Auto Road Creation



This command enables the user to create multiple Road Strings at once.

For Civil 3D users, the software scans for all alignments in the drawing and presents a form for the user to select which alignments from the drawing should be created as Roads.  Any alignments with r- in the description field will initally be set to become a Road string.

For non-Civil 3D users, the software selects all alignments of type 'Road'.

For each of these alignments the software:

Note: For this routine to work, the software looks into the Active Drawing Settings and Set Road Defaults to confirm:

If there is missing information, the user will be advised of the missing data and provided the opportunity to update the missing data before processing the Roads.

The Design profile, by default, includes a Least Squares algorithm to analyze the shape of the natural surface and design PI's to generally match the natural surface elevations, including assignment of vertical curves.  Civil Site Design includes tools to dynamically update the alignment and automatically connect up at intersections - see Vertical Grading Editor for more details.

At the end of the road creation process the software will start the Intersection Manager command.

Important associated commands:


Use this command to automatically create roads from alignments that have the prefix 'r-' in the description field.

Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

This form enables the creation of a Road in Civil Site Design.

Roads interact with each other, with Side Road profiles adjusting to match the cross section of the Main Roads at the intersections and the side road cross sections trimming to form up correct Surface and Corridor models.

The form enables the Designer to:

  • Assign a typical cross section for the Road (through the assignment of a Template)
  • Assign the 'natural' surface elevations for the Road
  • Choose the sampling frequency along the Road

All command settings as as per the Create/Edit Roads command.

In Civil 3D, after clicking OK the following form is displayed:

Alignment List

Lists each String in the drawing and allows the user to select which alignments will be used to create Road Strings or Profile Strings.  Options include

  Alignment Name

Non editable field documenting all alignments not currently used as Strings in the drawing

  Create As

Pick box to select what to create:
Road - creates a Road String from the alignment. A Template and other settings as assigned from the   Set Road Defaults command.
Profile - creates a Profile String from the alignment.  No Template is assigned upon creation
Skip - does not create a String from the alignment

Group Selection

Allows for highlighted alignments to be changed at once.  Options:


Sets all highlighted alignments/strings to become Road strings


Sets all highlighted alignments/strings to become Profile strings


Sets all highlighted alignments/strings to not become Strings

Viewing Options

Allows for zooming to particular alignments in the drawing

   Auto Zoom

When ticked, selecting an alignment/string in the list will force the drawing to zoom to the alignment.  Does not support group selection - the first highlighted will be used.

   Zoom Extents

Zooms to the extents of the selected alignment/string in the list and highlights in the drawing.  Does not support group selections - the first highlighted will be used


Highlights the selected alignment/string in the list.  Does not support group selections - the first highlighted will be used


Apply and exit.


Exit the form without deleting any data.

Pan in Drawing Allows panning in the drawing.  Press [Esc] or click in the drawong to return to the form.

After clicking OK, the software will create Road Strings from all selected 'Road' alignments in the drawing that are not already Road strings.

After the roads are created, linework will display to describe the cross section design of each Road string.

Use the Create/Edit Roads command to adjust the cross sections and/or profile design for any particular Road.