String Code Label Settings

Menu:   Roads > Labels > String Code Label Settings
General > Labels > String Code Label Settings
Ribbon:   Roads Tab > Plan Production Panel > Labels Dropdown > String Code Label Settings
General Tab > Labels Panel > Settings Dropdown > String Code Label Settings


This command establishes particular String Codes to include in plan labeling, when using the Multi String or String Labels commands.

String Codes are created from applying a Template to a string, or by inserting Codes using the Variations for a String.

When plotting String code features to plan, a list of codes to include is required.  This command delivers the list of codes to label.

This command can be run independently, or can be accessed when running the  Multi String or String Labels commands.



Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

Code Group

This is a named collection of Codes to include in plan labeling outputs


Create a new Code Group.  A form will display to enter a new Code Group name.


Deletes the current Code Group.


Make a copy of the current Code Group

Code List

List of codes to include in outputs and, optionally, assign specific Label Styles to the respective codes.


Use the pick list on each row to select all the code/s to plot labels for.

  Optional Label Style

Use the pick list to set a specific Label Style to apply to each code listed.


Apply and exit.


Exit the form without deleting any data.