Set Pipe Radius

Menu: Pipes > Edit > Set Pipe Radius
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Edit Panel > Edit Pipe Dropdown > Set Radius


This command will change a straight pipe line into a curved pipe from the upstream to downstream structure.


Upon selecting this command, at the Command prompt the user will be asked to "Locate Pipe to Set Radius".

When a pipe is selected, the following form is displayed:

Set Radius for Pipe: Displays the number of the selected pipe.
Radius (m) Enter the radius in metres of the curved pipe.  Note:  If zero is entered, the pipe remains (or is recreated) as a straight line.
Side (Looking Downstream) Specify which side (Left or Right) the curve is to drawn when looking downstream.
OK Select OK to apply the radius.
Cancel Exit the form without applying any changes.

After OK has been clicked, the selected straight pipe will be changed to a curved pipe.  The straight portion (now the chord) will still be displayed.

Should the Radius entered be too small, the following form is displayed:

  The form indicates what the minimum radius (in metres) required is for a curved pipe to exist between the two structures.
OK Press OK to continue and the user is return to the initial command prompt.