Select Pipes To Plot

Menu:    Pipes > Select Pipes To Plot
Ribbon: Production Tab > CAD Pipe Production Panel > Select Pipes to Plot


Users assign pipes to display on the profile views created.

It is important to have first created Profile Views.

Users create a Pipe Plotting Group - the Group is then selected for display on a profile plot.


Upon selecting the command the user will be prompted to select a String.  After selecting a String following form is displayed:




Picklist of Groups to assign pipes to.


Create a new Group


Delete the selected Group


Copy the Group and edit the copy.  User will be prompted for a name.
List of Pipes List of pipes added, identified by the Network Name and Network ID


After clicking on this button, click in the drawing to assign pipes to the group. Press [esc] to return to this form and review the added pipes


Delete the highlighted pipe in the list.


Apply and exit.


Exit without applying changes