Profile Structure Styles

Menu:    Pipes > Settings > Profile Structure Styles
Ribbon: Production Tab > CAD Pipe Production Panel > Profile Views Dropdown > Profile Structure Styles
             Pipes tab > Settings Panel > Setting Dropdown > Profile Structures


Users can use this tool to specify how manholes and inlets should be presented on the profile view.

In the Active Network Settings (and Global Network Settings) form there is a picklist when creating structures to assign the profile view representation of the structure.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:



  Current Item

Pick the Profile View Structure Style to edit


Add a new style


Delete a selected style

  Wall thickness

Thickness of walls, between the 'top' and 'bottom' sections

  Top is Fixed/Bottom is Fixed

Users can have a fixed height section from the top down, or from the bottom up.  This is relevant for tapered structures

  Taper Angle

Leave at zero if the Top size and Bottom size are identical.  Otherwise specify an angle greater than 0 and less than or equal to 90 degrees.
   Top Define top section of structure.  Assumes vertical walls for the Height

    Top thickness

Thickness of the top (lid)

    Diameter/Width and Length

Pick diameter for cylindrical structures.  Specify a diameter
Pick Width and Length for rectangular structures.  Specify a width and length
    Height  Fixed height from the Top of structure down. 
   Bottom Define bottom section of structure.  Assumes vertical walls for the Height

    Bottom thickness

Thickness of the bottom of the structure (floor)

    Diameter/Width and Length

Pick diameter for cylindrical structures.  Specify a diameter
Pick Width and Length for rectangular structures.  Specify a width and length


Fixed height from the Bottom of the structure up


Apply and exit.


Exit the form without change

All structures are saved to the CSD Settings folder (they are globally edited and globally available on every project).