Create/Edit Cross Section Labels

Menu:    Roads > Settings > Create/Edit Cross Section Labels
Ribbon: Roads Tab > Plan Production Panel Slideout > Create/Edit Cross Section Labels


Civil Site Design can plot label information at any named component of a cross-section.

This command enables the user to set the details of the labels to be plotted at each location.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

Table Use the table to set up the required format to show the typical section details on a drawing.
  Line Number Enter the line of typical details to display the data. Take care, no check is made for overlapping sections. It is intended that any overlapping information would be placed by the user on a new line.

E.g. The first line might show the distance from LEB to REB. Clearly if it is required to show a distance from C.L. to LEB, this would have to be placed on another line.

  Left Code Select template code required
  Right Code Select template code required
Distance Writes in the distance
Crossfall Writes in the crossfall
Crossfall/Distance Writes crossfall above the line, distance below
Distance/Crossfall Writes distance above the line, crossfall below
Create New Creates a new table
Select Name Use the list to change the current table
Save Click to store the edited or new table
Exit Apply changes and exit the form
Cancel Exit the form without saving any changes

Note: The table to be used for a given road is selected on the cross section display using the tab Select and entering the required name in the field Section Annotate. For information on using the table data see Plot Cross Sections.


Below is an example of cross section labels. In this case, data is all displayed on Line 1 and only Distances are shown.

Note: Unless there are changes in the data (distance or crossfall), labels will only be shown on the first cross section of each page. When there is a change, all the labels will be displayed on the cross-section at this station.