Label Settings
Menu: Alignments > Settings > Label Settings
Ribbon: Alignments Tab > Settings Panel > Label Settings
The Label Settings (also known as the Annotation Settings) command provides user control over all the different types of annotations (labels) that can be applied along the alignment. The Label Settings form provides a management framework for textual display controls on alignments.
There are two elevations of annotations (labels) for alignments:
- Annotation Styles: these describe different ways to display station information at a location on an alignment
- Alignment Annotation Sets (aka Alignment Label Sets): these describe how Annotation Styles should be applied along an entire alignment - it sets out, for example, the spacing between major and minor chainages as well as the way minor and major and geometry chainages should display. Annotation Sets reference Annotation Styles.
An Alignment Annotation Set can be loaded for any alignment to pre-set the display output. Users can manually adjust the major and minor station spacings and the Annotation Styles applied to any particular alignment.
Individual Alignment Annotations in the drawing can be moved using AutoCAD grips - once this occurs the annotation/label will go into the Dragged State. Users can set different display characteristics in the Dragged State condition.
Note: When an alignment is created, it applies the Alignment Annotation Set selected in the Active Drawing Settings > Styles tab.
Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:
Alignment Annotation/Label Set Allows the user to manage Annotation Sets - create, delete, copy and edit Annotation Sets from here Annotation Set pick list Select an Annotation Set for editing, copying or deletion Add New
Click to create a new Annotation Set. The following form is displayed:
New Name Type in a new for the new Annotation Set
Note: if an Annotation Set with the same name exists in the project, the user will be required to confirm overwriteList of Annotation Sets This lists the current Annotation Sets for the project OK Create the Annotation Set and open the Annotation Set Editor Cancel Cancel After entering a new name the following form is displayed:
Collapse /
Click to collapse or expand all headings in the Annotation list Annotation Set Table This details the Annotation Set Controls and contains the following columns of information: +/- Expand or Collapse Annotation Groups Item Lists the different geometry along the alignment as well as the major and minor chainages. Users can select an Annotation Style to apply for each. For details on creating and editing Annotation Styles, see below. Standard Items Lists the primary controls. Items include:
- Default Style: in the event that any of the style fields below are not populated, this Default Style annotation will apply
- Major Station: set the Annotation Style to apply at Major Stations and the Spacing/Interval
- Minor Station set the Annotation Style to apply at Minor Stations and the Spacing/Interval
- Geometry Points: Set the Annotation Style to apply at ALL geometry points, in the event that any of the Geometry Overrides style fields are not populated.
Geometry Overrides Enables the user to set particular Annotation Styles for different geometry types. Items are:
- Start Station Style: Annotation style to apply at the start of the alignment
- End Station Style: Annotation style to apply at the end of the alignment
- Arc to Tangent: Annotation style to apply where an arc stops at a tangent
- Arc to Arc: Annotation style to apply where two arc segments meet
- Tangent to Arc: Annotation style to apply where a tangent stops at an arc
- Tangent to Spiral: Annotation style to apply where a tangent stops at a spiral
- Spiral to Tangent: Annotation style to apply where a spiral stops at a tangent
- Arc to Spiral: Annotation style to apply where an arc stops at a spiral
- Spiral to Arc: Annotation style to apply where a spiral stops at an arc
- Tangent to Tangent: Annotation style to apply where two tangents meet
- Spiral to Spiral: Arc to Spiral: Annotation style to apply where two spirals meet
Note: in the event that any of these fields are blank, the Geometry Points' applied Annotation Style will be used, or in the event that this is blank the Default Style's applied Annotation Style will be used.
OK Save and exit Cancel Exit without saving Edit Selected
Click to edit the currently selected Annotation Set. Controls to edit the Annotation Set will be the same as for Add New, above.
Copy Selected
Click to copy the currently selected Annotation Set. Input controls are exactly the same as for the Add New command. Delete Selected
Click to delete the currently selected Annotation Set - a message will display for the user to confirm deletion. Individual Annotation Styles Allows the user to manage Annotation Styles - create, delete, copy and edit Annotation Sets from here Annotation Style pick list Select an Annotation Style for editing, copying or deletion Add New
Click to create a new Annotation Style. The following form is displayed:
New Name Type in a new for the new Annotation Set
Note: if an Annotation Set with the same name exists in the project, the user will be required to confirm overwriteList of Annotation Sets This lists the current Annotation Sets for the project OK Create the Annotation Set and open the Annotation Set Editor Cancel Cancel After entering a new name the following form is displayed:
Collapse /
Click to collapse or expand all headings in the Annotation list Text Definition Defines what textual information will display Text Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the text. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Text Style Pick a text style Override Text Type in here to add extra text information (as well as the station value in the text). The Append Text To enables control over where the override text is positioned (eg: before or after the station value text) Prefix Type in a prefix before the station value text. Example highlighted in red: Suffix Type in a suffix before the station value text. Example highlighted in red: Append Text To This sets the arrangement of information in the style. Users can set the following:
- Start: this puts the Geometry Text and Override Text before the station value
- End: this puts the Geometry Text and Override Text after the station value
- None: this turns off ALL text display (nothing displays)
- PCSG: arrangement is, in order, Prefix - Station - Suffix - Geometry Text
- PCGS: arrangement is, in order, Prefix - Station - Geometry Text - Suffix
- PGSC: arrangement is, in order, Prefix - Geometry Text - Suffix - Station
- PGCS: arrangement is, in order, Prefix - Geometry Text - Station - Suffix
- CPGS: arrangement is, in order, Station - Prefix - Geometry Text - Suffix
- CPSG: arrangement is, in order, Station - Prefix - Suffix - Geometry Text
- CGPS: arrangement is, in order, Station - Geometry Text - Prefix - Suffix
- GPCS: arrangement is, in order, Geometry Text - Prefix - Station - Suffix
- GPSC: arrangement is, in order, Geometry Text - Prefix - Suffix - Station
- GCPS: arrangement is, in order, Geometry Text - Station - Prefix - Suffix
Number of Decimals Controls the number of decimal places to display. Remove Trailing Zeros Removes trailing zeros from the station value. Example: Remove Trailing Decimal Removes the decimal point if there are no trailing zeros. Example: Text Size Type in the text size (mm units) Text Position Sets how the Text is to be positioned relative to the station location on the alignment Text Position Pick whether the text is located left, right or centre to the alignment Above Below Pick whether the text is positioned above, below or middle to the station location Line Clearance This is only effective if the Above Below item is set to either Above or Below the line. It sets a shift of the text above or below the station location (measured along the alignment) Text Offset This is only effective if the Text Position is set to Left or Right. Text Offset Type in an offset to position the text further left or further right of the alignment Dragged State The text can be moved off the default location, into a 'dragged state'. Users can set the behaviour of the text when it moves into a dragged state Add Leader Tick on/off whether to include a leader Leader Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the leader line. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Hook Length Type in the hook (landing) length Leader Arrow Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the leader arrow. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Leader Arrow Pick a block to display as the leader arrow. Arrows are drawing blocks and are stored in the CSD Settings folder Angle Setting Sets the angle of the text in the dragged state: Text orientation can be:
- Horizontal
- Square to the Alignment
- Allow Edit - user can edit the rotation using the alignment label editing tools
Draw Symbols A symbol can be added at the station location on the alignment Draw Symbol Tick on/off whether to include a symbol Symbol Name Pick a block to display as a symbol. Symbols are drawing blocks and are stored in the CSD Settings folder. Symbol Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the symbol. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Draw Circle A circle can be added at the station location on the alignment Draw Circle Tick on/off whether to include a circle Circle Radius Set the Radius of the circle Circle Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the circle. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Draw Line A line can be added at the station location on the alignment, drawn perpendicular to the alignment Draw Line Tick on/off whether to include a line Line Position Set whether to draw a line:
- Left of the alignment
- Right of the alignment
- Both sides of the alignment
Line Length Type in a line length. This is the length of line either side of the alignment Line Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the line. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Draw Arrow A block can be added at the station location on the alignment representing an arrow head, drawn perpendicular to the alignment Draw Arrow Tick on/off whether to include an arrow Arrow Type Pick a block to display as an arrow. Arrows are drawing blocks and are stored in the CSD Settings folder. Arrow Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the line. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Draw Border Adds a rectangular border around the text Draw Border Tick on/off whether to include a border Border Layer Pick an CSD Layer to display the lines. Layers are managed using the CSD Layers command Border Gap Type in a gap to provide around the text (offset from text extents to border) OK Save and exit Cancel Exit without saving Edit Selected
Click to edit the currently selected Annotation Style. Controls to edit the Annotation Set will be the same as for Add New Style, above.
Copy Selected
Click to copy the currently selected Annotation Style. Input controls are exactly the same as for the Add New Style command. Delete Selected
Click to delete the currently selected Annotation Style - a message will display for the user to confirm deletion. Edit Geometry Point Text
This allows the user to type in Geometry Point text that can be applied to the geometry point Annotation styles along the alignment. After clicking on this button the following form is displayed:
+/- Expand or Collapse Annotation Groups Item Lists the geometry points as shown. For each geometry point type the user can set the Geometry Point Text to apply. By default this will display as a prefix to the text as defined in the Annotation Style. The Item Append Text To in the Annotation Style allows the user to adjust where the Geometry Point Text is positioned in the textual display. Data For each of the geometry point types, type in the Geometry Point Text to include in the Annotation Style. OK Save and exit Cancel Exit without saving Transfer Alignment Annotation Styles to CSD Settings Folder Styles created in the Label Settings form are, by default, only saved to the current project. These command buttons allow the user to pass the local settings across to the CSD Settings folder so the settings will be available in future projects. Add New Styles Only Click this button to add any new Annotation Sets and Annotation Styles to the CSD Settings folder. This occurs immediately upon pressing the button and with no confirmation message. Add and Replace All Styles Click this button to add ALL the Annotation Sets and Annotation Styles to the CSD Settings folder. Existing Annotation Sets and Annotation Styles in the CSD Settings will be replaced with any from the local project. This occurs immediately upon pressing the button and with no confirmation message. Exit Close the form.