Use Other Road Stations



This command is used to display a road's chainages relative to another road. It is often used in conjunction with the Use Other Road option in the Create/Edit Road and Resample Cross Sections commands.

Once applied, the reported chainages on the Vertical Grading Editor will be shown relative to the other road that is referenced in this command.  The chainages are measured and displayed perpendicular to the selected CSD Object (Road, Curb Return, String, etc).

In the Vertical Grading Editor, users are able to display both the alignment chainages as well as the chainages measured relative to the 'Road' selected.  This is controlled in the Display Settings in the Vertical Grading Editor.


Upon selecting the command and selecting the object requiring the display or chainages from another CSD Object, the following form is displayed:

Use Main Alignment Choose this option to show chainages relative to the chosen Main Alignment. Specify from the pick list which road/string to use as the Main Alignment.
Prompt for Alignment If selected, every time the Vertical Grading Editor is opened for this CSD Object, the user will be prompted to select the other CSD Object to show relative chainages.

After applying this option, every time the CSD Object (Road, String, etc) is opened using the Vertical Grading Editor, a form will display for the user to select which other alignment to show relative chainages for, as follows:

List List of alignments in the drawing.  Select one to calculate chainages relative to.
OK Apply and open the Vertical Grading Editor.
Cancel Exit the command
Do Not Use Another   Alignment Choose this option to prevent chainages being applied relative to another road
OK Apply changes and exit the form
Cancel Exit the form without applying changes
