Resize and Layout Settings

Ribbon (Civil Site Design):   General Tab > System Settings Panel > Resize and Layout Settings
Roads Tab > Settings Panel > Drawing Settings dropdown > Resize and Layout Settings
Surfaces Tab > Settings Panel > Drawing Settings dropdown > Resize and Layout Settings
Ribbon (Stringer Topo):  Stringer Survey Tab > Settings Panel > Resize and Layout Settings   (Civil 3D)
Survey Tab > Settings Panel > Resize and Layout Settings


This command allows users to set all Civil Site Design text to auto scale in all viewports.  When 'Apply automatic label scaling' is ticked on, text created in Model Space by Civil Site Design will be rescaled in every viewport to display at 'true size' to the original text size (so if set to 2.5 the text will display 2.5 units high when viewed in paperspace on a layout tab). 

Additionally, this command allows users to set two defaults for page setup on new layouts created by the software (profile views and cross sections): the Device Name and the page size.  When long and cross section plots are created in the current drawing, these defaults will be applied.



About Automatic Label Scaling

When turned on, the software will redraw all text objects displayed in viewports to deliver correct text size in paperspace (on the basis that the label is being scaled by the Model view scale).

Notes: When switched on, Mtext background fills will not be applied to text displayed in viewports.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

Apply automatic label scaling (Viewports)

When unticked, label scales typically resize based on the Model Space scale only.
Tick on for label scales to resize in every viewport.
Note: When enabled, the software will look at the standard text size, then apply scaling to suit the current Model Scale or Viewport Scale.  If text created by the software is copied from the plotted output (long or cross sections) layout/s and placed in Model Space then the original text is in mm and will be unexpectedly scaled.

Apply automatic COGO Point Scaling

Tick on to allow COGO points to automatically resize and in any Viewport (in viewports, the text size will be adjusted to be the correct size for the Layout sheet)
If unticked, COGO points will scale between Model Space and the Viewport as per non-annotative text/blocks.
Note: this control is available on each individual Point Style

Apply automatic COGO Point Rotation

When unticked, COGO points will be rotated in Viewports to always show horizontal to the Layout sheet
When ticked, COGO points will rotate to match the Viewport rotation.
Note: this control is available on each individual Point Style

Page Setup

Enables page setup defaults to be applied to new Layouts created from the Profile View Plotting and Cross Section Plotting commands.

  Apply page setup settings

Tick on to set the Device Name and Page Size (Media Name) for new layouts created by the software

  Device Name

Select a plot device from the list.

  Media name

Select a page size for the selected device.


Apply and exit.