Vertical Grading Editor

Menu: Pipes > Vertical Grading Editor
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Edit Panel > Vertical Grading


The Pipes Vertical Grading Editor is one of the central design features of the software and facilitates the vertical grading of your pipe and structure networks. 

To edit the vertical grading of pipes and structures, users start the command and select an upstream structure - the software traces the branch from the upstream structure to the downstream outlet and presents this in the Vertical Grading Editor window.

Multiple pipe/structure branches can be designed simultaneously for any pipe/structure network and interact dynamically with all other pipe/structure networks, including underground utility obstructions - this enables the designer to see 'real time' the effect of changing the vertical grading of a pipe/structure on all related pipes and structures across multiple networks.


In order to edit pipes and structures the designer must first have created a Network of the pipe and structure collection.

This command is normally preceded by the Create/Edit Network command.  In the case of House Connections and Utility Obstructions, a network is created immediately upon creation of these pipe types.

Note: It is recommended also that the Sequence Network command and Apply Object Names commands are executed after creating the network - this allows for branching of the network to be determined as well as the structures and/or pipes to be labelled based on the branch and structure sequencing.

Pipes Vertical Grading Editor - Display

A view of the Vertical Grading Editor is shown, below. 


The main components of the Vertical Grading Editor is as follows:

  1. Ribbon Area (Top)
    • Users can start commands from here.  The ribbon is split into different panels covering design (Home) and settings. 
  2. Graphical Display Area (Left)
    • Displays the pipe design for the branch/es selected, the structures and the incoming pipes at junctions (as textual information of pipe invert and inner diameter).  Also displays the surface/s for the network
    • At the bottom displays the running distance, surface elevation (design, then existing if design is not present) and the invert elevations
    • At the top the display is controllable by the user. 
    • Text colours and sizes, as well as drawn objects, are controlled in the Settings tab via the Display Settings and Themes.
    • Right clicking will highlight a pipe for editing
  3. Poperties Panel (Right)
    • Displays the details for the selected (non editable except for below)
    • The Override Loss Coefficient (if shown) is enabled for edit
    • Click on at the bottom to hide/show this panel
  4. Information Display Area (Bottom)
    • Save VGE
    • Close without saving edits
    • Refresh Display
    • Minimise/Maximise ribbon
    • Hide/Show Properties Panel
    • Undo/Redo edits
    • Describes any command currrently in progress
    • Details the exact elevation and distance of the mouse pointer location.
    • Zoom to Pipe.  Click to automatically set zooming to focus on the highlighted pipe.  The folowing form displays.  Select the number of pipes to show either side of the current (highlighted) pipe or type a distance to show either side of the current pipe.  OK to apply and Cancel to exit:
    • use the arrows to select different pipes for editing.  This is used to reset the Zoom when the above Zoom to Pipe icon is selected
      Note: Using the left and right mouse buttons on the keyboard can also be used for highlighting next/previous pipes for editing.
    • Includes zoom and pan commands:
      • Zoom in
      • Zoom out
      • Zoom window
      • Zoom extents
        Note: double clicking the middle mouse will also zoom extents
      • Pan

About the Vertical Grading Editor

When this command is started, the user is prompted to select a structure graphically off screen or from a list.  The Vertical Grading Editor displays structures and pipes from the selected structure to the network outlet.

Pipes are shown from outlet (left) to the selected structure (right).  Users select a pipe to edit (highlighted) and then can make changes to the pipe:

Note:  The 'downstream' and 'upstream' structures are more accurately described as the ''structure at start of pipe" and "structure at end of pipe" - users are able to edit the pipe elevations for the pipe fall to change flow direction to be away from the appointed 'downstream structure'.

Select a pipe by:

 There are a number of benefits to using the Pipes Vertical Grading Editor.  They include:

The green 'tracker' symbol traces along the pipe to show the designer the current location in the model whilst vertically grading the pipe network branch.

Vertical Design - Automatic and Manual

When the pipe Vertical Grading is first displayed, elevations are assigned based on a number of rules:

The pipe size is also assigned to carry the design flows in each pipe.

The user is able to change the pipe type and size, the downstream elevation and upstream elevation of the pipe.  When a pipe edit is made, the user is alerted to the change with the addition of a 'user set' icon displaying next to the control that has been user edited (downstream elevation, upstream elevation or pipe type/size).

If the symbol is displayed, then that input has been set by the user.  Clicking on the icon will restore back to the 'automatic' user design.


Starting the Vertical Grading Editor

Upon selecting this command, at the Command prompt the user will be asked to "Select Structure on a Network or Press <Enter> to Select from a Network and then a Structure Number".

There are two methods for selecting a part of the network to edit in the Vertical Grading Editor.

Users can either:

Graphically Select a Structure on the Network Graphically select the upstream structure that represents the branch required to be edited using the left mouse button.  Upon selecting an upstream structure the software will highlight the pipes to the downstream structure and the following form is displayed:

Form details are as follows:
Zoom/Pan Facilitates zooming and panning in the drawing using the Mouse Wheel. Press Enter or Esc to return to this form.
Zoom to Pipe Will zoom to the selected pipe to fit the drawing window.
OK Select OK to view the pipes and structures for editing in the Pipes Vertical Grading Editor window.

If an error is made selecting a structure, users can close the form by clicking on the x at the top right of the form and selecting a different structure at the command prompt.

At the prompt to select a structure in the drawing, press Esc or Enter to stop the command and not open a Pipes Vertical Grading Editor window to edit pipes/structures.

Select a Structure from a List Press <Enter> at the command prompt to select a network via a form selection as follows:

Form details are as follows:
List View of Networks Lists networks to select and open for editing
Highlight Click to highlight the network in the drawing
Network Type Selection Tick on/off to display different types of networks in the list
   Drainage Controls display of drainage networks
    Sewer Controls display of sewer networks
    House Connection Controls display of house connections
    Utilities Controls display of utilities
Zoom network Click to zoom to the network in the drawing.
OK Select OK to view the pipes and structures for editing in the Pipes Vertical Grading Editor window.
Cancel Exit

Upon selecting a network the following form is displayed:

Form details are as follows:
Structure List Select the structure to highlight it.  The dashed lines represent the separation of structures into different network branches/lines
OK Select OK to view the pipes and structures for editing in the Pipes Vertical Grading Editor window.

Common Issues When Selecting a Structure

The following issues and prompts can result when selecting a structure for presentation of a pipe branch in the editor:

Error Message


The mouse selection point is too far from the location of a structure in the drawing - the software has not detected any structure within the required distance from the selected point.  Form details are as follows:
OK Accepts the error message and stops the command
Cancel Accepts the error message and stops the command
Note:  Designers are able to set the 'search distance' for locating structures within the vicinity of a selected point in the drawing.  This is controlled via the Active Network Settings form.
The designer has selected the most downstream structure in a network.  As the software is tracing structures working from the upstream structure to the downstream structure, it is unable to located pipes/structures to present in the Pipes Vertical Grading Editor window.  Form details are as follows:
OK Accepts the error message and stops the command


Upon opening the Vertical Grading Editor the following form is displayed:

Home Tab

Includes controls for editing of the selected pipe

  Downstream End (Name) - Ch: XXX.XXX

Displays details regarding the downstream pipe and downstream structure.  The name assigned to the structure is contained in the brackets.  Ch: XXX.XXX shows the distance of the pipe end, measured from the outlet

    Invert Displays the current pipe invert elevation.  Use the up/down arrow toggles to raise/lower the pipe by the specified Increment (input control on this display).
    Depth Non editable field.  Displays the depth to invert for the pipe, taken as the distance from the pipe invert to the nominated Design surface and measured at the structure centreline.

    Set Invert

Click to type in an invert elevation. 
New Invert Level Type in the pipe invert elevation.
OK Set the new pipe elevation at the structure centreline and return to the Vertical Grading Editor window.


Exit the form without editing the pipe elevations.

    User Edited This symbol displays whenever a user change is applied to the downstream elevation, to identify that the automatic design is no longer being applied.
Click on this icon to revert back to the software automated design.
    Min Drop This displays the minimum drop (mm) of all pipes connected to this structure.

    Max Drop 

This displays the maximum drop (mm) of all pipes connected to this structure.

     Edit Structure Properties Click to edit the structure properties including structure top level, structure bottom level and pipe level constraints.

A form will display to eidt the structure properties.  The form display and inputs are as as described in the Edit Structure Properties command EXCEPT that the structure plan location control is disabled.

Click OK or Cancel to return to the Vertical Grading Editor.

     Delete Structure Click on this icon to delete the downstream structure of the highlighted pipe.  A confirmation message will display - click OK to confirm deletion of the structure. 
users will not be permitted to delete a structure at a junction, the downstream structure or structure immediately preceding the downstream structure.  Error messages will display for these occurrences and the structure will not be deleted.  Click OK to exit the forms.
  Pipe (Name) Enables editing of the pipe.  The name assigned to the pipe is contained in the brackets.
    Slope (%) or Slope 1: This displays the pipe grade (%) or pipe slope (1:) and is a non-editable field. 
The method of slope input is controlled via the Active Network Settings form.  Users can select the slope input method pending the network type.
    Length This displays the pipe length and is a non-editable field.
      Raise Pipe by Increment Move the entire pipe up by the Increment value.   
: if the pipe elevation at either end has been set as a depth to the top of structure or a depth to surface the user will be prompted to override this control
    Lower Pipe by Increment Move the entire pipe down by the Increment value. . 
: if the pipe elevation at either end has been set as a depth to the top of structure or a depth to surface the user will be prompted to override this control
      Edit Pipe Elevations

Excepting extra controls in the Edit Pipe Properties command to edit the Pipe Class, Pipe Item and Number of Pipes, this form matches the functionality as described in the Edit Pipe Properties command.  Click on the image or click here to view the details of this command.

      Insert Structure on Current Pipe

Click on this icon to insert a new structure in line with the currently highlighted pipe.

Upon selecting this icon the command prompt in the Vertical Grading Editor Reporting Panel will prompt 'Select Structure Insert Position'.  Use the mouse to graphically position a location for the structure and click the left mouse button to make the selection.

Note:  Selecting a location in the Vertical Grading Editor window that is not within the chainage range of the currently highlighted pipe will result in an error message being displayed and the structure will not be inserted.  Click OK to exit the message and restart the command.

Upon selecting a valid location for the structure the following form will display.

Selected Chainage is

If required, over-type the chainage required for a new structure to be inserted.  The chainage in the field is reported from the location selected by the user.


Insert a new structure and return to the Vertical Grading Editor window.  Note:  If a chainage is typed in that is not within the chainage range of the current pipe an error message will be displayed and the structure will not be inserted.


Exit the form without editing the pipe levels.

Review the assigned structure family and structure type applied.  The assigned Structure Family and Structure Type is controlled from the Active Network Settings.

      Zoom in Drawing Click to zoom to the selected pipe in the drawing.
      Set Pipe Grade Click on this icon to open the following form:
Note:  The slope input (either % or 1:) is controlled via the  Active Networks Settings form.  Users can select the slope input method pending the network type.

Toggle to select the desired slope edit method.  Options include:

Set Slope from Downstream (% or 1:) Type in the required grade.  The downstream pipe elevation will be maintained and the upstream pipe elevation will be adjusted to achieve the set pipe grade.
Set Slope from Upstream (% or 1:) Type in the required grade.  The upstream pipe elevation will be maintained and the downstream pipe elevation will be adjusted to achieve the set pipe grade.
Set Levels from Ground (apply cover) Adjusts the pipe elevation at both start and end to achieve the minimum required cover (as set in the Active Network Settings form)
Use Ground Slope from Downstream Calculates the instantaneous slope measured at the centreline of the downstream structure and applies this slope to the pipe, maintaining the downstream pipe level and adjusting the upstream pipe level
Use Ground Slope from Upstream Calculates the instantaneous slope measured at the centreline of the upstream structure and applies this slope to the pipe, maintaining the upstream pipe level and adjusting the downstream pipe level
OK Apply the pipe grade change and return to the Vertical Grading Editor window.
Cancel Exit the form without editing the pipe levels.
      Set Multiple Pipe Grades Click on this icon to open the following form:

Set the desired slope edit methods and extents.  Options include:

Set Slope from Downstream (%)

Type in the required grade. 

Range Select the pipes to have their slopes adjusted
  On screen Adjust pipe slopes shown on VGE window
  Chainages Type in a chainage range for pipe selection
  Pick Range Pick range off the VGE window (on exit from the form)
Upstream Settings Allows designers to pick to apply pipe slope changes upstream from a start chainage, by setting an invert level for the pipe at the start chainage.
  Work Upstream If unticked, works from the upstream pipe end to apply slope controls.  This can be overwritten by cover controls

If ticked, works from the downstream pipe end (start chainage) to apply slope controls.  Following controls must then be set:

  Maintain Drops Maintain structure drops if ticked on. If ticked off, no structure drop is applied
New Starting Level Set a pipe invert level to apply at the selected start chainage


Apply the pipe grade changes and return to the Vertical Grading Editor window.


Exit the form without editing the pipe levels.

     Match Obverts at a Structure

Click on this icon to edit the upstream or downstream end of a pipe to match the obvert level of the next upstream or downstream pipe at the structure.  This command works on any pipe displayed in the Vertical Grading Editor window, except for the upstream end of the most upstream pipe or the downstream end of the most downstream pipe shown in the Vertical Grading Editor.

Upon selecting this command prompt in the Vertical Grading Editor Reporting Panel will prompt 'Select pipe obvert to change)'

Use the mouse to graphically and click the left mouse button to select one end of a pipe that is located close to a structure to change and set the obvert level of that end of the pipe.  The obvert level will be adjusted to match the obvert level of the next downstream (if the downstream end of the pipe was selected) or upstream (if the upstream end of the pipe was selected) pipe located at the structure.

Upon completion of the command the end of the pipe will have it's obvert elevation set to match. This will set the pipe elevation for the end of the pipe that is selected.

Note:  If the next upstream or downstream pipe does not have its elevation at the structure set then the upstream or downstream pipe may be further adjusted after the obverts are matched to maintain either the cover, structure drop, minimum grade, capacity or velocity controls.  If the next upstream or downstream pipe is adjusting so the obverts do not match you will need to set the elevations of this end of the pipe.

     Class This displays the Pipe Class.  Use the pick list to select the required Pipe Class.
    Diameter This displays the Pipe Identifier.  Use the pick list to select the required Pipe Identifier.
    # Pipes This displays the number of parallel pipes being applied.  This cell cannot be edited in the Vertical Grading Editor.  To increase the number of parallel pipes being applied, exit the Vertical Grading Editor and start the Edit Pipe Properties command.
    User Edited This symbol displays whenever a user change is applied to the pipe type, size or number of pipes, to identify that the automatic design is no longer being applied.
Click on this icon to revert back to the software automated design.
Note: If the downstream or upstream pipe elevations are user edited (not automatic) then the pipe class/size/number will not revert back to the 'automatic' values.

  Upstream End (Name) - Ch: XXX.XXX

Displays details regarding the downstream pipe and downstream structure.  The name assigned to the structure is contained in the brackets.  Ch: XXX.XXX shows the distance of the pipe end, measured from the outlet

    Invert Displays the current pipe invert elevation.  Use the up/down arrow toggles to raise/lower the pipe by the specified Increment (input control on this display).
    Depth Non editable field.  Displays the depth to invert for the pipe, taken as the distance from the pipe invert to the nominated Design surface and measured at the structure centreline.

    Set Invert

Click to type in an invert elevation. 
New Invert Level Type in the pipe invert elevation.
OK Set the new pipe elevation at the structure centreline and return to the Vertical Grading Editor window.


Exit the form without editing the pipe elevations.

    User Edited This symbol displays whenever a user change is applied to the downstream elevation, to identify that the automatic design is no longer being applied.
Click on this icon to revert back to the software automated design.
    Min Drop This displays the minimum drop (mm) of all pipes connected to this structure.

    Max Drop 

This displays the maximum drop (mm) of all pipes connected to this structure.

     Edit Structure Properties Click to edit the structure properties including structure top level, structure bottom level and pipe level constraints.

A form will display to eidt the structure properties.  The form display and inputs are as as described in the Edit Structure Properties command EXCEPT that the structure plan location control is disabled.

Click OK or Cancel to return to the Vertical Grading Editor.

     Delete Structure Click on this icon to delete the downstream structure of the highlighted pipe.  A confirmation message will display - click OK to confirm deletion of the structure. 
users will not be permitted to delete a structure at a junction, the downstream structure or structure immediately preceding the downstream structure.  Error messages will display for these occurrences and the structure will not be deleted.  Click OK to exit the forms.
Increment The amount that the pipe start will raise/lower upon selection of the raise/lower controls.  Type in the increment raise/lower value.  The following controls use this value:
  • Upstream and downstream Invert
  • Raise/Lower Pipe

Settings Tab

Includes controls for managing the display in the Vertical Grading Editor window.

  Display Panel

Manages the display of information

Picklist to select the desired maximum vertical exaggeration. 

    Current Exaggeration Displays the actual exaggeration applied.  The software sets this by reviewing the network extents and ascertaining what can be displayed.  If Zoom to Pipe is selected, then it changes to include the pipes set to display (when the next/previous pipe icons are selected to toggle the current pipe).
    Show Properties Window Turns on/off the display of the Properties Panel - this panel expands to the right of the windwo and contains the selected pipe properties.
    Show Pipe Cover Draws a line above each pipe to show the cover requirements above the pipe.
    Show HGL Warning For every storm likelihood selected, the software will do a Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) calculation.  If the HGL is above the Freeboard for a particular storm likelihood, it can be identified in the display with the warning message 'HGL Warning for: XX', where XX is the storm likelihood.
Toggle to turn this text display on/off.
    Show Depths below Design A copy of the design surface can be drawn a set distance below the current.  Type in the distance to display and use the tick box to show/hide
    Show Depths below existing A copy of the existing surface can be drawn a set distance below the current.  Type in the distance to display and use the tick box to show/hide
Display Settings The following form is displayed and inputs are as follows:
Show Pipe Cover Toggle this on to show a line above the pipe representing the pipe cover required
Show Additional HGL Period Use the pick box to select a sampled rainfall ARI to display this as an additional Hydraulic Grade Line in the Vertical Grading Editor window
Show Depths Below Design Surface Toggle this on to show up to three copies of the Design Surface at varying depths below the Design Surface
  Depths Three depths are able to be shown.  Type in non-zero positive values to show copies of the Design Surfaces at the set depths below the Design Surface.  Depth values are in metre units and positive values are taken below the surface.
Show Depths Below Existing Surface Toggle this on to show up to three copies of the Existing Surface at varying depths below the Design Surface
  Depths Three depths are able to be shown.  Type in non-zero positive values to show copies of the Design Surfaces at the set depths below the Design Surface.  Depth values are in metre units and positive values are taken below the surface.
Line 1 Users are able to control what textual information is displayed on the first line of text displayed at the top of the Vertical Grading Editor Window
  Pick Lists Up to four (4) text parameters can be labelled on the first line.  Parameters are displayed left-right, then top-bottom.  Use the pick list to select the parameter to display.  List of available parameters are:
  • Pipe Identifier: displays the pipe Identifier information as described in the Active Network Settings, General > Pipe Tables tab.
  • Pipe Class: displays the pipe Class information as described in the Active Network Settings, General > Pipe Tables tab
  • Slope %: displays the slope information for the current pipe represented as a percentage grade
  • Slope 1:: displays the slope information for the current pipe represented as a grade (rise:run)
  • Number of pipes: if more than one pipe is selected, a number will be displayed (eg: 2x representing two parallel pipes)

Note:  Leave the pick box blank if a parameter is not required.

Line 2 Users are able to control what textual information is displayed on the second line of text displayed at the top of the Vertical Grading Editor Window
  Pick Lists Up to four text parameters can be labelled on the second line.  Parameters are displayed left-right, then top-bottom.  Use the pick list to select the parameter to display.  List of available parameters are:
  • Pipe Identifier: displays the pipe Identifier information as described in the Active Network Settings, General > Pipe Tables tab.
  • Pipe Class: displays the pipe Class information as described in the Active Network Settings, General > Pipe Tables tab
  • Slope %: displays the slope information for the current pipe represented as a percentage grade
  • Slope 1:: displays the slope information for the current pipe represented as a grade (rise:run)
  • Number of pipes: if more than one pipe is selected, a number will be displayed (eg: 2x representing two parallel pipes)

Note:  Leave the pick box blank if a parameter is not required.

OK Exit and apply the settings changes.
Cancel Exit the form without applying changes made in the Settings window.
Theme The Theme form allows users to set the colours, scales, and display of information.  Inputs as follows:
File Menu Allows users to Load a Theme and Save a Theme.
Multiple Themes can be saved and then used for display
Tools Commands:
  • Set as Default Theme.  The 'Default' theme is applied whenever a new CSD design is started.  Use this to save all the Theme form controls as the default to start a new project.
  • Reset to system defaults.  Restores the system defaults (applying the Default theme)
Colours tab  

Click on the colour swatch to change the colour of that display element:

Pick a colour and click OK to apply to each display element.

Text height tab  
Text item Each text display item is listed
Height Type in the cell to change the text height (0 will hide display.  Positive value expected)
Default Values tab Default values apply to new CSD projects and new branches opened in a project
Exaggeration Set the default exaggeration to use when the pipes Vertical Grading Editor window is opened.
Note: Applies to new projects only.
Show properties Tick to show/hide the Properties Panel/Window
Increment Set the default increment to raise/lower elevations
Note: Applies to new projects only.
Depth below design Set a default depth to apply when using Depth below Design
Depth below Existing Set a default depth to apply when using Depth below Existing
Line 1 & Line 2 Control what is displayed as 'Line 1' text and 'Line 2' text at the top of the pipe display panel
  Pick Lists Up to four (4) text parameters can be labelled on the first and second line.  Parameters are displayed left-right, then top-bottom.  Use the pick list to select the parameter to display.  List of available parameters are:
  • Pipe Identifier: displays the pipe Identifier information as described in the Active Network Settings, General > Pipe Tables tab.
  • Pipe Class: displays the pipe Class information as described in the Active Network Settings, General > Pipe Tables tab
  • Slope %: displays the slope information for the current pipe represented as a percentage grade
  • Slope 1:: displays the slope information for the current pipe represented as a grade (rise:run)
  • Number of pipes: if more than one pipe is selected, a number will be displayed (eg: 2x representing two parallel pipes)

Note:  Leave the pick box blank if a parameter is not required.

OK Exit and apply the settings changes.
Cancel Exit the form without applying changes made in the Settings window.
Three depths are able to be shown.  Type in non-zero positive values to show copies of the Design Surfaces at the set depths below the Design Surface.  Depth values are in metre units and positive values are taken below the surface.
Reset Reapply the Default Them settings.
OK Exit and apply the changes.
Cancel Exit the form without applying changes.
Reset Verticals The following form is displayed and inputs are as follows:
Step 1: Action Enable/Disable automated design using rules.
  Remove all user pipe elevation overrides Any overrides applied to pipes in the Range to Apply will be reset to be designed based on the rules of cover, slope, flow.
  Set pipe elevaiton sot be controlled by the user Sets all pipe elevations to be user controlled (automated rules do not apply)
Step 2: Specify Range to Apply Set which pipes in the network are affected
 currently displayed pipes only Only the pipes currently displayed in the VGE window will have the override control set
 Current branch The entire branch of pipes will have the override control set
All pipes in the network Every pipe in the network will have the override control set
  Pipes within distance range  Toggle to specify a distance range within the branch to apply the override control.
OK Exit and apply.
Cancel Exit the form without applying changes.


Information Display Area (Bottom)
Save VGE

Save the current design status of pipes in the Vertical Grading Editor

Close without saving edits Exit the vertical grading editor and roll back edits made in that window
Refresh Display Redraws the pipes and dispaly

Minimise/Maximise ribbon

Click to maximis or minimise the ribbon tab at the top

Hide/Show Properties Panel

The properties panel, displaying pipe information, located on the right of the graphics area, can be turned on/off with this button
Undo/Redo edits Undo/Redo pipe elevation/size changes made in the Vertical Grading Editor window
Command prompt Displays the expected action when a command is started
Coordinate tracker Displays the distance and elevation of the mouse position
Zoom to Pipe. Click to automatically set zooming to focus on the highlighted pipe when using the Next and Previous buttons.  The folowing form displays.
Pipes Set a number of pipes to display, either side of the highlighted pipe
Distance Fixed distance to display either side of the highlighted pipe
OK Exit and apply.
Cancel Exit the form without applying changes.
Toggles to highlight the previous pipe for edit
Note: pressing the left arrow on the keyboard will apply this command
Pipe Slope Displays the % pipe slope
Toggles to highlight the next pipe for edit
Note: pressing the right arrow on the keyboard will apply this command
Zoom in Zooms in by 25%
Zoom out Zooms out by 25%
Zoom window Click twice to select a window to zoom to

Zoom extents

Zooms to the extents of the pipes selected for display
Note: double clicking the middle mouse will also zoom extents
Pan Click two spots to apply a pan action