Subgrade Editor

Ribbon:   Roads Tab > Select Panel > Subgrade Editor


This command provides the user with control over the depth, crossfall slope (%), width extensions and edge slopes for any subgrade layer over any distance range along the string.

The changes are applied over a distance range (start chainage to end chainage) for a section (defined by a Code Pair - Code 1 and Code 2).

Layers cannot be created using this form.  The layer must exist (with any depth, including zero) in the Template being applied to the String.

Note: To delete row/s, simply highlight the row/s and press Delete on the keyboard.

Setting a different Start Depth and End Depth will result in a linear change in depths between the Start Chainage and End Chainage.  This same behaviour applies to the Start/End Slope controls

Activating all Variation controls

These overrides can only be applied if the user has accessed the Template Editor and run the Assign Layer Controls command for the selected Code Pair:


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:


String Name

Select a String for editing

Subgrade Variation Table


  Start Chainage

Set the start position to define a range over which to run the Conditional Template check

  End Chainage

Set the end position to define a range over which to run the Conditional Template check

  Code 1

The section to edit is defined by two Codes in the cross section.  Code 1 is selected here.

  Code 2

The section to edit is defined by two Codes in the cross section.  Code 2 is selected here.

  Layer Index

Layer depth to apply the edits to

  Start Depth

Layer depth to apply at the inside Code at the Start Chainage

  End depth

Layer depth to apply at the inside Code at the End Chainage

  Start Slope

List each option indenting 2 spaces.

  End Slope

List each option indenting 2 spaces.

  Inside End Slope %

List each option indenting 2 spaces.

  Outside End Slope %

List each option indenting 2 spaces.

  Inside Top Extension

List each option indenting 2 spaces.

  Outside Top Extension

List each option indenting 2 spaces.

  Extend to Design

List each option indenting 2 spaces.


Click to add a new entry in the list

Add/Sync (Sections)

At the message box entitled 'Use Selected Row?' select Yes to proceed.  The following form will display:


Use current String sections

Use all the sampled sections of the current String to create new entries

Use Sections List

Pick a Named Section List for the sections for generating new entries


Sorts the entries by start chainage/station order


Applies the changes to the cross sections for the selected string

Open Section Window

Opens the cross section window to review design cross sections

Open Vertical Grading Editor

Opens the Vertical Grading Editor to review the vertical string design


Close the form