Create/Edit Intelligent Sections



This command provides the designer with the ability to create intelligent sections (currently applied as batter/daylight conditions), without need for any coding experience. 

Designers can easily create the following (and many other) types of intelligent (rules based) sections using this tool:

Multiple intelligent section templates can be created for each of the above, and other, scenarios.  Each Intelligent Section Template includes options to separately manage behaviour in cut and fill conditions at the position where the section template is applied.

How it Works

Intelligent Sections includes a series of logic actions and and section creation tools, which are able to be ordered and sequenced.  The software starts at the top of the list and works down through the entries.  Typically, users will create a series of logical checks (normally at the top of the list) and then direct actions based on the success or failure of the logic.

If a logic action fails, then the software goes to the next line in the list.  If a logic action is successful, it can be used to jump to a specific location in the list.  Action (Data) Items will draw sections.  Typically these are a draw-only action - the logic is used to skip entries that shouldn't be executed.

The most likely activities are to:

  1. Check depths or intercepts (Logic Actions), then
  2. Jump to a Label in the list based on the depth/intercept check (Logic Items), then
  3. Execute a series of Action/Data items to create a series of sections (Data Items)

It is expected that there will be multiple depth/intercept checks in the list, particularly at the start, and multiple labels to act as goto locations to execute required actions.

There are three main entry types:

Individual Intelligent Sections templates can be applied to any CSD String Object as a Batter 'Override' in the  Design Data Form.  When applied to an CSD String object, the batter/daylight sections are calculated at each cross section by applying the logic established in the template.

The current definition can exported, and exported items can be read in.

Test Depth, Test Intercept and Other Entries that include depth checks - Behaviour in Fill

Depth Range tests are SIGNED.  This means that:

Command Interface

The interface consists of three distinct sections:

If an Action item is selected in the list of entries, the drawn section/s will highlight with a Cyan colour (instead of yellow)

If a drawn Section is selected in the Preview Window, the relevant entry will be highlighted in the Entry list.

Basic Logic

With the exception of the Bench tool, logic items are specifically added to check for certain depth or intercept conditions being met - based on these conditions being met, the user can 'jump' in the list to a specific location (defined by a Label) to execute action/s that create section/s.  If the conditions are not correct, execution goes directly to the next line in the data listing.

What to Use, Where?

Creating sections (particularly for batters/daylights) come in all sorts of complexities. The software has been written to handle quite a range of situations, but it is quite possible that some logic is required that is not currently handled. Please contact us and lodge a technical support request for us to include additional logic controls.

The most common logic item to use will be the Test Depths entry, which includes a test for depth at the current position.  Test Intercept is useful to check that batter/daylight conditions are appropriate, before they are applied. 

Sometimes it is necessary to check the start and end of creating a section (or series of sections) - using a combination of Test Depths and then Undo to Marker is required in this case.  The sections are created, a Test Depth or Test Intercept, is applied (to check if the result is above/below the surface or within depth tolerances) and then Undo to Marker is applied to remove this/these section/s if the desired conditions are not achieved.  A Marker is recommended to act as a 'stop' point for deleting sections.

It is possible to use the logic to 'jump' to different places in the list, and to cycle within a process in the list.  Labels can be inserted in the sequence and various commands can 'jump' to the label location.

Saving Templates to the Global Settings

This command opens the Intelligent Sections templates for the current project only - what is created here is not saved to the CSD Settings folder to be used on future projects.  There is a dedicated command - Global Intelligent Sections - to edit, create and delete Intelligent Sections templates that will be included in new projects.

The Global Intelligent Sections templates get copied to the local project-based Intelligent Sections templates whenever a new project is created.

Both export and import buttons are included in both the global and project-based Intelligent Sections forms, to facilitate transfer of individual templates from the project based to global settings, and vice versa.



Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

  Template Create and Delete Tools
  Current Table Use the pick list to choose a template (table) to edit or apply..
  Create New Template Click to create a new template (table)

Enter New Name Give the new template (table) a name.
OK Click to create the template (table).
Cancel Click to exit the form without creation.
  Delete Current Template Click to delete the Current Table (template).
  Editing Tools
  Cut Situation

Click this tab to edit the template when in cut. Designers are able to add Data controls in the list.  The display window on the right will adjust to show a cut condition.

  Fill Situation

Click this tab to edit the template when in fill.  Designers are able to add Data controls in the list.  The display window on the right will adjust to show a fill condition.

Edit Data  Select a line to edit, then select the edit tool.
  Move Up Click to move the selected item up in the list to have it processed earlier.
  Move Down Click to move the selected item down in the list to have it processed later.
  Edit Selected Click to move a group of highlighted items in the list.  Use [Shift]+selection or [Ctrl]+selection to select multiple entries.  A form will display to edit the item.  The form that displays depends on the type of data entry highlighted for edit, and is as shown below.
  Edit Selected Click to edit the selected item.  A form will display to edit the item.  Users can also double click to edit on an item in the list to edit that item.
  Delete Selected Click to remove the selected item from the list.
  Save Template Click to save (export) the current template (table).  Navigate to a save location and name the template.
  Import Template Click to load a saved template into the template list.  Navigate to a location and import the saved template.
  Set Cut and Fill Conditions to Match Tick on to apply only the Cut condition results to both cut and fill conditions.
Logic Actions Logic checks that allow non-sequential movement in the list or execute deletions
  Test Depths

Tests for certain depth conditions being met

Inputs are as follows:

Depth Conditions  
  Depth Range

Set the depth range at the start of the section, from a minimum to a maximum depth.

Type in the depth range - if the start of the section (current depth at the entry) is within the depth range then the Go to conditions are applied - otherwise control passes to the next line.

Note: depths are signed.  Depths for cut are positive (+ve) and for fill are negative (-ve).

  Surface Surface to test against for depth condition.
If left blank or set to Default, then the Sampled Surface (for the string to which the template is applied) is used. Available selections are: Default, Surface 1 to Surface 5.  Actual surfaces are applied at the time of applying the template to a String
  at offset Offsets the surface horizontally (+ve right and -ve left) for checking depths
  Elevation adjustment Offsets the surface vertical (+ve raise up and -ve lower down) for checking depths
If Conditions are met Sets what to do if the depth conditions are satisfied.
  Go to

Sets where to go in the list if the conditions are met.  Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
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OK Add the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
  Test Intercept

Tests for intercept of a section.

Inputs are as follows:

Test Intercept Conditions  
   Width Width of section to test for intercept
  Slope (1:x) Slope of section
   Or height Optional height of section - use positive values in cut to move upwards, and in fill to move downwards.
  Surface Surface to test against for depth condition.
If left blank or set to Default, then the Sampled Surface (for the string to which the template is applied) is used. Available selections are: Default, Surface 1 to Surface 5.  Actual surfaces are applied at the time of applying the template to a String
  at offset Offsets the surface horizontally (+ve right and -ve left) for checking depths
  Elevation adjustment Offsets the surface vertical (+ve raise up and -ve lower down) for checking depths
If Conditions are met Sets what to do if the depth conditions are satisfied.
  Go to

Sets where to go in the list if the conditions are met.  Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
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OK Add the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
  Go To

At this entry, the Go To label jumps to a different location in the list

Inputs are as follows:

Go to

Sets where to go in the list if the conditions are met.  Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
Comment Add a comment.
OK Create the entry 
Cancel Exit without adding/updating the entry.
 Undo to Marker

At this entry, sections are deleted, from the current position to a set position (normally to a named Marker, or a number of list entries).  Control then passes to the next entry.


  List of options for where to stop the undo (deletion of sections)
  Delete to Last Marker Delete (undo) all created sections (entries) from the current location up to the last Marker added
  Delete to Named Marker

Delete (undo) all created sections (entries) from the current location up to a specific Marker in the list.  Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Marker - this allows for the Marker name to be set before a Marker is created and placed in the list.  The name set here must match a Marker name for the undo to be applied
  • Select from list of Markers created
  Delete Number of Points Delete a specific number of listed entries (points) from the current location up.  Logic entries are not counted in the points (entries) deleted
  Comment  Add a comment.
OK  Apply and exit
Cancel  Cancel

Logic Items Logic items provide a place in the list to go to, a place in the list to delete (undo) to, force a finish to the calculation of sections and more
  Add Comment

Adds a comment in the list only.  Has no impact on calculations.

Inputs are as follows:

Comment Type in a comment
OK Add/Update the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
  Force Finish

If this entry is reached, no further section calculations are undertaken.

Inputs are as follows:

Comment Type in a comment
OK Add/Update the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
  Add Label

Adds a Label entry - typically used with the Go To Logic Action to allow for jumping through the list of entries.

Inputs are as follows:

Label Name Type in a name for the label
Comment Add a comment.
OK Create/Update the entry 
Cancel Exit without adding/updating the entry.

At this entry, any Undo (delete sections) can be set to stop here.  This marker sets up an 'Undo to' point for removing sections.


Marker Name Type in a name (identifier) for the Marker
  Comment  Add a comment.
OK  Add/Update the entry
Cancel Exit without adding/updating the entry.

Logic Items Logic items provide a place in the list to go to, a place in the list to delete (undo) to, force a finish to the calculation of sections and more
  Width by Slope

Adds a section with a specified with and slope (or height)

Inputs are as follows:

Width Width of section
Height Optional height of section - use positive values in cut to move upwards, and in fill to move downwards.
Slope (1:x) Slope of section (1: prefix is NOT required)
Code Type in a Code name for the end of the section.  Used in plotting and display
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Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
  Width by XFall

Adds a section with a specified with and crossfall grade (or height)

Inputs are as follows:

Width Width of section
Height Optional height of section - use positive values in cut to move upwards, and in fill to move downwards.
Crossfall (%) Type in a crossfall in percent (% symbol is NOT required)
Code Type in a Code name for the end of the section.  Used in plotting and display
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OK Add/Update the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
  Width to Surface

Adds a section with a specified with and projecting to a specified surface

Inputs are as follows:

Width Width of section
Match to Surface Surface elevation to apply at the specified Width.
If left blank or set to Default, then the Sampled Surface (for the string to which the template is applied) is used. Available selections are: Default, Surface 1 to Surface 5.  Actual surfaces are applied at the time of applying the template to a String
Elevation Adjustment Set an elevation above (+ve) or below (-ve) the surface for intercept
Code Type in a Code name for the end of the section.  Used in plotting and display
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OK Add/Update the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
  Width to String

Adds a section with a specified with and matching vertically to a String (Profile)

Inputs are as follows:

Width Width of section
Match to String String elevation to apply at the specified Width.
If left blank, then no String can be assigned for elevations.
Available selections are: Profile 1 to Profile 5.  Actual Strings are assigned at the time of applying the template to a String
Code Type in a Code name for the end of the section.  Used in plotting and display
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OK Add/Update the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.

Adds a section that intercepts with a surface.  The section truncates at the intercept with the surface.

If the section does not intercept the surface within the width specified, the section is not created and control passes to the next line.

Inputs are as follows:

Intercept Parameters  
  Width Specify a width within which to intercept the surface
  Slope (1:) Set a slope for the section to create
  or Height Optional height to use with the width, instead of using the Slope (1:) value
  Surface Surface to intercept.  The section truncates at the surface.
If left blank or set to Default, then the Sampled Surface (for the string to which the template is applied) is used. Available selections are: Default, Surface 1 to Surface 5.  Actual surfaces are applied at the time of applying the template to a String
  at offset Offsets the surface horizontally (+ve right and -ve left) for intercept
  Elevation adjustment Offsets the surface vertically (+ve raise up and -ve lower down) for intercept
If Intercept Sets what to do if the section is created.
  Go to

Sets where to go in the list if an intercept is found within the width specified.  Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
  Code Type in a Code name for the end of the section.  Used in plotting and display
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OK Add the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.

Adds multiple sections representing (typically) a benched batter/daylight arrangement. 

Inputs are as follows:

Surface Details Sets the surface to intercept
   Surface Surface to intercept.  The section truncates at the surface.
If left blank or set to Default, then the Sampled Surface (for the string to which the template is applied) is used. Available selections are: Default, Surface 1 to Surface 5.  Actual surfaces are applied at the time of applying the template to a String
  at offset Offsets the surface horizontally (+ve right and -ve left) for intercept
Start Conditions Sets a depth range for which to apply the benching
  Depth Range

Set the depth range at the start of the section, from a minimum to a maximum depth.

Type in the depth range - if the start of the section (current depth at the entry) is within the depth range then the Go to conditions are applied - otherwise control passes to the next line.

Note: depths are signed.  Depths for cut are positive (+ve) and for fill are negative (-ve).

Leg Information Table to specify the width/height of the Face of the wall and the widths/heights of Bench sections.  Inputs are:
   Leg ID The first entry is for the Face.  All other lines enable multiple sections for the Bench
  Width Specify a width for the section
  Height Specify a height for the section.  Leave blank to specify by slope.
Positive values for the FACE move upwards in cut, and downwards in fill
For the Bench sections, positive values are always a move upwards, and negative values always a move downwards
   Slope Option to specify a slope, on the basis of rise:run (1:)
Positive values for the FACE move upwards in cut, and downwards in fill
For the Bench sections, positive values are always a move upwards, and negative values always a move downwards
  End Code Type in a Code for the section
Checking Enables trimming of the bench at surface intercept, and extending of the bench or face to force surface intercept.  Also enables surface intercept to be adjust up/down.
   If Face Intercepts Surface
  at offset Offsets the surface horizontally (+ve right and -ve left) for intercept
   with elevation adjustment Offsets the surface vertically (+ve raise up and -ve lower down) for intercept
  Then If intercept is found, pick what do do.  Options:
  • Accept Face: Insert the Face section without trimming at the surface intercept
  • Accept Intersect: Insert the Face section and trim to the surface intercept
  • Abandon Face: Do not create the face section and apply GoTo settings
  • Abandon All: remove all benching sections and apply GoTo settings
  Go To If the Face Intercept conditions are met, then this GoTo condition will be applied. 

Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
  Face Intercept Options
  If End Depth < Check depth if face intercepts
   At Offset Checks intercept at a horizontal offset on the surface
  Then If intercept is found within the End Depth, pick what do do.  Options:
  • Accept Face: Insert the Face section without trimming at the surface intercept
  • Accept Intersect: Insert the Face section and trim to the surface intercept
  • Abandon Face: Do not create the face section and apply GoTo settings
  • Abandon All: remove all sections and apply GoTo settings
  Intercept Offset Intercept the surface (+ve right and -ve left) at an optional offset from the surface
  and Depth Below Intercept the surface  (+ve raise up and -ve lower down) at an optional depth from the surface
  Go To If these Face Intercept conditions are met, then this Go To condition will be applied. 

Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
   If Bench Intercepts Surface
  at offset Offsets the surface horizontally (+ve right and -ve left) for intercept
   with elevation adjustment Offsets the surface vertically (+ve raise up and -ve lower down) for intercept
  Then If intercept is found, pick what do do.  Options:
  • Accept Bench: Insert the Bench section without trimming at the surface intercept
  • Stop at Bench Intercept: Insert the bench section and trim to the surface intercept
  • Intercept using Face: Extend the Face section until it intercepts
  • Abandon: Do not create the bench section and apply GoTo settings
  • Abandon All: remove all sections and apply GoTo settings
  • Ignore Intercept: Ignore the intercept with the surface
  Go To If the Bench Intercept conditions are met, then this GoTo condition will be applied. 

Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
  Bench Intercept Options
  If End Depth < Check depth if bench intercepts
   At Offset Checks intercept at a horizontal offset on the surface
  Then If intercept is found within the End Depth, pick what do do.  After applying the below, the Go To setting is applied. Options:
  • Accept : Insert the Bench section/s.
  • Delete Bench and Keep Face: Remove the Bench sections and keep the Face section. 
  • Delete Bench and Intercept Face: remove the bench sections and extend the Face until intercept. 
  • Intercept Bench using Last Slope:  Uses the slope of the last section of the bench parameter to find intercept
  • Abandon: Remove Bench sections
  • Abandon All: remove all sections
  Intercept Offset Intercept the surface (+ve right and -ve left) at an optional offset from the surface
  and Depth Below Intercept the surface  (+ve raise up and -ve lower down) at an optional depth from the surface
  Go To If these Bench Intercept conditions are met, then this Go To condition will be applied. 

Options are:

  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
Application Establishes overarching controls for the bench with respect to intercept and repeating the bench.
  Number of Times to Repeat Stop repeating bench after this number of repeats.  Zero to continue until intercept.
  Go To If no intercept is found within the specified number of repeats, this Go To is applied. Options are:
  • Type in the name of a Label - this allows for the Go to Label to be set before a Label is created.  Go to names and Label names must match or control will pass to the next line
  • Select from list:
    • Next line: goes to the next line in the list
    • End Batter: stops the section creation completely (no more sections created and no further checking in the list)
    • [Any created Label]: All existing Labels are listed here for direct selection.
  Comment Add a comment
OK Add the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
Insert Controls insertion defaults
  At End New entries are added at the end of the list of entries
  after Current New entries are added below the highlighted entry in the list of entries
Zero Depth Is Sets up how the section template should behave when the start point for the template has zero depth (no cut or fill)
  Pick List Options are:
  • Exit: do not apply any sections for either the cut or fill condition
  • Cut: apply the cut conditions
  • Fill: apply the fill conditions
 Display Defaults

Establishes defaults for the display of referenced surfaces and strings (profile) to indicate behaviour when a reference surface or string action is applied.  

Inputs are as follows:

Table Lists the surfaces and profiles that can be referenced by certain Data Items.  Users set the values to apply
  Item Lists all referenced objects (Surface 1-5 and Profile 1-5)
  Offset Type in an offset from the insertion point of x=0.  Positive moves right and Negative moves left
  Level Type in an assumed elevation for the referenced object.  Note that the default 'start' elevation for the section template is 100
OK Add the entry
Cancel  Exit without adding/updating the entry.
Display Controls Establishes surface and grid display controls for the graphical viewer (Preview Window).
  Vertical Exaggeration  Set the vertical exaggeration to display in the preview window
  Grid Spacing  Set the grid spacing vertical and horizontal in the preview window
  Surface Display  
  Depth Increment Up/down toggle on the Cut Depth and Fill Depth raise/lower by this increment.  Default is 0.1 units.
  Cut Depth  If applying batter controls in the cut condition, users can use the toggle or type in a cut depth to display how the sections would behave
Note: if a number has been typed instead of using the up/down toggle, press [Enter] to update the view
  Fill Depth If applying batter controls in the cut condition, users can use the toggle or type in a cut depth to display how the sections would behave
Note: if a number has been typed instead of using the up/down toggle, press [Enter] to update the view
  Slope 1: Show a slope on the trial matching surface
  Show Leg Slopes Tick to show slope values on each drawn section
  Show Codes Show codes on each section
  Left Hand Side Tick to show a left hand side preview
  Indent by Pick list to apply an indent of (5,10,15,20,...,60) characters to distinguish Logic Items (Labels/Markers), Logic Actions (Test Depths, Test Intercept, etc) and Data Items (Width by Slope, batter, etc).  Indent hierarchy:
- Logic Items: not indented
- Logic Actions: indented one level
- Data Items: indented two levels
  Show Surfaces Tick box to display alternate surfaces (Surface1 to Surface5) as described in Display Defaults
  Show Profile Tick box to display potential profiles to use (Profile1 to Profile5) as described in Display Defaults.
 Refresh Display Click to update the graphic display
Close Close the window