Points by Reference



This command allows users to create COGO Points that reference Design objects (Alignments, Surfaces, Strings and Codes) to manage insertion positions, elevations and textual information.  This command could be used for stakeout of point data, for example, with users electing to pickup a Code from a string for x,y,z position.  Users could then create/update a Point Group and output a table of information.  This could include station, offset, and other information related to the string.

Once created, the Update Points command can be used to update the positions of the points based on changes to the reference object data. 

Reference Controls

When setting up a reference to other objects, the software uses the Positioning Form which allows for independent horizontal positioning and elevation assignment for the point.  The Positioning Form enables the following controls for the point insertion and elevation:

The horizontal position can be independently established compared with the vertical position.  This allows for elevations to be relative to, say, the centreline of a road and the horizontal position to be relative to, say, the left side back of curb.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:


Type in a Description for the Points


Ticked on by default.  This allows for the horizontal and vertical positioning of the point to be referenced to alignments, string codes or (vertically) surface.

  Dynamic tick

Tick on to apply dynamic (referenced) positioning

  Setup Position

This opens the Positioning Form for the user to establish the horizontal (x,y) insertion and vertical (z) of the point.  Below is a sample of attaching to a String code horizontally and vertically.  See the Positioning Form help for more information.


Set the Point Style to apply for the created point/s.

  Default Point Style

Select a Point Style for display of the point, in the case that the point description is not found in the Code Set Table.


Click to open the Point Style Editor to create/edit/manage Point Styles.

  Code Set Table

Select a Code Set Table to apply a Point Style, Layer and Description formatting based on a matching Code.


Click to open the Code Set Table to create/edit/manage point codes for auto assignment of styles, layers and description formatting.



  Dynamic tick

Use the pick list to select the method for adding points at distances along the selected alignment/string. Options are split into two sections, separated with -----------------------------.  Top section is user input for creation.  Below the dashed line the Section Manager lists are displayed.


After selecting the method of addition, clicking here will either add the distances to the list view or open a form for setting the outputs.  Conditional checks requiring user input are listed below:

by station range at interval

This method requires the user to specify a start, end position and measured distance from start.


  Start Station

Type in the start distance along the alignment/string.  Use the pick list to select from the drawing.

  End Station

Type in the end distance along the alignment/string.  Use the pick list to select from the drawing.


Type the distance between successive points between the start and end.


Apply to create the positions for points

by single station

Add a single position for a point



Type in a position along the alignment/string.  Use the pick list to select from the drawing.

by sections

This will automatically add the standard spacings (including horizontal geometry points) defined for the string.  Expect no output if an alignment is set as the horizontal position control in the Setup Position form above.


No input is required for this type.  Once selected the distances are added to the list

[Section Manager List]

This is managed via the Section Manager lists for the selected string/alignment.


No input is required for this type.  Once selected the distances are added to the list.

  [List of Positions]

List of positions along the selected alignment/string (distances measured from start of the alignment/string)


Delete a selected position in the list.  This will remove the point from the drawing, or prevent creation

  Delete All 

Delete all items in the list

  Edit Station Lists

This opens the Section Manager form for the selected Alignment/String set up in the Setup Position form above.

Create Points

Create the points in the drawing, referenced to the selected object/s.