Copy Label Styles

Menu:    Alignments > Labels > Copy Label Styles
Surfaces > Labels > Copy Label Styles
Roads > Labels > Copy Label Styles
Pipes > Labels > Copy Label Styles
General > Labels > Copy Label Styles
Ribbon:   Alignments Tab > Utilities Panel > Labels Dropdown > Copy Label Styles
Surfaces Tab > Utilities Panel > Labels Dropdown > Copy Label Styles
Roads Tab > Plan Production Panel > Labels Dropdown > Copy Label Styles
Pipes Tab > Plan Production Panel > Labels Dropdown > Copy Label Styles
General Tab > Labels Panel > Settings Dropdown > Copy Label Styles



This command provides users with the ability to copy label styles from the current project to the Settings folder (for inclusion in new projects), and vice versa


On running the command a form is displayed as follows:

Multiple Copy

Quick Transfer

  Copy New Local to Global

Copies any local label styles to the Settings that do not already existing in the settings folder.

Copy New Global to Local

Copies styles from the Settings folder to the current project - current styles are not overwritten

Copy and Rename

Local and Global styles can be transferred and renamed

Copy Local to Global

Pick a local style, type in a name for the Settings style and click Copy

Copy Global to Local

Pick a Settings style type in a name for the local style and click Copy