Auto Kerb Returns



This command undertakes the following tasks automatically:

The designer can control the default radius assigned to the kerbs at the time of running the command and also from the Active Drawing Settings.  Radius can be set at each interesection and return by using the Intersection Manager.

This command assumes that the Roads have been created (not necessarily the final designed profile).

After the kerb returns have been created users can:


Upon selecting the command the following form is displayed:

Default Radius Type in the required default radius to be applied to all kerb returns that have not already been created.
[List] Lists the total intersections detected as well as the total kerb return count.
Intersection Manager Opens the Intersection Manager to review all intersections before creation.
Create Returns Creates all kerb returns at all Road intersections

The command is fully automated - the software includes it's own algorithm for locating the connection points on the main and side road corridors at the edge of each road, using the road centerline for directions start and end. 

Note: Given the iterative nature of the command, designers must provide Road lengths in everydirection from the intersection point to be AT LEAST two sampled sections beyond the extents of the kerb return start/end, to provide the software with a reasonable starting point to iterate from.

After Running the Command:

Alignments are created to connect the edge of the Main and Side Roads at every quadrant.

The radius of each return, and whether to include kerb returns at intersections, can be set in the Intersection Manager prior to creation.

In the example shown the thick red lines represent the kerb return alignments created by the software.

Use the Create/Edit Kerb Return command to change the radius or kerb alignment design if required. The software will not accept manual edits to the kerb return alignment, except where the kerb return is defined by an alignment.