Convert Code Settings

Ribbon:   Surfaces Tab > Points Panel > Convert Code Settings
Site Tab > Points Panel > Convert Code Settings


The Point Group commands include a Convert Codes command, to swap multiple codes from one to another.  Most commonly, this would be used to swap a numeric Code pickup to alpha Codes.

This command underpin the Convert Codes command found in Point Groups, allowing users to create mapping files to swap point Codes.


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:


Conversion Table

Picklist of Conversion Tables for editing


Create a new Conversion Table


Delete the currently selected Conversion Table

Conversion Table

Displays the options for swapping one Code for another.

  Code 1

First Code

  Code 2

Second Code
Add Add a new Code pair to enable swapping.
Clear Table Delete all items in the table
Add Code Set Table Import Codes from a Point Code Set.
Import CSV Import a comma separated text file of codes.  Format of the file is as follows:
Each line describes a Code pair to swap.

Save Code Conversion Table

Saves the Code Conversion Table edits