Export to PC Drains

Menu: Pipes > Data Exchange > Export to PC Drains
Ribbon: Pipes Tab > Data Exchange Panel > Export to PC Drains


This command is used to Export drainage data from CSD Pipes to carry out calculations in PC Drains©.

Only Drainage Pipe Networks can be exported for design and analysis.

Pre-Requisites - Data

It is assumed that the user has already created in CSD Pipes:


Upon selecting this command, the designer must select a network for a volume report.  This can be achieved by either selecting the network in the drawing or from a list.  Click here for more details on selecting a network. 

Upon selecting a network a file is created for import into PC Drains.  An example of the file is shown, below:

Save the file as required and import into PC Drains©.  Users should check the output file for compatibility with the pipes and structures inside PC Drains© before importing into PC Drains©.

File Outputs - Multiple Catchments

The export to PC Drains© only allows for one catchment to be assigned per structure.  If multiple catchments are assigned to a structure the export will be unsuccessful and the following error message will display:

Each structure containing multiple catchments will be identified.

If this error message is displayed, consolidate the catchments to one per structure and restart the command.