Model Builder



By default, the Auto Model command automatically collects together all the roads, curb returns and cul-de-sacs and creates a totally integrated surface model of these features, including all trimming and creation of breaklines in the intersection zone.

This command allows the user to construct a model using any collection of CSD Objects/Strings (roads, curb returns, cul-de-sacs, knuckles, strings, etc) and cross section Codes created in the drawing. Users include CSD Objects (inclusive of their cross section Codes) and have a range of editing tools for trimming out Codes that are not required in the model. Common uses for this application includes the design of roundabouts as part of an intersection reconstruction, inclusion of traffic islands, angled parking and more.  

Model Builder allows the designer to construct a model using any collection of Strings and Codes - pick the String object and select the code linework to display.  Users control the station range for display of linework data.

The model construction happens directly in the drawing - the designer can control the color of the linework (based on the Code) as well as the transparency of background linework. 

Zoom and pan can happen directly in the drawing.  The modeling system is accessed from a floating form on the drawing canvas.

A subgrade model can also be built from a model, see Subgrade Model Manager.

Setting Display Defaults

The default display controls are set in the Active Drawing Settings>Modeling Tab form.  In here the designer sets:

These Model Color Files are created from inside the Model Builder form.

Important note about Transparency - the Transparency setting will only be applied if Transparency has been enabled in the drawing - this is a small icon/text button at the bottom of the CAD environment in the same group of buttons as the Snaps.

Plotting Outputs

As well as being able to plot the surface information on long and cross sections, designers are able to extract the Model strings for display on cross sections.  This has the added benefit of allowing the designer to control which Codes from the Strings to plot in the data rows/bands.  Users can selectively choose what grade break information is important and required in the data rows, rather than trying to filter all grade breaks.

At the time of plotting cross sections, the Model can be included by applying the Add Model/Surface option in the Cross Section Data Bands/Controls form.  Review the cross section plotting for more information on this form and the inputs.

Notes for Selecting and Editing CSD Objects


Upon starting the command the following form is displayed:


Displays a list of all created models.    Note: Right click for menu options, see below details.


Displays the model name.  Double clicking on the model name will open it for editing.


Denotes whether the model is rebuilt when i) the Rebuild Model button is run, ii) the Rebuild Models option is Ticked and the Model Builder form is closed, iii) the Rebuild All command is run.

Note: Does NOT effect Compute Design Models thread, all models are rebuilt when this thread is run.


Denotes whether the boundary retraction is applied to the model surface.  Boundary retraction delete triangles, working from the outside in (retraction) applying the maximum triangle length.  Once a triangle is found with a smaller value than the maximum triangle length, triangle deletion stops.

Max. Triangle Length

Set a maximum triangle length.  This is used for boundary retraction.

Open the right click menu options, see below for details.

Sub Model

Denotes whether a subgrade model has been created from the model.

Note: This is for information only and cannot be ticked on or off.


Denotes whether the Subgrade Model is dynamically updated.

Open the Subgrade Model Manager command.

[Right Click Menu] Select a Model and right click for menu options

Edit Model

Open the selected saved model for editing

Create/Edit Sub Model

Open the Subgrade Model Manager command.

Rebuild Model

Rebuild the selected model.

Note: Dynamic must be toggled ON.

Rebuild Models

Rebuild all models.

Note: Only models with dynamic toggled ON will be rebuilt.

Surface Manager

Open the Surface Manager command.
Toggle Display Opens the Toggle Display command.
Copy Model Creates a copy of the current model and opens the copy for editing.
Delete Model Deletes the current model.
Create New Model Create a new model.  Upon running the command the following form is displayed:


Enter the name for the model.

Is linked to automatic model (TotalModel)

Create a model linked to the same model that is created from the Auto Model command, which includes automated intersection(s), cul-de-sac(s), knuckle(s) and other trimming.

Note: The software adds code trimming to match Auto Model.  Whilst these code trims cannot be edited, users can overwrite them by adding further code edits.


Setup the boundary options for the model.

  Apply boundary retraction

Denotes whether the boundary retraction is applied to the model surface.  Boundary retraction delete triangles, working from the outside in (retraction) applying the maximum triangle length.  Once a triangle is found with a smaller value than the maximum triangle length, triangle deletion stops.

  Max. Triangle Length

Set a maximum triangle length.  This is used for boundary retraction.

Create New Model

Creates the model and opens it for editing.


Exit the form.

Rebuild Models

Rebuild all models.

Note: Only models with dynamic toggled ON will be rebuilt.


Exit the form.

Once a model is selected the following form is displayed as a floating toolbar, allowing for editing of the model:

Include/Exclude Flyout

Click on the Include/Exclude button to expand and display the Include/Exclude Editor within the display window


Minimise the Model Manager form back to a strip bar.

Group Selection Tools

The command icons above the spreadsheet provide quick access controls for CSD Objects in the list.


Includes the highlighted CSD Objects in model.  If no CSD Objects are highlighted then all CSD Objects are ticked on for inclusion.

Note: In the list of roads, use the [Shift] and [Ctrl] buttons while selecting rows to select multiple items


Excludes the highlighted CSD Objects in model.  If no CSD Objects are highlighted then all CSD Objects are ticked off for exclusion.

Note: In the list of roads, use the [Shift] and [Ctrl] buttons while selecting rows to select multiple items


Deselects all rows.  If any row/s are highlighted, this command button removes the highlights.

CSD Object Listing

Every CSD Object is listed here.  Items that are ticked on are included in the model. Items that are ticked off are excluded.


Denotes whether the CSD Object is included or excluded from the model.  Click on each row to tick on/off the CSD Object.

  Object Name

Lists the name of the CSD Object (normally matching the alignment name).  This cell is non-editable, however users can select multiple rows by clicking in this column.


Details the CSD Object Type.  Types include Road, Curb, Cul-de-sac, Knuckle, String. This cell is non-editable.


Details the object length - this typically matches the alignment length. This cell is non-editable.

Edit Flyout Click on the Edit button to expand and display the Edit form within the display window.

If no CSD String is selected, the user will be prompted to select a string to edit as follows:

Special Note: The Edit form lists the edits applied to the Current CSD Object. 


Minimise the Model Manager form back to a strip bar.

Current Road

Lists the current Road (String) being edited.

   Pick String From List

Pick a String to edit from a list of all String objects created.  Select a string to edit and click OK to make it current for editing

   Pick String from Drawing

Pick a new String to edit from the drawing

   Edit/Trim By Selection

Select this option to exclude (delete) selected Codes over a station range. 

At the command prompt at the bottom, graphically select the start station and end station over which to apply the edit.

The editing form is partly modeless, enabling zoom and pan in the display window, as well as updating of the model display as edits are applied.  Inputs are as follows:

Station Range to Apply

Sets the station range over which the selected edit will apply.


Set the start station using the pick list of chainages - these are the sections sampled for the String.

   Pick Start from Drawing

Pick the start from the drawing.

   (Add Extra Sampling)

Opens the Add Extra Sections form allowing for extra sampling to be added to the current string and assigned to the Start Station.

  To End

Set the start station using the pick list of chainages - these are the sections sampled for the String.

   Pick End from Drawing

Pick the end from the drawing.

   (Add Extra Sampling)

Opens the Add Extra Sections form allowing for extra sampling to be added to the current string and assigned to the End Station.

   Add Region

At the command prompts, select the first Station and second Station over which to apply the edit.  The software will automatically determine the start and end station from the locations selected, and will automatically insert sampled sections at the locations selected to force the edit to apply at the exact locations selected.


Deselects all rows.  If any row/s are highlighted, this command button removes the highlights.

Group Selection

These command icons above the Code List provide quick include/exclude Code control for selected Codes in the Code List.


Includes the highlighted Codes from the model.  If no Codes are highlighted then all Codes are set to an 'Include' status.  This option is good to force inclusion of Codes that have been excluded from the model.

Note: In the list of Codes, use the [Shift] and [Ctrl] buttons while selecting rows to select multiple items.


Excludes the highlighted Codes from the model.  If no Codes are highlighted then all Codes are set to an 'Exclude' status.

Note: In the list of roads, use the [Shift] and [Ctrl] buttons while selecting rows to select multiple items.


Leaves the current include/exclude status of the Code alone (No Change) for highlighted Codes.  If no Codes are highlighted then all Codes are set to a 'No Change' status.

Note: In the list of roads, use the [Shift] and [Ctrl] buttons while selecting rows to select multiple items.

Code List

Every code for the selected Road Object are included here.  Users are able to set whether the Code is included, excluded, or unchanged over the selected station range.  Columns are as follows:


List of Codes for the object being edited.

  Include/Exclude/No Change

Set the status of the Code to be excluded from the model (Exclude), included in the model (Include) or status unchanged (No Change).


Apply the edit and exit.  The edit can be adjusted in the Edit Flyout (see below)


Do not apply the edit and exit the form

Zooms to the selected station range.

   Edit/Trim by Group

Select this option to delete groups of codes over a station range. 

At the command prompt at the bottom, graphically select the start station and end station over which to apply the edit.

The editing form is partly modeless, enabling zoom and pan in the display window, as well as updating of the model display as edits are applied.  Inputs are as follows:

Station Range to Apply

Sets the station range over which the selected edit will apply.


Set the start station - initially populated from graphical selection in the drawing.

   Pick Start from Drawing

Pick the start from the drawing.

   (Add Extra Sampling)

Opens the Add Extra Sections form allowing for extra sampling to be added to the current string and assigned to the Start Station.

  To End

Set the end station - initially populated from graphical selection in the drawing.

   Pick End from Drawing

Pick the end from the drawing.

   (Add Extra Sampling)

Opens the Add Extra Sections form allowing for extra sampling to be added to the current string and assigned to the End Station.

   Add Region

At the command prompts, select the first Station and second Station over which to apply the edit.  The software will automatically determine the start and end station from the locations selected, and will automatically insert sampled sections at the locations selected to force the edit to apply at the exact locations selected.

Group Exclusion List

Graphical representation included to show the grouping of Codes to be removed.  This group of edits enable quick construction of intersections and other connecting road features.

  Radio button selection

Use the radio buttons to select the desired edit.


Apply the edit and exit.  The edit can be adjusted in the Edit Flyout list.


Do not apply the edit and exit the form.

Zooms to the selected station range.

Edits List Lists all the edits applied to the String.  Click on the edit to highlight it in the drawing - edits are highlighted with lines located at the start and end of the edit.
  Edit Lists the edit type.  Click here to highlight the edit extents in the drawing.
  Edit Settings Describes the edit details.  Select and right click to enable the following options:
  • Edit: Opens the edit form for the applied edit, to enable changing the edit method, codes and/or station range
  • Copy: Copy the selected edit
  • Move Up: move the highlighted edit up in the list
  • Move Down: move the highlighted edit down in the list
  • Move Before: move the highlighted to a selected location in the list
  • Delete: Delete the selected edit
Build Creates an CSD Surface of the model - the name of the model will be BM-<Model Name>.


Save changes to the current model.
Toggle Display Opens the Toggle Display form allowing display and rebuild control for all the linework and surfaces for each CSD Model.
Select Color File

Click to select a Model Color File to apply to the current Model, then the other Models not being edited.  This file describes the color to apply to the linework based on the Codes.

Select Color File

Displays the current Color file applied to the Model (either the current Model or the other Models, as noted in the title).

Color File Names

List of Model Color Files that can be applied to the Model for linework display.




Exit without applying.

Edit Model Color File Users can specify the colors used in the display.  Form controls are as follows:

Deselects all items ticked in the Multi Select columns. 

Code Color Table

List of codes with user control over the code display.  Controls are:


The list of codes is populated from the total list of Codes included in all the CSD Objects in the project

  Line Type

Not currently implemented.  This is intended to control the presentation of linework in the AutoCAD drawing.


Set the Color for display and output.  This is achieved by clicking on a color swatch for one of the Codes.

The AutoCAD Color Palette will display for users to select a color.  Setting color to Bylayer will not be accepted.

Note: All Codes that have Multi Select ticked ON will all be adjusted based on the color change made to the selected Code

  Multi Select

Any Codes ticked in Multi Select will have their color set when the color is adjusted for any Code.


Create a new color mapping file to use


Open an existing color mapping file

Save As...

Save a copy of the current color mapping setup


Save the current color mapping setup

Apply and Exit

Save the current color mapping setup and exit the form.  These colors will be immediately applied in the display window


Cancel the changes and return to the model

/ Show/Hide Excluded Codes Toggle button to display/hide excluded Codes.  Default setting is to hide excluded Codes - when show option selected the removed Code linework show as greyed out lines.

Zoom All

Zoom drawing to current model extents.

Zoom to a Station

Zoom to a selected string and station.
Model: Displays the name of the current model
Add Extra Sampling

Opens the Add Extra Sections form allowing for extra sampling to be added to the current string.

Zoom to Current Road Zoom to the current road/string.

 Click on the X at the top right of the form to close the model.  The Toggle Display form will open for the user to select what models and linework to display upon exit.