Create/Edit Drainage Structure Inflows

Menu: CSD Pipes > Create Drainage... > Create/Edit Drainage Structure Inflows
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Drainage Design Panel > Structure Inflows


This command allows for directly specifying flows into a structure/pipe.

The data is stored at the structure and this command can be used to edit the inflows.

A symbol may be assigned to structures receiving a Specified Structure Inflow - see the Active Network Settings for more information.


Upon selecting this command, at the Command prompt the user will be asked to "Locate Structure to Add Specified Flows".

Upon selecting a structure, a glyph may appear and a confirmation screen display to confirm the selection, pending the Active Network Settings controls applied.

After a structure is selected and confirmed, the following form is displayed:

Frequency From the drop down list select the required event frequency.  The same frequency can be used more than once.
Destination Select the method that the inflow enters the structure.  Options include:
Pipe Only To be used where flows are only added to pipe flows, typically where direct connections are made to a pipe a specified inflow would be added to the upstream structure.  This will affect the pipe loss of the next downstream pipe and all further structures and pipes downstream.
Structure and Pipe This will add flow to the structure and downstream pipe.  Typically from a pumped line or another source of fixed flow rate.  This will affect both structure and pipe losses down to the outlet.
Structure Only (NO Pipe Flow) This is used to adjust flows at a structure only.  The flow entered will only affect the structure loss at that structure only and will not enter the pipe or other part of the network. 
Flow (l/s) Enter the required flow amount in litres per second.
OK Apply and exit.
Cancel Exit the form without applying any changes.