section on the road
  The codes between which the volume calculation is taken. Both left & right sides are calculated seperately.
  The area of material at the start Station
  The area of material at the end Station
  Total Volume of material in that section
  Notes can be added to this column. Double click the cell to add notes.

Material Displays the material between the design code between whiich the volume calculation is made
Region Displays the design codes between which the volume calculation is made
Volume Total Volume of material wiithin the region
  Material Totals
  In this report the user can output Total Volumes for an alignment
  Stripping The stripping volume is calculated by applying a depth of material removal between the left and right extents of the design cross sections (normally batter to batter). The strip is value determined from Stripping in the Design Data Form
  Pavement Total Volume of Pavement Material
  Total Cut Total Cut material
  Total Fill Total Fill material
  Net Volume Net Volume calculation
The user can choose to report the single Road or All Roads (based on the Totalmodel)
User can choose to output the Total Volume data to an AutoCAD table    
User can choose to output the Total Volume data to a CSV file    
Material Displays the Pavement Material  
Pavement Total Volume of Pavement Material  
Refresh Refreshing the Reports

  If changes are made to a surface, alignment or profile, this button will enable the user to globally refresh the Volume Report Form & AutoCAD tables on screen and update the contents.