Create/Edit Surface



Use this command to create and update surfaces created from a variety of data sources.  Normally this command will be used to create existing surface data for extraction of levels to use in a design, however it can be used to construct a surface from any assortment of 3D data.

The surface is managed in the drawing as an object (when selected, the AutoCAD Properties dialogue identifies it as an AutoCAD Point object) - selecting the object and right clicking will display the shortcut menu and include commands for updating/editing surfaces.

The surface creation form contains three (3) parts:

Supported data sources are as listed in the Inputs section of the form, as detailed below.  In most cases the user selects layers in the drawing that contain 3D data required in the surface.

This command can be used to change the surface display in the drawing.  This form is modeless - users can freely move around and undertake AutoCAD commands in the drawing, with this form showing on screen or minimised.

Use the Windows Close button (x at the top right) to close the form.

Surfaces can be simply rebuilt by re-running this command and clicking to recreate the surface.  It is recommended to Build Surface whenever the data inputs change.

While the Surfaces form is open, users can still work in the AutoCAD drawing and use any AutoCAD commands.


Notes for Civil 3D Users

Whilst this tool can be used to create surveyed (existing) surfaces, typically Civil 3D users will create the design surfaces as Civil 3D surface objects.

By default design surfaces will be created as CSD Surfaces, and designers should make themselves familiar with the Outputs tab in order to manage the display output of the CSD surfaces. 


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

New Surface

Creates a new surface.  Note: Do not use commas in the name of the surface.

Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

New Surface Name Box Enter the name of the New surface in the box provided.
OK Create a surface with the new name.
Cancel Exit the form without creating a surface.
Copy Surface

Creates a copy of the current surface, inclusive of all the Surface Inputs and Outputs.  An independent copy is created in this process.

Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

New Name Box Enter the name for the New surface in the box provided.
Height Change Box Enter a height change in metres (positive for up and negative for down) for the surface being copied in the box provided.
OK Create a copy of the current surface with the new name and height change, if entered.
Cancel Exit the form without creating a surface.
Surface Name Pick List Select any Surface from the list to enable editing and creation/output of the selected surface.
Pick from Drawing Pick a surface from the drawing to edit.
Delete Current Surface Deletes the currently highlighted surface.  Note: No confirmation warning message is displayed.

Click here to import a surface/s from a Land XML file.  A navigation window will display to enable selection and opening of the file.  Upon selecting a Land XML file, the software will scan the file for all surfaces and include them in the Surfaces list.

Note: An imported surface cannot be edited by adding any Input data.

After the file has been opened the following is displayed:

Surfaces List This lists all of the Surfaces available for import from the Land XML file chosen.
  Surface Column Lists all the Surfaces in the Land XML file available form Import.
  Add Column Tick the box to include the Surface/s for import into the Drawing.
Duplicate Name Options Provides control in cases where the Surface name being imported exists in the Drawing.
  Prompt if duplicate name If the Surface name already exists, the following will be displayed:
New Name Box Space to enter a new unique name for the surface to be imported.
OK Create a surface with the new name.
Cancel Exit the form without Importing any data.
  Overwrite duplicate If the Surface name exists, it will be deleted and lost and the Surface from the Land XML file will replace it.  This is the default setting.
  Rename duplicate If the Surface name exists, the surface being imported will be renamed with the suffix of "(x)", where x is a counter (number) starting from 1.
All ON Selects all the surfaces for import from the Land XML file.
All OFF De-selects all the surfaces.
OK Create a surface/s from the selected Land XML file.
Cancel Exit the form without Importing any data.

Exports the selected surface/s to a Land XML file, ready for import into other programs supporting the Land XML file format.

Upon selecting the command the following is displayed:

Surfaces List This lists all of the Surfaces available for export to a LandXML file.
  Surface Column Lists all the Surfaces in the drawing.
  Include in XML Column Tick the box to include the Surface/s in the output Land XML file.
All ON Selects all the surfaces for export to Land XML file.
All OFF De-selects all the surfaces.

Create a Land XML file of the selected surfaces.  By default, the exported file will by created in a folder named 'XMLExchangeFiles' located in the project data directory.

Note: By default, the Project Data Directory is located in the same folder as the current drawing, in a folder with the same name as the current drawing and with '-Data' suffix.

Cancel Exit the form without Exporting any data.
Zoom Extents Zoom to the extents of the selected (current) surface.
Zoom and/or Pan Use the Mouse wheel to zoom and pan in thedrawing.  Press ESC to finish and return to the Create/Edit Surface form.

Allows the surface to be disconnected from the source data.  Only applies to Satellite, Pasted, Modified, Point Cloud, and Volumes surfaces.

Note:  Does NOT work on a surface created from a CSD Points.

Forces the surface to redisplay - this is required when certain outputs are selected, such as slope arrows, slopes, heights and directions.
Create/Update the surface model.  This forces a recalculation of the surface using all the data Inputs and a redisplay of the Outputs.
Inputs Control (as shown above) Select all of the 3D data required for the construction of the surface.  Upon selection of the Inputs Control tab a number of different surface input options will be displayed and include:
  3D Faces

AutoCAD Layer List Displays a list of AutoCAD layers that contain 3D face objects.
After selecting an AutoCAD layer containing 3D face objects, this button adds the layer as a data source in the Input List.
Creates a polyline that surrounds the 3D Faces. This polyline can then be used as a Boundary object.
Input List This lists all of the AutoCAD layers to be scanned for 3D faces to use in the creation of a surface.
  Selection Column

When a row is highlighted, a black arrow will display and the row will be highlighted.

Note: Pressing the Delete button after clicking on the black arrow will remove the layer entry from the list.

  Layer Name Each Layer added as a source for 3D face data is listed.  Each line can be selected however the line cannot be edited.

AutoCAD Layer List Displays a list of AutoCAD layers that contain AutoCAD Point objects.
After selecting an AutoCAD layer, this button adds the layer as a data source in the Input List.
Input List This lists all of the AutoCAD layers to be scanned for AutoCAD Points (at Elevation) to use in the creation of a surface.
  Selection Column

When a row is highlighted, a black arrow will display and the row will be highlighted.

Note: Pressing the Delete button after clicking on the black arrow will remove the layer entry from the list.

  Layer Name Each Layer added as a source for AutoCAD Point data is listed.  Each line can be selected however the line cannot be edited.

AutoCAD Layer List Displays a list of AutoCAD layers that contain 3D Polyline objects.
After selecting an AutoCAD layer, this button adds the layer as a data source in the Input List.
Input List This lists all of the AutoCAD layers to be scanned for 3D Polylines (Breaklines) to use in the creation of a surface.
  Selection Column

When a row is highlighted, a black arrow will display and the row will be highlighted.

Note: Pressing the Delete button after clicking on the black arrow will remove the layer entry from the list.

  Layer Name Each Layer added as a source for 3D Polyline data is listed.  Each line can be selected however the line cannot be edited.
  Point Files


After selecting this command, use the file search window to locate and open a Point File.

Note: The point file must have extension .txt to be selected.

After selecting a points file added in the Input List, use this button to open the file in Notepad to review the format.
File List This lists all of the added point files and the format of the file.  Users need to look at the file structure, interpret each field of data and set this as the format for importing the file of data.  The software will process data that is in an ASCII format, where each line in the file represents a single point and where each point's attributes (fields) are separated by a common delimiter.
  File Name

Lists all of the Added Point Files - Added using the Add Point File button.

Note: For each Added Point File, users need to set up how the file is to be interpreted.  To delete a points file, select the File Name in the row and press the Delete button to clear the name and path

  Field 1 to Field 7

Between 3 and 7 Fields may be required depending on the detail of information provided in the Points File.  Each 'Field' correlates with the order that point data is expressed in the Point File.

Note: Use the View Point File button to open the file in Notepad to review the format of the file and ordering of point data in the file.

For each field, the user can assign whether the relative value in the file represents:

  • PN = Point Number;
  • X = X or Easting coordinate;
  • Y = Y or Northing coordinate;
  • Z = Elevation or Level;
  • C = Chainage;
  • <Skip> = Ignore data
  Delim Pick list to select the delimiter that separates the Field (point data) in the file.  Supported delimiters include a comma, space, semi-colon, colon or Tab.
  Head? Set whether the file includes a single line header row.   More than 1 header row is not supported.  If set to Yes the first row in the file is ignored.  Default is No.

After selecting this command, move into the drawing area and select a closed 2d polyline to apply it as a Boundary.

This creates polylines using the extents of a selected surface (outer and hide boundaries) with a small offset from the edge triangles, and assigns them as boundaries to the current surface.

The Description of 'Added from (Surface)' provides an update link between the referenced surface and the boundary polyline.  If the description is changed, the polyline is no longer used as a boundary.  If any boundaries contain the above description, this triggers surface boundaries to be created (so, create offset polylines and add them as boundaries if required to fully describe the boundaries of the reference surface.

Inputs are as follows:

Surface pick list Select the surface to extract boundaries from.
OK Click OK to create boundary polylines from the selected surface.
Removes the Description from every surface boundary input, to prevent any automatic updating of the boundary polylines when surfaces are rebuilt.
Deletes the selected or highlighted entry in the Boundary Input List.
Removes entry/ies from the Boundary Input List if the polyline/s no longer exists in the drawing.
Boundary Input List This lists all of the polylines that have been selected as surface boundaries.  Users determine what type of boundary should apply.
  Object ID This lists the AutoCAD polyline selected in the drawing by its object identification number - each object in AutoCAD in a drawing is given a unique identification number.  This is a non-editable field.
  Type Pick whether the boundary is:
  • Outer = forming an outer extents for the surface. The surface will not be calculated outside of the boundary.
  • Hide = this boundary type forces the surface to not be calculated (hide) inside the boundary.
  • Show = this boundary type should occur AFTER a Hide boundary.  It forces the surface to be calculated (show) inside the boundary.

Pick the boundary settings:

  • Fuzzy = boundary is an exclusion/inclusion fence.  All triangles crossed or completely excluded/included are removed/added to the surface.
  • Exact = boundary is an exact trace of the polyline. Triangles are cookie cut trimmed to the polyline extents.

Users can type in a description for each added boundary.

Note: When Add From Surface is applied, Descriptions are applied automatically.  The Description maintains a dynamic link between the surface updating and the reapplication of the boundary entries.

  Move Down Boundaries are processed in order in the list.  A highlighted entry can be moved down the list using this button.
  Move Up Boundaries are processed in order in the list.  A highlighted entry can be moved up the list using this button.
Zoom to Boundary Will zoom to the highlighted boundary entry in the drawing.
Show All Boundaries Will force display of all boundaries added to the surface.
Boundary Retraction  

     Boundary edge retraction

Toggle on to delete triangles, working from the outside in (retraction) applying the Maximum Triangle Length.  Once a triangle is found with a smaller value than the Maximum Triangle Length, triangle deletion stops.

    Max Triangle Length

Set a maximum edge length for Boundary Retraction.

Filter by Triangle Codes Design and survey surfaces store information on the triangle corners that describe the source of the corner.  For design surfaces (TotalModel, Built Models, Single String Models, Pasted Design Surfaces), this will be a Code from the string design, such as the centreline or road edge.  For surveyed surfaces, this will be the COGO Point Codes.
   Apply Filter by Triangle Codes Tick on to apply filtering (removal) of triangle edges based on the triangle corner codes.
   Pick Triangle Click to pick a triangle directly from the surface to extract the corner codes and add to the list
   [List of Triangle corner Codes] Lists triangle code combinations to exclude from the surface.
   Add Triangle Combination Click to add a triangle combination to include in the list.  Each triangle edge in a design model surface has codes assigned corresponding to the design code they represent.  Following form will display three times, for each Code to be added for the corners of the triangle.


Enter Code #

Type in a Coded triangle edge.  Form will display 3 times, for each corner of a triangle


Add the triangle code to the combination


Do not add the combination/s
   Delete Triangle Combination Removes the highlighted triangle code combination from the list
Save Settings Save the Boundary Retraction and Filter by Triangle Codes settings to file.
Load Settings Load the saved settings file to polulate the Boundary Retraction and Filter by Triangle Codes inputs.

Hover over this command button to expose the edit commands of Flip Side and Delete Edge.
   Upon clicking this command, the user is prompted to select start point in the drawing.  Use the mouse to select a triangle edge to flip.  The entry will be added to the Edits List.
   Upon clicking this command, the user is prompted to select a start and end point in the drawing.  Click twice to cross the triangles that are to be removed from the surface.  The entry will be added to the Edits list

Deletes the highlighted entries in the Edits Applied list.

Select multiple rows/entires by holding the Shift or Control key whilst selecting in the Edit Apllied list.

  • left click + Shift = select everything from the previous selection to the current selection.
  • left click + Control = select specific row/entry.
Edits Applied List Each edit is listed here.
  Move Down Edits are applied top down in the list.  Click here to move a highlighted entry down in the list
  Move Up Edits are applied top down in the list.  Click here to move a highlighted entry down in the list
Height Adjustment Provides a way to raise or lower an entire surface,
  Raise/Lower by Enter a height change in metres (positive for up and negative for down).
   After a Raise/Lower has been entered in the box above, use this button to Apply the change.
  Height Change Displays what Height Change has already been applied to the surface.
Outputs Control The Outputs Control tab sets out how the surface should display in the drawing, as well as controlling how the surface is built.  Upon selection of the Outputs Control tab a number of different surface options will be displayed and include:
  Contours & Mesh
Controls the contours and triangle mesh display.  Users tick on the different display elements to include, then set how the aspect should display.


Mesh Options include:
  • Draw = Tick On/Off whether the Mesh (triangles) of the surface are displayed.
  • Colour = click on the colour swatch to set the colour for mesh display.  Note: ByLayer or ByBlock cannot be selected as a colour.
  • Layer Prefix = apply a layer prefix to the default mesh layer name used to display the information in AutoCAD.
  • Layer Suffix = apply a layer suffix to the default mesh layer name used to display the information in AutoCAD.
  • Add Surface Name = include the Surface name in the AutoCAD layer name.
  • Layer Name Preview = Shows the AutoCAD layer generated that the Mesh will be created on.
Contours List Provides controls over Contour Lines.  Major and Minor cannot be deleted. User Contours are listed after being added and may be deleted.

  - Major Contours
  - Minor Contours
  - User Contours

Options for each of the three types (items) are common and include:
  • Draw = Tick On/Off whether the Contour type is displayed.
  • Interval = set the elevation interval to display.  For User contours this is the elevation set when added, which can be altered.
  • Colour = click on the colour swatch to set the colour for Major Contour display.  Note: ByLayer or ByBlock cannot be selected as a colour.
  • Layer Prefix = apply a layer prefix to the default contour layer name used to display the information in AutoCAD.
  • Layer Suffix = apply a layer suffix to the default contour layer name used to display the information in AutoCAD.
  • Add Surface Name = include the Surface name in the AutoCAD layer name.
User Contours Tick on/off whether User defined Contours are included.  If ticked on the Contour Level list becomes active.  Use the list view to type in elevations at which contour lines are to be drawn.
   Allows the addition of User defined contour level.  For example a flood level or basin water storage level.  Upon clicking this command the following form appears.
User Contour Box Enter the required level or elevation for the User defined Contour.
OK To add the user contour.  The User Contour will appended to Contours List above.
Cancel Exit the form without creating user contour.
   Deletes the highlighted entry in the Contours list.  Note: Only User Contours can be deleted from the list.
Create polylines in the drawing representing the surface contours.
  Contour Labelling
Labels List List the three (3) types of Contour and provides controls of how they shall be displayed.

  - Major Labels
  - Minor Labels
  - User Labels

Sets the controls for where Contour Labels are displayed for each Contour type.  Options include:
  • Draw = Tick On/Off whether the Labels for the Contour Type are displayed.
  • Spacing = Enter the spacing between Mid Position labels measured along the contour line.
  • Colour = click on the colour swatch to set the colour for Label display.  Note: ByLayer or ByBlock cannot be selected as a colour.
  • Start = Tick On/Off whether a Label is shown at the Start of the Contour line, where it hits the edge of the mesh
  • End = Tick On/Off whether a Label is shown at the End of the Contour line, where it hits the edge of the mesh
  • Mid = Tick On/Off whether Mid Position labels are shown along the Contour line.  Used in conjunction with Spacing.
  • Style = Use the pick list to select the Font Style to apply for the contour labels.
  • Size = Enter the size of the Contour Label.  The Label size is affected by the current drawing scale.
  • Layer Prefix = apply a layer prefix to the default label layer name.
  • Layer Suffix = apply a layer suffix to the default label layer name.
  • Add Surface Name = include the Surface name in the AutoCAD layer name.
Label By Line Users can click in the drawing to set where labels will be placed on the surface.  Users make two clicks in the drawing - any contour lines that intersect a line between the two points selected can be labelled.
  Tick On/Off Tick to include contour labels along lines.
  Line Co-Ordinates List As Label Lines are made they are added to this list.  From here the user can select whether the major and/or minor contours are labelled along the line.  Options include:
    Line Co-Ordinates This lists the entry by the co-ordinates selected by the user - this field cannot be edited
    Type Sets which contour lines will be labelled.  Options include:
  • Major = label just the major contours along the label line;
  • Minor = label just the minor contours along the label line;
  • All = label both the minor and major contours along the label line.
Note: User Contour types are not included in this function.

Click here to add a label line in the drawing.  After clicking on this command, the user is prompted to select two locations in the drawing - any contour lines that intersect a line between the two points selected can be labelled.

Note: The contour co-ordinate entry is recorded and added to the Line Co-ordinates List.

   After selecting an entry in the Line Co-ordinates List, click this button to remove the selected Label Line.
   After selecting/highlighting an entry in the Line Co-ordinates List, click this button to zoom to the selected Label Line in the drawing.
After making changes to any of the Labels settings, use this to refresh and update the Contour Labels.
  Slopes & Arrows When selecting this tab for the first time tab, the default for both options is OFF, so that image below does not represent the 'start' condition.  Once the Show box is ticked, the information, as shown, will be displayed.
Slope Shading
Show Slope Shading Tick On/Off to include Slope Shading. If turned ON, the following options will appear, otherwise the area below will be 'blank'.
Use this option to generate a table based on surface statistics.  Refer separate help on this item.
Slope Shading List List of slope values and colours to apply over the range.  The range is defined from one slope value to the next slope value in the list.
  Slope (%) Type in a slope value (percent grade)

Click in the cell to select a Colour to apply.

Note: ByLayer or ByBlock cannot be selected

Load Style Loads a user defined list of values and colours.
  Save Style Create a new saved list of values and colours for loading into any project.
Table Style Use the pick list to select the Table Style to apply before Create Table is used.  Only a two (2) column table is created.
Table Column Widths Enter the width for each Column.  The left hand box is for the range and the right hand box is for the colour.
  Create Table Create an AutoCAD table in the drawing.  The table style and widths will be based on the values selected.  The table will have a title, heading and data rows matching the information shown.  The first column will display the range, the second column will display the colour matching the range.  Should the Table already exist, selecting this button will update the existing table.
Slope Arrows
Show Slope Arrows Tick On/Off to include Slope Arrows. If turned ON, the following options will appear, otherwise the area below will be 'blank'.
Use this option to generate a table based on surface statistics.  Refer separate help on this item.
Slope Arrow List List of slope values and colours to apply over the range.  The range is defined from one slope value to the next slope value in the list.
  Slope (%) Type in a slope value (percent grade)

Click in the cell to select a Colour to apply.

Note: ByLayer or ByBlock cannot be selected

Load Style Loads a user defined list of values and colours.
  Save Style Create a new saved list of values and colours for loading into any project.
Table Style Use the pick list to select the Table Style to apply before Create Table is used.  Only a two (2) column table is created.
Table Column Widths Enter the width for each Column.  The left hand box is for the range and the right hand box is for the colour.
  Create Table Create an AutoCAD table in the drawing.  The table style and widths will be based on the values selected.  The table will have a title, heading and data rows matching the information shown.  The first column will display the range, the second column will display the colour matching the range.  Should the Table already exist, selecting this button will update the existing table.
Arrow Dimensions Allows the user to control how the arrow size is managed in the drawing.  Slope arrows are drawn at the centroid of each triangle of the surface.
  Maximum Length

Sets the maximum length of the slope arrow.

Note: Set the Maximum Length and Minimum Length to be the same if equal sized arrows are desired at every triangle.

  % Length (of Triangle)

Use this to set the length of the arrow to be a factor of the size of the triangle.  The length is determined by drawing an inscribed circle through the corners of the triangle and measuring the diameter of the circle.  The % value set here (between zero and 100) is multiplied by the diameter of the inscribed circle to establish the length of the line.

Note: The calculated length will be limited to no more than the Maximum Length and no less than the Minimum Length

  Minimum Length

Sets the minimum length of the slope arrow.

Note: Set the Maximum Length and Minimum Length to be the same if equal sized arrows are desired at every triangle.

  % Arrow Size of Length This controls the size of the arrow portion, measured as a % of the total line length.  Type a value between zero and 100.
  Arrow Angle Two short lines are used to describe the arrow head - set the angle of the arrow head.
  Height & Directions When selecting this tab for the first time tab, the default for both options is OFF, so that image below does not represent the 'start' condition.  Once the Show box is ticked, the information, as shown, will be displayed.
Height Shading
Show Height Shading Tick On/Off to include Height (Elevation) Shading. If turned ON, the following options will appear, otherwise the area below will be 'blank'.
Use this option to generate a table based on surface statistics.  Refer separate help on this item.
Height Shading List List of elevations (heights) and colours to apply over the range.  The range is defined from one height value to the next height value in the list.
  Height Type in a elevation value.

Click in the cell to select a Colour to apply.

Note: ByLayer or ByBlock cannot be selected

Load Style Loads a user defined list of values and colours.
  Save Style Create a new saved list of values and colours for loading into any project.
Table Style Use the pick list to select the Table Style to apply before Create Table is used.  Only a two (2) column table is created.
Table Column Widths Enter the width for each Column.  The left hand box is for the range and the right hand box is for the colour.
  Create Table Create an AutoCAD table in the drawing.  The table style and widths will be based on the values selected.  The table will have a title, heading and data rows matching the information shown.  The first column will display the range, the second column will display the colour matching the range.  Should the Table already exist, selecting this button will update the existing table.
Direction Shading
Show Direction Shading Tick On/Off to include Direction Shading. If turned ON, the following options will appear, otherwise the area below will be 'blank'.
Use this option to generate a table based on surface statistics.  Refer separate help on this item.
Direction Shading List List of bearings values and colours to apply over the range.  The range is defined from one bearings value to the next bearings value in the list.  All bearings are measured relative to the North direction in the drawing.
  Bearing Type in a bearing direction in decimal degrees.

Click in the cell to select a Colour to apply.

Note: ByLayer or ByBlock cannot be selected

Load Style Loads a user defined list of values and colours.
  Save Style Create a new saved list of values and colours for loading into any project.
Table Style Use the pick list to select the Table Style to apply before Create Table is used.  Only a two (2) column table is created.
Table Column Widths Enter the width for each Column.  The left hand box is for the range and the right hand box is for the colour.
  Create Table Create an AutoCAD table in the drawing.  The table style and widths will be based on the values selected.  The table will have a title, heading and data rows matching the information shown.  The first column will display the range, the second column will display the colour matching the range.  Should the Table already exist, selecting this button will update the existing table.
  Build Controls Users can control how data is processed in the creation of the surface.
  Bounding Region

  - Lower
  - Upper

The surface triangluation beyond/outside the bounding region will be simplified to string sampled sections only (ie. no kerb return or vc mesh enhancement).

Specify the Bounding Region by entering:

  • X (Easting); and
  • Y (Northing) for the Lower and Upper bound extents.
  • Z (Elevation/Level) - not implemented.

Alternatively, use the Pick Co-ordinate button to select the Lower/Upper co-ordinates from the drawing.

Note: To clear the bounding region and restore the surface build to normal, delete/clear all X and Y values and run Build Surface.

  Ignore Elevations Greater Than Type an elevation - any data with a z value above this figure will not be included in the surface modelling.
  Ignore Elevations Less Than Type an elevation - any data with a z value below this figure will not be included in the surface modelling.  Setting this to a value above zero will automatically exclude zero elevation data from the build process.
  Maximum Triangle Length Type a maximum triangle length to have the surface triangulation adjust, with triangles being removed when any edge of the triangle exceeds this value.  Set to zero to ignore maximum triangle length controls.
  Apply Boundaries Tick on to apply boundaries as set up in the Input > Boundaries tab.
    Load Style Loads a pre-set Surface Style - the Surface Style sets Output controls for the surface.
    Save Style After setting up the Outputs as desired, use Save Style to store the Output settings for re-use.
  Loaded Style: After Load Style has been used, the SDF filename loaded is displayed here.
Statistics Displays Statistics about the surface. Upon selecting the Statistics Control tab, the following form is displayed.  The form is initially empty, data will only appear after the Update button has been selected.
Press to calculate various statistics for the surface.  Statistics include: Elevations; Triangles, Area etc.
Create a Surface Statistics report - the report outputs to Notepad.  A file, with a name of "Statistics-SurfaceName.txt" is created and stored in the Temp sub-folder under the Project Data directory.
Statistics List List of statistics and data for the Surface once calculated.
  Item Description of statistics, data or item calculated.
  Value Numerical value matching the Item.

Range Table Creation

For each of the four (4) analysis that can be carried out on a surface, this option provides a way to generate the ranges based on the statistics for the surface being analysed.

Display Range Initially displays the Minimum and Maximum value based on the Analysis type and Surface Data.
  Minimum Value The minimum or lower value for this range. This box may be changed to the required lower limit for analysis.
  Maximum Value The maximum or highest value for this range. This box may be changed to the required upper limit for analysis.
Range Split Method Provides two (2) methods for generating divisions between the minimum and maximum values set above.  Only one (1) method can be selected.
  Number of Ranges Select this radio button to create division based on the number chosen in the adjoining drop list.  Any number from 1 to 16 may be used. Equal division ranges will then be generated to suit the number.
  By Increment Select this radio button to create division based on the increment entered in the adjoining drop list.  Ranges will then be generated to suit the incement.
  Round Start Range Toggle On/Off to round the Start or minimum value.
Colour Selection Sets criteria to assign colours to the ranges required.
  Start Index Colour Click on the Colour swatch to select the starting colour (number) from any available AutoCAD colour.
  By Increment Specify an increment to add to the starting or previous colour number for next range.
For example, if 1 (red) was chosen as the start, and in the increment was set to 3, the next range would be assigned colour 4 (cyan), the next range would be given colour 7 (white)
OK Apply and exit and return to the analysis form, with an updated range table base on the selection made.
Cancel Exit the form without creating any data.