Multi Section Viewer



The Multi Section Viewer displays calculated cut and fill areas per cross section, as well as area and volume table information. 

The determination of what is displayed for each cross section, and the section spacings, comes from the Section Volumes form.

All sections are displayed for a selected String.

Navigation is via the mouse.  Roll the middle mouse to zoom and hold down the middle mouse button to pan.

This command may be available from the Toolspace and is accessible from the Section Volumes form


Form controls:

Menu dropdown



File > Import Styles

Import saved presentation/output styles
File > Export Styles Create a save file with the current display settings



  Grid Rows 

Set the number of rows before starting a new column

   Grid Columns

Set the maximum number of columns to display sections

    X Spacing

Horizontal distance between sections in a row
    Y Spacing Veritcal distance between sections in a column
    Padding distance Padding value between sections
    Exaggeration Vertical exaggeration to apply



    Show Polygons 

Draw the cut/fill areas and shade

    Show subgrade line

Draw the calculated subgrade line

    Show Materials

Display the design section materials/layers
    Show Design Line Draw the calculated design line
    Show Design Codes Draw the code text
    Show Materials Totals Display the materials totals table
    Show Cut/Fill Table Display the cut/fill table


Set the colors used for display

   Design Line

Click the color swatch to change this display

   Subgrade Line

Click the color swatch to change this display

   Polygon Cut

Click the color swatch to change this display

   Polygon Fill

Click the color swatch to change this display

   Station Text

Click the color swatch to change this display


Click the color swatch to change this display


Click the color swatch to change this display


Set up the table display

    Materials Table Text Size

Set the size of the materials table text

    Cut/Fill Table Text Size

Set the size of the cut/fill table text

    Materials Table X Offset

Type a distance to offset the table (measured from the LEFT SIDE extents of the section).
Note: table insertion is top left

    Materials Table Y Offset

Type a distance to offset the table (measured from the highest elevation of the drawn section).
Note: table insertion is bottom left

    Cut/Fill Table X Offset

Type a distance to offset the table (measured from the RIGHT SIDE extents of the section).
Note: table insertion is top left

    Cut/Fill Table Y Offset

Type a distance to offset the table (measured from the highest elevation of the drawn section).
Note: table insertion is bottom left

Station Text

Manage the station text display

    Text Size

Set the size of the station text


Add a padding distance from the bottom midpoint of the section


Optional prefix text


Optional suffix text

    Export DWG

Create a drawing file (.dwg) from the displayed data.


Refresh the display.  Useful if the design has changed while the form was open.

Total Volume display

Total volume (reported at Total Cut XXX, Total Fill YYY will display

Open Section Volumes form

Opens the Section Section Volumes form.