Positioning Form



The Setup Position form (Positioning Form) provides a consistent method for defining vertical and horizontal positioning in Model Viewer.  It is used in multiple locations (wherever a position needs to be set by the user) such as Extrusions, Object Groups, Linemarking, Sight Distance, etc.

The details of the form as covered here to prevent duplication across multiple help topics.

The form enables full positioning of what is being added:

The horizontal position can be independently established compared with the vertical position.  This allows for elevations to be relative to, say, the centreline of a road and the horizontal position to be relative to, say, the left side back of kerb.


When Setup Position is selected the following form is displayed:



Set up the horizontal positioning of the object


Sets the method for setting up the horizontal position.  Options include:

     Specify Location

x,y position is set by the user.


Type in an x position or click on the button to select from the drawing
Y Type in a y position or click on the button to select from the drawing

Rotation (optional)

The rotation of the item can be set to an alignment in the drawing


Select alignment from the dropdown or use the pick button to enable selection from the drawing
  Added Angle 
Type an angle in degrees for additional rotation

     Reference Alignment

Position is set relative to an alignment


Select alignment from the dropdown or use the pick button to enable selection from the drawing


Distance along the alignment.  Use the pick butotn to select from teh drawing


Type in an offset from the alignment
Added Angle
Orientation will be taken from the alignment if 'Calculate Rotation' is ticked on.  This adds an angle, in degrees, to the item


Locates the item midway between two alignments in the drawing

Alignment 1

First alignment for calculating midway point.  Use pick button to select from the drawing.
Alignment 2 Second alignment for calculating midway point.  Use pick button to select from the drawing.
Chainage Distance along the first alignment.  Distance is measured perpendicular to the first alignment at this point, and the midway point calculated.  Use pick button to select from the drawing.
Added offset Type in a value to move along the perpendicular line, -ve left or and +ve right of the midway point
Added angle Orientation will be taken from the alignment if 'Calculate Rotation' is ticked on.  This adds an angle, in degrees, to the item

     Reference String (code)  

Uses a Code for the horizontal position


Select a designed string
Code Select a code along the String to use for the horizontal position


Distance along the first alignment.  Distance is measured perpendicular to the first alignment at this point, and the midway point calculated.  Use pick button to select from the drawing.
Added offset Type in a value to move along the perpendicular line, -ve left or and +ve right of the midway point
Added angle Orientation will be taken from the alignment if 'Calculate Rotation' is ticked on.  This adds an angle, in degrees, to the item

     Reference String (midway two codes)

Finds the midpoint between two codes on a String (such as the centreline and left edge of road) for the position



Select a designed string
Code 1 First code for calculating position
Code 2 Second code for calculating position.  Midpoint is found between the two codes at the selected chainage.


Distance along the first alignment.  Distance is measured perpendicular to the first alignment at this point, and the midway point calculated.  Use pick button to select from the drawing.
Added offset Type in a value to move along the perpendicular line, -ve left or and +ve right of the midway point
Added angle Orientation will be taken from the alignment if 'Calculate Rotation' is ticked on.  This adds an angle, in degrees, to the item

     Reference 2D Polyline

Finds the midpoint between two codes on a String (such as the centreline and left edge of road) for the position



Use the Pick icon to select a polyline from the drawing.  The polyline 'handle' will be displayed once selected.
Chainage (Station) Type in a value or use the Pick icon to select in the drawing.
Offset Type in a value or use the Pick icon to select in the drawing.
Added angle Orientation will be taken from the polyline if 'Calculate Rotation' is ticked on.  This adds an angle, in  degrees, to the item

     Reference 3D Polyline

Positions a point along a 3D polyline.



Use the Pick icon to select a polyline from the drawing.  The polyline 'handle' will be displayed once selected.
Chainage (Station) Type in a value or use the Pick icon to select in the drawing.
Added angle Orientation will be taken from the polyline if 'Calculate Rotation' is ticked on.  This adds an angle, in  degrees, to the item

     Reference COGO Point

Matches the insertion point of a COGO Point


Cogo Point

Use the pick button to select a COGO point from the drawing.  The unique ID and point number will be displayed
Added Angle Type in a rotation relative to the Block Rotation on the reference COGO Point

  Dynamic Reference

Tick on to update horizontal position when the source reference item changes

  Calculate Rotation

Tick on to apply rotation based on the selected reference item (alignment, string, code)


Set up the vertical positioning of the object


Sets the method for setting up the elevation of the object.  Options include:

     Specify Elevation

Type in an elevation



Type in an elevation for the item

     Reference Surface

Use a surface for elevations



Select a surface using the picklist
Added Level Type in a value above or below the selected surface

     Reference String (C.L.)

Uses the design elevations at the centreline of a selected string



Select the string or use the pick item to select from the drawing
Added Level Type in a value above or below the selected string
Grade (%) Type in a grade (%) to apply from the reference string, , measured perpendicular to the string direction

     Reference String (Code)

Select the Code of a String for the elevation.



Select the design string or use the pick button to select from the drawing.
Code Select the design code for the elevations
Added Level Type in a value above or below the selected string code
Grade (%) Type in a grade to apply, measured perpendicular to the string direction

     Reference String (interpolate)

This method uses the Horizontal Position and finds the nearest sampled design cross section of the selected String for elevations.  Elevations are calculated at the offset determined by the Horizontal Position.


String Select the design string or use the pick button to select from the drawing.
Added Level Type in a value above or below the selected string
Grade (%) Type in a grade to apply from the interpolated section location

     Reference 2D polyline

Select a 2D polyline in the drawing to reference for elevations.  The single elevation assigned to the polyline will be used for elevation referencing.


Polyline Use the Pick icon to select a polyline from the drawing.  The polyline 'handle' will be displayed once selected.
Added Level Type in a value above or below the selected polyline
Grade (%) Type in a grade to apply, measured perpendicular to the polyline

     Reference 3D Polyline

Select a 3D Polyline to reference for elevations


Polyline Use the Pick icon to select a 3D polyline from the drawing.  The polyline 'handle' will be displayed once selected.
Added Level Type in a value above or below the calculated elevation on the selected polyline (location measured perpendicular to the selected object)
Grade (%) Type in a grade to apply, measured perpendicular to the polyline

     Reference COGO Point

Use a COGO Point as a reference for elevations


Cogo Point Use the pick icon to select a COGO point from the drawing.  The unique ID and the Point number will be displayed.
Added Level Type in a value above or below the selected COGO Point
Grade (%) Type in a grade to apply from the COGO Point

  Dynamic Reference

Tick on to update vertical position when the source reference object changes


Apply and exit.


Exit the form without deleting any data.