


Project Assist assesses alignments in the drawing and suggests how those alignments should be used.  Both the alignment name and geometry are considered in the software assessment for alignment usage, and Project Assist will learn based on the confirmed alignment usage.

After the alignment usage is determined, Project Assist then proceeds to relate all those strings to each other and provides the user with the ability to change details about how strings are created and alignments are used.  Controls include such things as Templates to apply to strings, default crossfall controls and section spacings.

The Project Assist Settings allows the user to set some defaults for how strings are created and how they are applied.

These settings are saved to the CSD Settings folder and could be copied to other user computers so long as they support the same 'Global' Templates.  Location of files are in the folder 'jobprepr' in the CSD Settings folder.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

  Default Templates Tab

For the different types of Strings that Project Assist creates, users can select the default Templates to use by default

Urban road

Select the default Template.


The software will intelligently assess the alignment name to determine whether to apply this Template or the Urban Road template.
Select the default Template.

Standard Curb (L)

This will be applied to Strings that are associated to a road edge, and strings not associated with a road edge.  This is for templates that apply left of the Road string alignment, or on the right of the alignment if running in the reverse direction of the Road String
Select the default Template.

Standard Curb (R)

This will be applied to Strings that are associated to a road edge, and strings not associated with a road edge.  This is for templates that apply right of the Road string alignment, or on the left of the alignment if running in the reverse direction of the Road String
Select the default Template.

Island Curb (L)

This will be applied to Strings that are associated to an island or central roundabout.  This will apply to alignments going in an anti-clockwise direction
Select the default Template.

Island Curb (R)

This will be applied to Strings that are associated to an island or central roundabout.  This will apply to alignments going in a clockwise direction
Select the default Template.

Standard Footpath (L)

This will be applied to Strings that are associated with the Footpath codes on a road string.  This applies left of the Road string alignment, or on the right of the alignment if running in the reverse direction of the Road String
Select the default Template.

Standard Footpath (R)

This will be applied to Strings that are associated with the Footpath codes on a road string.  This applies right of the Road string alignment, or on the left of the alignment if running in the reverse direction of the Road String
Select the default Template.

  Default Codes Tab

Project Assist supports specific actions for alignments/strings to include pavement saw cuts, manage footpath inner or outer location and to edit the boundary (batter/daylight extents).  It is expected these codes will exist on the Template assigned to the associated Road String.  The Road Edge Code is taken from the Active Drawing Settings command.


Where users set a Sawcut control, the alignment will be used to adjust the selected Code (the Code specified does not include the L/R prefix) on the Template applied to the Road String

Footpath (Sidewalk) Inner

Where users set a footpath control, the innermost alignment will define the inside edge of the footpath and will be used to adjust the selected Code (the Code specified does not include the L/R prefix) on the Template applied to the Road String
Note: where only one alignemnt is designated as a Footpath on a road side, it will always be treated as a control for the inner edge of the footpath

Footpath (Sidewalk) Outer

Where users set two footpath controls on a side of a Road String, the outermost alignment will define the outside edge of the footpath and will be used to adjust the selected Code (the Code specified does not include the L/R prefix) on the Template applied to the Road String


Where users set a Boundary control, the alignment will be used to adjust the selected Code (the Code specified does not include the L/R prefix) on the Template applied to the Road String

  Default Values Tab

Resheet Thickness

Where conditions are satisfied for a Resheet to be available for a Road string, this will be the default thickness (changeable by the user at the time of creating the road string)

String Sample Rate

Where a String is being added to the design, this is the default sample rate.
Island Sample Rate Where an Island string is being added to the design, this is the default sample rate.
Curb (Curb) Return Radius At intersections where no curb (curb) alignment has been created by the user and selected to be used, this will display as the defualt radius for creating returns at all other intersections.
String arc sample rate Sampling rate to apply to created Profile Strings
Island arc sample rate Sampling increment to apply to Island Strings
Create all curb returns as saddle Tick on to default for all curb return intersections to be 'All Crowned' (no primary road control). 


Default settings that apply to Road Strings
    Tangent Sampling Rate Sampling interval along tangents
    Arc Sampling Rate Sampling interval along arcs
    Spiral Sampling Rate Sampling interval along spirals
    Left Width Width of surface sampling left of the alignment.  Important for calculating volumes and batters/daylights
    Right Width Width of surface sampling right of the alignment.  Important for calculating volumes and batters/daylights

Design Constraints

The software will automatically create design constraints to help users manage crossfalls when undertaking string design
    Road xfall max Applies to strings created for the road edge.  Type a value and click on the color swatch to set a color.
    Road xfall min Applies to strings created for the road edge.  Type a value and click on the color swatch to set a color.
    Road footpath xfall max Applies to strings created to control the offset and elevation of footpath.  Type a value and click on the color swatch to set a color.
     Road footpath xfall min Applies to strings created to control the offset and elevation of footpath.  Type a value and click on the color swatch to set a color.

  Default Cul-de-sac Tab

Users can elect to have the software add circular cul-de-sacs at the start/end of each Road String.  The cul-de-sac wil be placed so the head of the bowl is close to the start/end of the alignment.  Default sampling and transfer elevations will be assumed. 

Radius 1

Entry radius for the cul-de-sac

Radius 2

Bowl radius for the cul-de-sac

Radius 3

Return radius for the cul-de-sac


Optional offset for the centrepoint of the Radius 2.  The offset must be less than Radius 2.  Positive values will offset to the right of the alignment and negative values to the left.

  Modeling Tab

Project Assist will create multiple Models to best create the design:

  • Where independent strings are being included, these are added to a design model.  This design model is built on the TotalModel, where road and road network strings are included
  • Where islands are included (median islands, splitter islands, roundabouts, strings with start/end elevations adopted from the design model) a new model will be created that is build on the first design model (applying code trimming for inclusion of the islands and other crossing features)

Model name

Name of the initial model created by Project Assist, built on TotalModel.
An input is required in this field.  Commas should be avoided in the name.

Model (with islands) suffix:

Name of the final design model created by Project Assist, when islands and 'design connected' strings are included.
The text added here is appended to the Model name for the design model that includes islands.
An input is required in this field. 

  Advanced Tab

Max Offset

Maximum offset for associating alignments to road strings

Offset tolerance

A percentage tolerance for the offset.  If set to 100%, the entirety of each alignment must be fully contained inside the Max offset in order to be associated to a road string.

Parallel tolerance

A value, in degrees, to decide whether an alignment that is associated to a road should (by default) be treated as a code control on the associated Road String or as a separate String (with it's own cross section sampling and cross sections)

Prompt for Thread Name on Computer

When Project Assist is run it creates a Thread including all operations undertaken by Project Assist.  If this is ticked on the user is prompted to name the new Thread.

  Resources Tab

Download Video Files

The output .pdf documenting all the steps Project Assist has taken includes links to video files.  These are not installed with the sofware installation, to keep  installation size down, and can be downloaded by clicking on this button

Download Plugins Pack

As plugins (special functionality operations) are created they will be included here for download.
Examples of plugins includes the Model Trim plugin that installs with Civil Site Design and enables intelligent application of a boundary to the selected design surface model.


Apply the changes and exit

Set Settings as Default

Tick to set the current settings to be the default for future projects.


Exit the form without applying changes